Student Participation in the Food Stamp Program at Six Selected Universities
Gao ID: RED-76-105 April 29, 1976A review was conducted on the number of full-time graduate and undergraduate students receiving food stamps as heads of households at six schools: University of Tampa, University of Wisconsin, North Texas State University, University of Pennsylvania, San Francisco State University, and the University of Portland. Information was collected on location of school, enrollment, student housing, education-related financial aid, and the cost of attendance for each of the six schools during the 1975-1976 academic year.
From a total of 6,181 students, a sample selection was made of 224 food stamp recipients. It was ascertained that about two-thirds, or 147, of these 224 student food-stamp recipients were single-member households. The percent of full-time students receiving food stamps as heads of households in the project areas reviewed ranged from less than one-half of 1 percent for North Texas State to over 13 percent for San Francisco State.