Department of Agriculture Reports for September 1984
- RCED-84-112 - Better Wage-Matching Systems and Procedures Would Enhance Food Stamp Program Integrity (1984-09-11)
- RCED-84-200 - Overview of Selected Civilian Agencies' Progress in Achieving Energy Conservation (1984-09-21)
- RCED-84-150 - Establishing New Federal Food-Buying Procedures Would Help Eliminate Unnecessary Special Examinations (1984-09-24)
- RCED-84-137 - Department of Agriculture's Acquisition and Distribution of Commodities for Its 1983 Payment-in-Kind Program (1984-09-25)
- AFMD-84-72 - Examination of the Rural Telephone Bank's Financial Statements for the Year Ended September 30, 1983 (1984-09-28)