Department of Agriculture Reports for June 1980
- EMD-80-73 - Potential of Ethanol as a Motor Vehicle Fuel (1980-06-03)
- 112454 - Comprehensive Audit at Council for Economic Opportunity in Greater Cleveland (1980-06-05)
- CED-80-104 - Grain Subterminal Facilities (1980-06-05)
- B-198789 - Relief From Liability for Loss of Imprest Funds] (1980-06-05)
- CED-80-91 - Child Care Food Program (1980-06-06)
Better Management Will Yield Better Nutrition and Fiscal Integrity - ID-80-29 - Cooperation in Agricultural Assistance (1980-06-11)
An Elusive Goal in Indonesia - CED-80-94 - Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition Issues for Planning (1980-06-11)
- PAD-80-39 - Federal Disaster Assistance (1980-06-16)
What Should the Policy Be? - CED-80-35 - Major Factors Inhibit Expansion of the School Breakfast Program (1980-06-16)
- B-198881 - Request for Relief From Liability for Forest Service Employee] (1980-06-18)
- B-198836 - Request for Waiver of Debt] (1980-06-26)
- CED-80-108 - Land Use Issues (1980-06-27)
- PSAD-80-58 - Spending Grant Funds More Efficiently Could Save Millions (1980-06-30)
- B-103315 - Prohibition on the Use of Travel Agents for Official Government Travel (1980-06-30)