Investigation of a Loan by the Farmers Home Administration to Collier County Sewer District A
Gao ID: CED-77-36 February 23, 1977The investigation was undertaken to determine: (1) if the Office of Investigation final report differed materially from the special agent's draft report; (2) whether certain allegations were investigated by the special agent; and (3) whether a court judgment declaring the sewer district a legal entity could be challenged.
The purpose of the statement in the final report regarding possible conflicts of interest was not designed to cover up any material findings. The special agent concluded in the draft report that no information was developed to indicate that any conflicts existed on the part of agency personnel. The special agent also discussed certain conflicts of interest by Collier elected officials; this information was referred to the Florida State Attorney's Office. Neither the matter of questionable ownership of the land nor the allegation that political pressures were involved in agency approval of the sewer loan was pursued after the special agent's investigation. A bond validation judgment was issued in the Collier County Circuit Court declaring the district a legally organized and existing corporation in the State of Florida. A recent discovery of inadequate public notice may require revalidation proceedings.