Department of Agriculture Reports for May 1976
- ACG-76-25 - Status of Impounded Budget Authority for Proposed Rescissions Included in the President's 10th Special Message of January 23, 1976 (1976-05-03)
- RED-76-91 - Alleviating Agricultural Producers' Crop Losses (1976-05-04)
What Should the Federal Role Be? - OPA-76-42 - President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1977 and Its Implications for Rural Development (1976-05-05)
- RED-76-109 - Farmers Home Administration's Sale of Certificates of Beneficial Ownership to a Security Brokerage Firm (1976-05-21)
- PSAD-76-142 - Procurement of Beef by the Department of Defense (1976-05-25)
- 094657 - Auditing in Government--How It Serves Management Today and What the Future Holds (1976-05-27)
- ID-76-61 - Grain Marketing Systems in Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the European Community; Soybean Marketing System in Brazil (1976-05-28)