Delay in Reporting Deferral of Forest Service Budget Authority Gao ID: OGC-94-32 July 22, 1994On June 8, the President submitted to Congress his sixth special impoundment message for fiscal year 1994. The message reports two revised deferrals of budget authority affecting the Forest Service, which had already been reported. Although both revised deferrals were reported on June 8, the increased amounts of budget authority reported as deferred had actually been deferred since February 1994. In GAO's opinion, four months constitutes an excessive amount of time to report the revised deferrals under the Impoundment Control Act. The Office of Management and Budget said that the reporting delay was merely an oversight.
GAO found that the deferrals: (1) were in accordance with the Impoundment Control Act; and (2) were not timely reported to Congress by the executive branch.