Department of Agriculture Reports for October 1997
- T-RCED-98-17 - Results Act (1997-10-01)
Observations on USDA's Draft Strategic Plan - RCED-98-18R - Federal Land Management (1997-10-06)
Estimates of Value and Economic Effects of Canceled and Suspended Timber Sale Contracts in the Pacific Northwest - T-RCED-98-24 - Food Safety (1997-10-08)
Fundamental Changes Needed to Improve the Nation's Food Safety System - RCED-98-19 - Food Assistance (1997-10-16)
Working Women's Access to WIC Benefits - RCED-98-20 - U.S. Department of Agriculture (1997-10-16)
Information on the Condition of the National Plant Germplasm System - NSIAD-98-49R - Assistance Available to U.S. Agricultural Producers Under U.S. Trade Law (1997-10-20)
- T-RCED-98-35 - National Park Service (1997-10-29)
Employee Housing Issues - T-RCED-98-37 - Food Assistance (1997-10-30)
Reducing Food Stamp Benefit Overpayments and Trafficking