Agricultural Research--Its Organization and Management
Gao ID: RED-76-92 April 9, 1976The intent of this staff study is to provide a general overview of the organization, scope, and management of publically supported agricultural research. It describes: (1) the Acts which provide for Federal support of agricultural research and the organizations involved; (2) the diversity of research presently being carried out; and (3) the source of funds supporting the various projects. The projects mentioned deal with future research of agricultural resource management, the supply and demand for agricultural products, and the marketing system for those products. Using 1973 as a base year, projections are provided through 1978 for crop production and forest and natural resources. Tables are provided showing Federal program appropriations for fiscal years 1973 - 1976 for agricultural research. Amoung them are the Rural Development Act, the McIntyre - Stennis Act, and CRIS. The Current Research Information System (CRIS), is operated by the Department of Agriculture and is intended to improve communication amoung agricultural research scientists concerning their present studies and to provide project managers with up-to-date coordinated information on the research programs of all participating organizations. A similar system, the Economic Research Service, provides information to public and private decisionmakers concerned with the allocation and use of agricultural resources in rural America. No attempt has been made by GAO to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, or economy of the programs mentioned in this study.