Department of Agriculture Reports for April 1998
- IAP-98-6 - International Relations and Trade Issue Area Plan (1998-04-01)
Fiscal Years 1998-2000 - AA-98-1(2) - National Security and International Affairs (1998-04-01)
Active Assignments - HEHS-98-120R - H-2A Agricultural Guestworker Program (1998-04-02)
Response to Additional Questions - RCED-98-104 - Food Safety (1998-04-10)
Agencies' Handling of a Dioxin Incident Caused Hardships for Some Producers and Processors - RCED-98-140R - Federal Lands (1998-04-10)
Land Management Agencies' Wildfire Suppression Expenditures - RCED-98-110 - Tobacco (1998-04-15)
Issues Surrounding a National Tobacco Settlement - RCED-98-98 - Farm Programs (1998-04-20)
Administrative Requirements Reduced and Further Program Delivery Changes Possible - T-RCED-98-167 - Food Assistance (1998-04-23)
Observations on Reducing Fraud and Abuse in the Food Stamp Program - RCED-98-114 - Commodity Credit Corporation (1998-04-28)
Information on the Availability, Use, and Management of Funds - RCED-98-111 - Crop Revenue Insurance (1998-04-29)
Problems With New Plans Need to Be Addressed - RCED-98-103 - Food Safety (1998-04-30)
Federal Efforts to Ensure the Safety of Imported Foods Are Inconsistent and Unreliable