Department of Agriculture Reports for April 1985
- RCED-85-82 - Food Bibliography (1985-04-01)
- NSIAD-85-65 - The United States' Response to the Ethiopian Food Crisis (1985-04-08)
- RCED-85-20 - Controls Over Export Sales Reporting and Futures Trading Ensure Fairness, Integrity, and Pricing Efficiency in U.S. Grain Marketing (1985-04-09)
- HRD-85-40 - Homelessness (1985-04-09)
A Complex Problem and the Federal Response - OGC-85-6 - President's Fifth Special Message for Fiscal Year 1985 (1985-04-12)
- RCED-85-98 - Quality Control Error Rates for the Food Stamp Program (1985-04-12)
- 126709 - Opportunities To Reduce Costs and Improve Targeting in the Farmers Home Administration Section 502 Housing Loan Program (1985-04-15)
- 126718 - General Accounting Office's Overview of the Food Stamp Program (1985-04-17)
- RCED-85-109 - Overview and Perspectives on the Food Stamp Program (1985-04-17)
- RCED-85-118 - Analysis of Certain Aspects of the Proposed Agricultural Efficiency and Equity Act of 1985 (1985-04-24)
- 126791 - Proposed Agricultural Efficiency and Equity Act of 1985 (1985-04-24)