Natural Resources Management
Issues to Be Considered by the Congress and Administration Gao ID: T-RCED-93-5 February 2, 1993This testimony discusses GAO's December 1992 transition series report entitled Natural Resources Management Issues (GAO/OCG-93-17TR). During this era of budgetary constraints, Congress and the new administration face hard choices in how to protect the nation's natural resources. Current funding is inadequate to handle the declining condition of the nation's natural resources and related infrastructure on federal lands. A number of proposals to obtain a better return for the sale or use of natural resources have not succeeded, GAO believes, because (1) the full extent of the staffing and funding shortfalls facing federal natural resources management agencies has not been clearly articulated and (2) the proposals and the dialogue surrounding them have not focused on the need to encourage uses that are compatible with sustaining the nation's natural resources for future generations.