Department of Agriculture Reports for July 1975
- RED-75-389 - Environmental Protection Agency Transfer of Pesticide Laboratories From Beltsville, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., to Cincinnati, Ohio, Should Be Reconsidered (1975-07-01)
- RED-75-388 - Environmental Protection Agency Transfer of Pesticide Laboratories From Beltsville, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., to Cincinnati, Ohio, Should Be Reconsidered (1975-07-01)
- RED-75-392 - Relocation of the St. Helens Ranger District Headquarters (1975-07-08)
- ACG-76-1 - Proposed Deferrals for FY 1976 Under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1975-07-09)
- ID-75-80 - Review of U.S. Import Restrictions--Need To Define National Sugar Goals (1975-07-10)
- RED-75-396 - Forest Service Efforts To Change Timber Sale Payment Method (1975-07-16)
- ACG-76-2 - Deferrals and Proposed Rescissions Submitted to the Congress on July 1 in the President's First Special Message for Fiscal Year 1976 Pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1975-07-17)
- RED-75-397 - Need To Direct the Department of Agriculture's Cooperative Forestry Programs Toward Increasing Softwood Sawtimber Supplies (1975-07-25)