Foreign Economic Assistance Issues

Gao ID: OCG-93-25TR December 1, 1992

This report is part of the transition series, a set of 28 reports summarizing GAO's findings on major problems confronting federal agencies, as well as economic and management issues facing Congress and the incoming Administration. One cluster of transition reports, including those on the budget deficit and investment, addresses broad policy issues affecting government as a whole and its relationship to the economy. Another group of reports addresses issues affecting specific federal agencies, such as the Defense Department and the Internal Revenue Service. A third group of reports looks at cross-cutting management issues--everything from financial management to information management. GAO highlighted many of these problems in a similar set of reports issued in 1988. In some instances, progress has been made; all too often, however, the problems have continued to fester and grow worse. In general, the state of management in the federal government is poor. Too many management ideas--and resulting agency structures and processes--that worked well in the past now hinder the government from responding quickly and effectively to a world in tremendous flux. Most agencies have no strategic vision of the future, lack sound systems to collect and apply financial and program information to gauge operational success and accountability, and too often do without people with the skills necessary to accomplish their missions. The Comptroller General summarized the series in testimony before Congress; see: Major Issues Facing a New Congress and a New Administration, by Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States, before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. GAO/T-OCG-93-1, Jan. 8, 1993 (30 pages).

GAO noted that: (1) the federal government needs to comprehensively reexamine foreign assistance goals and objectives, and AID needs to clearly articulate its strategic mission; (2) AID lacks a strong centralized policy and priority-setting mechanisms and systems to ensure the accountability of its decentralized units; (3) AID has not systematically planned for its work-force needs, and many AID employees lack the skills they need to perform their responsibilities; (4) AID information resource management include undefined information needs, duplicate data, redundant, outdated, and unintegrated information systems, and nonexistent or inadequate support, standards, and procedures; and (5) serious problems in AID accounting and financial reporting systems hinder its appropriations tracking, property control and inventory, and resource tracking.

The Justia Government Accountability Office site republishes public reports retrieved from the U.S. GAO These reports should not be considered official, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Justia.