Department of Agriculture Reports for October 1973
- B-178879 - Requesting for Increase in Contract Price (1973-10-02)
- B-125053 - More Usable Dead or Damaged Trees Should Be Salvaged To Help Meet Timber Demand (1973-10-05)
- B-178603 - Use of an Allegedly Restrictive Specification (1973-10-11)
- B-179272 - Protest Against Award to Low Bidder (1973-10-12)
- B-179276 - Protest Against Decision To Rent Additional Helicopter (1973-10-19)
- 093589 - Need for Improvements in the Commodity Credit Corporation's Loan Program for Farm-Stored Grain (1973-10-29)
- B-179447 - Protest Against Construction Contract Award (1973-10-29)
- B-125053 - Actions Taken To Implement Recommendation From 1966 Report (1973-10-30)
- B-179620 - Diversion of Department of Agriculture Cargo From Great Lakes Ports to the Port of New Orleans (1973-10-30)
- B-125053 - Need To Resolve Differences in Procedures Used by Federal Timber Management Agencies in Appraising Timber Offered for Sale (1973-10-30)
- B-179725 - Request for Relief Alleging Error in Bid (1973-10-30)
- B-178356 - Payment of Bills for Electric Service (1973-10-31)