Department of Agriculture Reports for March 1980
- CED-80-64 - Farmers Home Administration (1980-03-03)
Emergency Loan Processing Procedures in Stanislaus County, California - ID-80-20 - Problems With New Responsibilities of Self-Government in the Northern Mariana Islands (1980-03-07)
- GGD-80-14 - Department of Agriculture (1980-03-10)
Actions Needed To Enhance Paperwork Management and Reduce Burden - B-95136 - Interpretation of Executive Order 12072] (1980-03-10)
- B-194852(HID) - Employees' Agreements With the Forest Service] (1980-03-12)
- OGC-80-8 - President's Fifth Special Message (1980-03-20)
- 111912 - The Child Care Food Program (1980-03-26)
- 111913 - Paperwork Imposed on the Meat Industry by USDA (1980-03-26)
- CED-80-84 - The Farmers Home Administration's Economic Emergency Loan Program Could Be More Effective (1980-03-28)
- CED-80-1 - Ways of Providing a Fairer Share of Federal Housing Support to Rural Areas (1980-03-28)
- HRD-80-70 - Alternatives to Use of Animals in Research (1980-03-28)
- HRD-80-69 - Proposed Legislation for Federal Funding To Develop Nonanimal Alternatives for Research (1980-03-28)
- PAD-80-15 - A Framework and Checklist for Evaluating Soil and Water Conservation Programs (1980-03-31)