Department of Agriculture Reports for January 1979
- B-189084 - Request for Relief for the Loss of $650 in Government Funds (1979-01-03)
- CED-79-31 - Compliance With Limitations on Payments to Farmers (1979-01-04)
- OGC-79-5 - Proposed Deferrals Pursuant to Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1979-01-11)
- PAD-79-43 - Early Sales of Section 8 Housing (1979-01-16)
- B-188304 - Relief Denied Timber Purchaser Performing Additional Work Without Advance Written Agreement] (1979-01-18)
- OIM-79-02 - Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on the Operations of Civil Departments and Agencies (1979-01-22)
- 108817 - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service's Procurement of Calculators (1979-01-24)
- CED-79-36 - Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition Issues for Planning (1979-01-29)
- 108538 - Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC) Commodity Loan and Grain Reserve Programs (1979-01-29)
- CED-79-26 - Federal Response to the 1976-77 Drought (1979-01-31)
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