Department of Agriculture Reports for June 2004
- GAO-04-517 - Crop Insurance (2004-06-01)
USDA Needs to Improve Oversight of Insurance Companies and Develop a Policy to Address Any Future Insolvencies - GAO-04-612 - Wildfire Suppression (2004-06-02)
Funding Transfers Cause Project Cancellations and Delays, Strained Relationships, and Management Disruptions - GAO-04-602 - Columbia River Basin (2004-06-04)
A Multilayered Collection of Directives and Plans Guides Federal Fish and Wildlife Activities - GAO-04-652 - Federal Land Management (2004-06-14)
Additional Guidance on Community Involvement Could Enhance Effectiveness of Stewardship Contracting - GAO-04-590 - Border Security (2004-06-16)
Agencies Need to Better Coordinate Their Strategies and Operations on Federal Lands - GAO-04-861T - Farm Program Payments (2004-06-16)
USDA Should Correct Weaknesses in Regulations and Oversight to Better Ensure Recipients Do Not Circumvent Payment Limitations - GAO-04-645 - Federal Aircraft (2004-06-18)
Inaccurate Cost Data and Weaknesses in Fleet Management Planning Hamper Cost Effective Operations - GAO-04-647 - Rural Utilities Service (2004-06-18)
Opportunities to Better Target Assistance to Rural Areas and Avoid Unnecessary Financial Risk - GAO-04-705 - Wildland Fires (2004-06-24)
Forest Service and BLM Need Better Information and a Systematic Approach for Assessing the Risks of Environmental Effects - GAO-04-679 - Human Capital (2004-06-25)
Selected Agencies' Use of Alternative Service Delivery Options for Human Capital Activities - GAO-04-895T - Alaska Native Villages (2004-06-29)
Villages Affected by Flooding and Erosion Have Difficulty Qualifying for Federal Assistance