Department of Agriculture Reports for May 2003
- GAO-03-503 - Forest Service (2003-05-01)
Little Progress on Performance Accountability Likely Unless Management Addresses Key Challenges - GAO-03-538 - Forest Service (2003-05-01)
Year-end Financial Reporting Significantly Improved, but Certain Underlying Problems Remain - GAO-03-506 - School Lunch Program (2003-05-09)
Efforts Needed to Improve Nutrition and Encourage Healthy Eating - GAO-03-530 - School Meal Program (2003-05-09)
Few Instances of Foodborne Outbreaks Reported, but Opportunities Exist to Enhance Outbreak Data and Food Safety Practices - GAO-03-569 - School Meal Programs (2003-05-09)
Revenue and Expense Information from Selected States - GAO-03-596R - Natural Resources (2003-05-09)
Status of Merchantable Material Contracting Pilot Program Authorized by the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 - GAO-03-541 - Agricultural Research (2003-05-14)
USDA's Outreach to Minority-Serving Institutions Could Improve Grant Competition - GAO-03-689R - Forest Service (2003-05-14)
Information on Decisions Involving Fuels Reduction Activities - GAO-03-139 - Bioterrorism (2003-05-30)
Information Technology Strategy Could Strengthen Federal Agencies' Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies - GAO-03-618 - Tobacco Exports (2003-05-30)
USDA's Foreign Agriculture Service Lacks Specific Guidance for Congressional Restrictions on Promoting Tobacco