USDA Procurement
Information on Activities During Fiscal Year 1996 Gao ID: RCED-97-61R February 18, 19971GAO provided information on the scope of the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) procurement activities and how those activities are carried out for each USDA contracting activity, focusing on: (1) the number and value of fiscal year (FY) 1996 procurement transactions; (2) the activity's organizational structure; (3) its FY 1996 cost of operation; (4) the regulations, policies, and procedures used in awarding and administering procurement actions; and (5) the audits or reviews that have been performed on their operations.
GAO noted that: (1) in FY 1996, USDA obligated about $1.5 billion through various procurement instruments; (2) USDA's contracting activities mirror the decentralized organization of USDA; (3) generally, one agency in a mission area performs contracting for all of the agencies making up that mission area; (4) this contracting activity usually consists of a headquarters office that is part of the agency's headquarters management/administration function and a number of field purchasing offices that report to the head of the field program activity, not the headquarters procurement office; (5) the cost of administering the procurement function within each agency is not available; (6) USDA generally does not break down the cost of its administrative activities such as procurement in such a way that the costs for that function can be identified; (7) each contracting activity is required to follow the requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and USDA's own Agriculture Acquisition Regulation; (8) these regulations may also be supplemented with mission-specific policies and procedures generated by the contracting activity; (9) internal agency oversight within the contracting activities generally occurs through periodic reviews conducted at the individual purchasing offices; (10) in most cases, these reviews are performed by headquarters procurement personnel; (11) however, the agencies often do not formally track findings and recommendations to ensure that corrective action takes place; (12) in addition, USDA's Office of Inspector General has performed a number of contract-related reviews during the past 3 fiscal years; and (13) however, these reviews have focused on specific contracts and do not represent broad-based, regular oversight of the procurement function.