The National School Lunch Program
Gao ID: 103965 September 30, 1977One purpose of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is to safeguard schoolchild health by improving or maintaining levels of nutrition. A specified food pattern is required for the Type A Lunch which is expected to provide one-third of a child's daily nutritional needs. The program can help to reduce problems arising from malnutrition, but research is needed to extend knowledge of effects of nutrition on health. The Department of Agriculture has not completed a satisfactory evaluation of the NSLP impact on schoolchild health. NSLP is an important part of nourishment for many children but, because of the diversity of nutritional problems, the standard lunch may not be the best approach. The present Type A pattern for lunches cannot be relied upon to provide one-third of a child's recommended dietary allowance. Less than 60 percent of children enrolled in NSLP schools participate in the program, and about 15 percent of lunches bought are thrown away. The Secretary of Agriculture should: conduct a study to determine nutritional standards to safeguard health, prescribe meal requirements in terms of nutritional standards, and promote nutrition education.