Department of Agriculture Reports for February 1988
- RCED-88-90BR - Federal Research (1988-02-02)
Small Business Involvement in Federal Research and Development - RCED-88-5 - Disaster Assistance (1988-02-04)
Response to West Virginia's November 1985 Flood Shows Need for Improvements - RCED-88-15BR - Rural Rental Housing (1988-02-11)
Impact of Section 515 Loan Prepayments on Tenants and Housing Availability - RCED-88-85BR - Food Stamp Program (1988-02-11)
Participation by AFDC Households - RCED-88-108FS - Federally Owned Dairy Products (1988-02-23)
Inventories and Distributions, Fiscal Years 1982-88 - NSIAD-88-96FS - Food Aid (1988-02-25)
Integration With Economic Assistance Programs in Four African Countries - RCED-88-84BR - Farm Programs (1988-02-29)
An Overview of Price and Income Support, and Storage Programs