Federal Land Management
Availability and Potential Reliability of Selected Data Elements at Five Agencies
Gao ID: GAO-11-377 April 20, 2011
The federal government manages about 650 million acres, or 29 percent, of the 2.27 billion acres of U.S. land. Four land management agencies--the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the National Park Service (NPS) in the Department of the Interior (Interior) and the Forest Service, in the Department of Agriculture--manage about 95 percent of these federal acres. Interior's Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) manages another 1 percent of these acres and focuses on water projects. The five agencies collect certain data to help manage these federal lands. GAO was asked to review whether the five agencies collect certain federal land and resource data (referred to as data elements), how these data elements are stored, and their potential reliability. GAO included over 100 data elements at each agency in its analysis that can be categorized as information on (1) federal land and the resources the five agencies manage, (2) revenues generated from selected activities on these lands, and (3) federal land subject to selected land use designations. GAO assessed the potential reliability of data elements collected by the agencies generally for fiscal years 1996 through 2009 based on a survey of agency officials and a review of available audits and evaluations. GAO did not collect data for each data element. GAO is making no recommendations in this report.
The five agencies varied in the extent to which they collected the over 100 land and resources, revenue, and federal land use designation data elements that GAO queried them about. Specifically, all five agencies collected 4 of the data elements that GAO asked about, which related to total surface acres managed, total acres managed within each state, the number of special use permits generated for filming activities on federal land, and the number of cultural and historic sites listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. In contrast, none of them collected information for 33 data elements that GAO asked them about, such as the percent of total acres under oil, gas, or coal leases that have surface disturbance or where the surface disturbance has been reclaimed, or information on the potential quantities of oil, gas, and coal resources on federal land. Agency officials cited various reasons why the agencies did not collect certain data elements, such as they believed another federal agency collected it, it was inconsistent with the agency's mission, or they lacked the authority or resources to do so. Information collected by the five agencies that GAO queried them about was more often stored in a primary agency data system--a centralized electronic data system maintained at an agencywide level--than in other formats. For example, GAO queried each agency about 57 federal land and resources data elements, and while the number of data elements each agency collected varied significantly, ranging from 3 to 22, the majority of the information that was collected was stored in a primary agency data system. Similarly, GAO asked each agency about 35 specific revenue data elements, and again while the number of data elements each agency collected varied significantly, ranging from 6 to 22, the majority of the information that was collected was stored in a primary agency data system. When the agencies collected information but did not store it in a primary agency data system, it was available in other formats such as paper files, land use plans, or other agency documents and files that may have been located in multiple field locations. GAO assessed the potential reliability of the data elements that the five agencies did collect and determined that less than half of the data elements stored in a primary agency data system were potentially reliable. Generally, data elements were assessed as potentially reliable when information about the completeness and accuracy of a specific data element provided high assurance of its reliability. It is important to note that GAO assessed the potential reliability of these data elements and additional analysis would be needed to determine the reliability of specific data elements for specific purposes. The Forest Service agreed with the report's observations and Interior provided technical comments, which were incorporated as appropriate.
GAO-11-377, Federal Land Management: Availability and Potential Reliability of Selected Data Elements at Five Agencies
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United States Government Accountability Office:
Report to Congressional Requesters:
April 2011:
Federal Land Management:
Availability and Potential Reliability of Selected Data Elements at
Five Agencies:
GAO Highlights:
Highlights of GAO-11-377, a report to congressional requesters.
Why GAO Did This Study:
The federal government manages about 650 million acres, or 29 percent,
of the 2.27 billion acres of U.S. land. Four land management agencies”
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS), the National Park Service (NPS) in the Department of the
Interior (Interior) and the Forest Service, in the Department of
Agriculture”manage about 95 percent of these federal acres. Interior‘s
Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) manages another 1 percent of these acres
and focuses on water projects. The five agencies collect certain data
to help manage these federal lands.
GAO was asked to review whether the five agencies collect certain
federal land and resource data (referred to as data elements), how
these data elements are stored, and their potential reliability. GAO
included over 100 data elements at each agency in its analysis that
can be categorized as information on (1) federal land and the
resources the five agencies manage, (2) revenues generated from
selected activities on these lands, and (3) federal land subject to
selected land use designations. GAO assessed the potential reliability
of data elements collected by the agencies generally for fiscal years
1996 through 2009 based on a survey of agency officials and a review
of available audits and evaluations. GAO did not collect data for each
data element. GAO is making no recommendations in this report.
What GAO Found:
The five agencies varied in the extent to which they collected the
over 100 land and resources, revenue, and federal land use designation
data elements that GAO queried them about. Specifically, all five
agencies collected 4 of the data elements that GAO asked about, which
related to total surface acres managed, total acres managed within
each state, the number of special use permits generated for filming
activities on federal land, and the number of cultural and historic
sites listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. In contrast,
none of them collected information for 33 data elements that GAO asked
them about, such as the percent of total acres under oil, gas, or coal
leases that have surface disturbance or where the surface disturbance
has been reclaimed, or information on the potential quantities of oil,
gas, and coal resources on federal land. Agency officials cited
various reasons why the agencies did not collect certain data
elements, such as they believed another federal agency collected it,
it was inconsistent with the agency‘s mission, or they lacked the
authority or resources to do so.
Information collected by the five agencies that GAO queried them about
was more often stored in a primary agency data system”a centralized
electronic data system maintained at an agencywide level”than in other
formats. For example, GAO queried each agency about 57 federal land
and resources data elements, and while the number of data elements
each agency collected varied significantly, ranging from 3 to 22, the
majority of the information that was collected was stored in a primary
agency data system. Similarly, GAO asked each agency about 35 specific
revenue data elements, and again while the number of data elements
each agency collected varied significantly, ranging from 6 to 22, the
majority of the information that was collected was stored in a primary
agency data system. When the agencies collected information but did
not store it in a primary agency data system, it was available in
other formats such as paper files, land use plans, or other agency
documents and files that may have been located in multiple field
GAO assessed the potential reliability of the data elements that the
five agencies did collect and determined that less than half of the
data elements stored in a primary agency data system were potentially
reliable. Generally, data elements were assessed as potentially
reliable when information about the completeness and accuracy of a
specific data element provided high assurance of its reliability. It
is important to note that GAO assessed the potential reliability of
these data elements and additional analysis would be needed to
determine the reliability of specific data elements for specific
The Forest Service agreed with the report‘s observations and Interior
provided technical comments, which were incorporated as appropriate.
View [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-377] or key
components. For more information, contact Anu K. Mittal at (202) 512-
3841 or mittala@gao.gov.
[End of section]
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Federal
Land and Resources Collected by the Five Agencies:
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land Collected by the Five
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Federal
Land Use Designation Collected by the Five Agencies:
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation:
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, And Methodology:
Appendix I: Data Elements Examined And The Extent To Which the Five
Agencies Collect Them:
Appendix III: Information On Bureau Of Land Management Data Elements:
Appendix IV: Information On Forest Service Data Elements:
Appendix V: Information On Fish And Wildlife Service Data Elements:
Appendix VI: Information On National Park Service Data Elements:
Appendix VII: Information On Bureau Of Reclamation Data Elements:
Appendix VIII: Information On Primary Agency Data Systems:
Appendix IX: comments From The Forest Service:
Appendix X: GAO Contact And Staff Acknowledgments:
Table 1: Number and Availability of 57 Federal Land and Resource Data
Elements, and Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in
Primary Data Systems, by Agency:
Table 2: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 3: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Federal
Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 4: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 5: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Federal Land And
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 6: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Table 7: Number and Availability of 35 Revenue Data Elements and
Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in Primary Data
Systems, by Agency:
Table 8: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Revenue Data
Elements in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 9: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Revenue
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 10: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Revenue Data
Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Table 11: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Revenue Data
Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Table 12: Number and Availability of Federal Land Use Designation Data
Elements and Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in
Primary Data Systems, by Agency:
Table 13: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service
Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency
Data Systems:
Table 14: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Federal Land Use
Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 15: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 16: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Table 17: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 18: Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Collected by the
Five Federal Agencies:
Table 19: Revenue Data Elements Collected by the Five Federal Agencies:
Table 20: Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Collected by the
Five Federal Agencies:
Table 21: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 22: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 23: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Table 24: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Table 25: Data Elements BLM Does Not Collect and Explanation from BLM
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 26: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 27: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 28: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Data
Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and
Resources, Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and
Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 29: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Data
Elements Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Table 30: Data Elements Forest Service Does Not Collect and
Explanation from Forest Service Officials, by Federal Land and
Resources, Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and
Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 31: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 32: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 33: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Table 34: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Table 35: Data Elements FWS Does Not Collect and Explanation from FWS
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 36: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 37: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 38: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Table 39: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Table 40: Data Elements NPS Does Not Collect and Explanation from NPS
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 41: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 42: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Table 43: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Table 44: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Table 45: Data Elements BoR Does Not Collect and Explanation from BoR
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Table 46: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Primary Agency Data Systems:
Table 47: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Primary Agency Data
Systems, by Agency:
BLM: Bureau of Land Management:
BoR: Bureau of Reclamation:
EIS: Environmental Impact Statement:
FWS: Fish and Wildlife Service:
Interior: Department of the Interior:
NPS: National Park Service:
ONRR: Office of Natural Resource Revenue:
OSM: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement:
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
USGS: U.S. Geological Survey:
[End of section]
United States Government Accountability Office:
Washington, DC 20548:
April 20, 2011:
The Honorable Lisa Murkowski:
Ranking Member:
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources:
United States Senate:
The Honorable Doc Hastings:
Committee on Natural Resources:
House of Representatives:
The federal government manages about 650 million acres, or 29 percent,
of the 2.27 billion acres of land in the United States. Four land
management agencies--the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Park Service (NPS) in the
Department of the Interior (Interior), and the Forest Service in the
Department of Agriculture--manage about 95 percent of the federal
land. The Bureau of Reclamation (BoR), also in Interior, manages
another 1 percent of this land.[Footnote 1]
The agencies manage their land for various purposes. For example, BLM
and the Forest Service manage land for a variety of uses--including
recreation, timber harvesting, livestock grazing, oil and gas
production, mining, and wilderness protection. In contrast, FWS and
NPS primarily manage land to conserve fish and wildlife and their
habitat and park resources, respectively. Resource development is
generally not allowed on FWS-and NPS-managed land. BoR focuses on
managing, developing, and protecting water and related resource
projects, such as dams, irrigation, and hydroelectric plants. Lands
managed by these federal agencies may be specially designated, for
example, as wilderness areas or national trails.
To help manage federal land, the five agencies collect data that
track, among other things, land use, revenues generated from
activities occurring on the land, and land that has been designated
for a specific use. In the past, we, the departments' Offices of
Inspectors General, and others have raised concerns about the accuracy
and completeness of the data used to manage federal land and resources
and revenues collected from activities on federal land.[Footnote 2] As
these prior reports have concluded, without accurate and complete
data, managers cannot make fully informed decisions and effectively
manage and evaluate agency activities.
In this context, you asked us to review certain federal land data in
the following three categories: (1) federal land and the resources the
five agencies manage, (2) revenues generated from selected activities
on federal land, and (3) federal land subject to selected land use
designations. Our objectives were to determine which of these data the
agencies collect, where the agencies store these data, and the
potential reliability of these data.
To address these objectives, we developed a list of the types of data
the agencies might collect about their federal land and resources,
revenues generated from activities on federal land, and federal land
use designations. Hereafter we refer to each type of data within these
three categories as a "data element." We developed a list of data
elements by reviewing, among other things, your request letter, past
GAO and Congressional Research Service reports, and interviewing
agency officials. In addition, we developed a list of primary agency
data systems that contain the land management and revenue data we were
examining by obtaining an initial list of data systems from agency
officials and refining this list as needed. Through these efforts, we
identified more than 100 data elements of interest at each of the five
agencies and 26 primary agency data systems.[Footnote 3] We defined
"primary agency data system" as a centralized, electronic data system
maintained at an agencywide level. We did not identify every data
element that the five agencies collect related to land management, nor
did we determine what data elements the agencies are required to
We developed a Web-based survey, administered through interviews with
agency officials, to obtain information about each data element and
primary agency data system. We administered these surveys to more than
100 officials in the five agencies to gather information on the
availability, location, and potential reliability of each data element
that these agencies collected as requested from fiscal years 1996
through 2009, as well as the internal controls (e.g., data entry and
access procedures, automated edit checks, error flags, and audits)
used to ensure the quality of data in primary agency data systems.
[Footnote 4]
We did not collect the actual data for each data element or
electronically test the data for a specific purpose. Rather, we
assessed each data element's "potential reliability" based on reported
information. Specifically, to assess the potential reliability of the
collected data elements, we analyzed agency officials' responses
gathered from our survey about the element's completeness, accuracy,
and reliability; and where applicable, their responses about the
internal controls on the primary agency systems in which the data
element resides.[Footnote 5] We also reviewed the findings of any
audits, evaluations, and formal reviews the agencies provided that
were related to the reliability of the data systems.[Footnote 6] Based
on this information, we assigned one of three possible levels of
"potential reliability" to each data element and data system--
"potentially reliable," "may be potentially reliable," and
"potentially unreliable." We assigned these levels of potential
reliability using criteria that varied somewhat for (1) data systems,
(2) data elements stored in a primary agency data system, and (3) data
elements stored in other formats.[Footnote 7] Generally, data elements
were assessed as "potentially reliable" when there was sufficient
information without limitations about completeness or accuracy to
provide a high assurance of the data elements' reliability, and
"potentially unreliable" when there were significant limitations on
the data's accuracy and completeness. Generally, data elements were
assessed as "may be potentially reliable" when there was not
sufficient information to unequivocally assess the data element as
"potentially reliable" or there were some limitations but they were
not significant enough to assess it as "potentially unreliable."
Generally, agency primary data systems were assessed as "potentially
reliable" when system controls indicated high assurance of data
quality; as "may be potentially reliable" when system controls
provided moderate assurance of data quality; and as "potentially
unreliable" when system controls provided low assurance of data
quality. For more details on the specific criteria used to assess data
systems and data elements, see appendix I. Our assessment of potential
reliability is for a specific time frame, which may be different than
the time frame for which the data were available. For example, a data
element might be available from before 1995; however, it might only be
potentially reliable since 2010. Our potential reliability assessments
and the time frames for the data elements are included in appendixes
III through VII.
We conducted this performance audit from January 2010 through April
2011 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
The four major federal land management agencies--BLM, the Forest
Service, FWS, and NPS--manage their land and resources in accordance
with their respective missions and authorities. BLM and the Forest
Service are responsible for managing about 69 percent of federal land
for a variety of uses, including recreation, timber harvesting,
livestock grazing, oil and gas production, and mining. FWS is
responsible for managing about 14 percent of federal land, primarily
to conserve and protect fish and wildlife, and their habitat, although
other uses, such as hunting and fishing, are allowed when they are
compatible with the primary purposes for which the lands are managed.
NPS manages approximately 12 percent of federal land to conserve,
preserve, protect, and interpret the nation's natural, cultural, and
historic resources.
In comparison, BoR, which manages about 1 percent of federal land, has
a much narrower primary mission--to manage, develop, and protect water
and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound
manner. Accordingly, BoR maintains 348 reservoirs, 476 dams, and 58
hydroelectric plants on federal land and is the largest wholesale
supplier of water in the United States and the second-largest
hydroelectric power producer in the nation. BoR land is largely
managed to meet its primary mission, but this land also provides other
benefits, such as recreation.
These agencies may collect a variety of data to manage and oversee
their activities. The data elements we examined fall into three broad
categories: (1) information on federal land and the resources the
agencies manage, (2) revenues generated from selected activities on
federal land, and (3) information on federal land subject to selected
land use designations. These categories are described below.
* Federal land and resources. We identified 57 data elements in this
category that relate to (1) information on the total surface and
subsurface acres of federal land managed by each of the five land
management agencies and the total acres managed for specific purposes,
such as hardrock mining or grazing, and (2) the volume of various
resources, such as oil and gas and timber extracted or harvested from
federal land. Appendix II lists the 57 federal land and resources data
elements we identified that each of the five land management agencies
could possibly collect.
* Revenues generated from activities on federal land. We identified 35
data elements in this category that relate to information on revenues
generated from activities on federal land, which are derived from the
use or sale of land and resources. Sources of revenue include revenues
generated from oil and gas activities, hardrock mining, and special
use or right-of-way permits issued for transmission lines, filming
activities, and concession activities. We also included cost recovery
fees--which are intended to recover agency costs for processing
certain plans, applications, or permits associated with various
activities on federal land--in this category of data elements.
Appendix II lists the 35 data elements associated with revenues
generated from activities on federal lands we identified that each of
the five land management agencies could possibly collect.
* Federal land use designations. Data elements in this category relate
to information on the number of acres each agency manages that are
associated with various special designations of federal land, such as
wilderness areas, wild and scenic rivers, paleontological sites, and
critical habitat set aside for endangered species.[Footnote 8] Some of
these land use designations apply to all five federal land management
agencies, but some are unique to a specific agency, and the number of
land use designations applicable to each agency varies. Appendix II
lists the data elements for federal land use designations that we
identified for each of the five agencies.
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Federal
Land and Resources Collected by the Five Agencies:
Of the 57 federal land and resource data elements we examined for each
of the five federal agencies, BLM and the Forest Service collected the
most--22 and 20 data elements, respectively--and BoR collected the
least--3 data elements. BLM collected more of these data elements than
the other agencies, but fewer of these elements were stored in a
primary agency data system. In contrast, all the data elements the
Forest Service, FWS, and BoR collected were available in a primary
agency data system. In total, we assessed as potentially reliable 24
of the federal land and resource data elements that the five federal
agencies stored in a primary agency data system: 6 at BLM, 4 at the
Forest Service, 6 at FWS, 8 at NPS, and none at BoR. Agency officials
provided several reasons for not collecting certain federal land and
resource data elements. For example, agency officials noted that
certain data elements were not collected because they believed that
another agency was responsible for collecting the information,
collecting the information was not consistent with the agency's
mission, or the agency lacked the authority or resources to collect
the information. Table 1 shows, for each agency, the number and
availability of the 57 federal land and resource data elements we
examined and our assessment of the potential reliability of those
stored in primary data systems.
Table 1: Number and Availability of 57 Federal Land and Resource Data
Elements, and Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in
Primary Data Systems, by Agency:
Agency: BLM;
Number of data elements identified: 57;
Number of data elements collected: 22;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 15;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 6;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 7;
Number of data elements not collected: 35.
Agency: Forest Service;
Number of data elements identified: 57;
Number of data elements collected: 20;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 20;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 4;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 37.
Agency: FWS;
Number of data elements identified: 57;
Number of data elements collected: 10;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 10;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 6;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 47.
Agency: NPS;
Number of data elements identified: 57;
Number of data elements collected: 13;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 10;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 8;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 3;
Number of data elements not collected: 44.
Agency: BoR;
Number of data elements identified: 57;
Number of data elements collected: 3;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 3;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 54.
Source: GAO analysis of information on federal land and resource data
provided by BLM, Forest Service, FWS, NPS, and BoR officials.
[End of table]
According to agency officials we surveyed, BLM collected 22 of the 57
federal land and resource data elements that we examined. Fifteen of
the 22 data elements are stored in primary agency data systems, and 7
are stored in other formats.
BLM Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency
Data Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The 15 federal land and resource data elements that BLM stored in
primary agency systems include those related to the:
* total acres that have been leased for coal development;
* total acres that have been leased for oil and gas development, and
acres leased that are in producing status;[Footnote 9]
* total acres for livestock grazing;
* total acres from which timber has been contracted for commercial
harvesting and acres commercially harvested; and:
* total acres burned by wildfires and the costs associated with these
Table 2 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of BLM's
federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency data
Table 2: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 3;
May be potentially reliable: 3;
Potentially unreliable: 1;
Number of data elements stored in system: 7.
Primary agency data system: Timber Sale Information System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 3;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 3.
Primary agency data system: Rangeland Administration System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 3;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 3.
Primary agency data system: Wildland Fire Management Information
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Financial and Business Management System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 6;
May be potentially reliable: 8;
Potentially unreliable: 1;
Number of data elements stored in system: 15.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 6 of the 15
federal land and resources data elements stored in primary agency data
systems and 1 as potentially unreliable. For example, three of the
data elements related to commercial timber harvesting--contained in
the Timber Sale Information System--were assessed as potentially
reliable. In contrast, the data element related to percentage of acres
under hardrock mining operations that have disturbances to surface of
the land--stored in Legacy Rehost 2000--was assessed as potentially
unreliable. This was because agency officials noted that the accuracy
and completeness of the data was low and the data had significant
limitations. For example, BLM officials noted that this data element
was generally unreliable and only 50 to 74 percent complete and
accurate. See appendix III for our assessment of potential reliability
and additional information on the BLM federal land and resource data
elements we reviewed and their associated primary agency data systems.
BLM Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Other Formats
and Their Potential Reliability:
Six of the seven federal land and resource data elements stored in
other formats included those related to the number of acres of land
BLM manages, such as acres of surface and subsurface land, acres
managed within each state, and acres acquired and disposed of for
specific purposes (such as acres acquired for wilderness areas). These
acreage data were kept in BLM state offices. To collect information
for most of these data elements, BLM headquarters annually requests
the state offices to submit the needed information in a standard
format for publication in BLM's Public Land Statistics. The seventh
data element concerned the potential quantity of coal reserves on
leased land that the agency manages. According to BLM officials, this
information is kept in BLM state offices in files that are maintained
for each lease. The format of the lease files varies by state office--
some are in electronic files while others are in hard copy.
Of the seven federal land and resource data elements stored in other
formats, we assessed only one as potentially reliable--total acres
acquired for national recreation areas. BLM has only one national
recreation area in Alaska, and these data are kept in BLM's Alaska
state office. In contrast, we assessed as potentially unreliable five
data elements. For example, we assessed total surface and subsurface
acres managed to be potentially unreliable because the data are kept
in multiple BLM field offices in various formats, and officials stated
that federal acres are not precisely measured in all cases. For
example, BLM has used different methods to measure acreage over time,
with some methods dating back to the late 1700s when acreage was
measured using chains[Footnote 10]. See appendix III for our
assessment of potential reliability and additional information on
federal land and resource data elements BLM stored in other formats.
Reasons BLM Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
and Resource Data Elements:
BLM did not collect 35 of the 57 federal land and resource data
elements that we examined. Agency officials provided a variety of
explanations on why they did not collect these data elements. For
* Surface disturbance for coal and oil and gas activities. According
to BLM officials, the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and
Enforcement, within Interior and individual state agencies with
primacy for the federal coal leasing program keep this kind of data.
For surface disturbance information related to oil and gas operations,
BLM officials said that they plan to collect this information when
funding is available.
* The total acres of federal mineral estate that have been withdrawn
from mineral entry under the General Mining Act of 1872, Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920, Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, or the
Mineral Materials Disposal Act of 1947.[Footnote 11],[Footnote 12]
According to BLM officials, land withdrawn under these acts is
recorded on the master title plats and in land use plans in BLM's
field offices and in Public Land Orders, but this information is not
aggregated.[Footnote 13] BLM officials said that the agency does not
have the staff resources needed to review the plats, plans, and orders
to compile this information.
* Quantity or volume of oil and natural gas that has been produced
from leased federal lands. According to BLM officials, Interior's
Office of Natural Resource Revenue (ONRR) collects this information.
[Footnote 14]
See appendix III, table 25, for the list of federal land and resource
data elements BLM did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
Forest Service:
According to agency officials we surveyed, the Forest Service
collected 20 of the 57 federal land and resource data elements that we
examined, and all of these data elements were stored in primary agency
data systems.
Forest Service Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in
Primary Agency Data Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The 20 federal land and resource data elements that the Forest Service
stored in primary agency systems included those related to the:
* total surface and subsurface acres the agency manages and the total
acres it manages within each state;
* total acres acquired for wilderness areas, wildlife refuges,
national recreation areas, and other purposes and total acres disposed
of through sale or exchange;
* percentage of the federal mineral estate withdrawn from mineral
entry under the General Mining Act of 1872, the Mineral Leasing Act of
1920, the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, and the Mineral
Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
* total acres that have been approved for commercial timber harvesting
and the acres from which timber has been commercially harvested, as
well as the extent to which timber on federal lands has been
commercially harvested (in board feet);
* total acres for livestock grazing; and:
* total acres burned by wildland fires and the costs associated with
these fires.
Table 3 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of the
Forest Service's federal land and resource data elements stored in
primary agency data systems.
Table 3: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Federal
Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 8;
Number of data elements stored in system: 8.
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 5;
Number of data elements stored in system: 5.
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-Timber
Information Manager;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Automated Timber Sale Accounting;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 1;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-Forest Service
Activity Tracking System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 1;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 2;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 2.
Primary agency data system: Fire Statistics System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Foundation Financial Information System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 1;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 4;
May be potentially reliable: 2;
Potentially unreliable: 14;
Number of data elements stored in system: 20.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 4 of the 20
federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency data
systems and 14 as potentially unreliable. For example, all of the
federal land and resource data elements in the Land Area Report data
system and the Automated Lands Program data system were assessed as
potentially unreliable. The data elements in these systems include
total acres and subsurface acres managed, acquired, and disposed of,
as well as percentage of federal mineral estate that has been
withdrawn from mineral entry. They were potentially unreliable, in
part, because their associated data systems had weak internal controls
for data quality. For example, the Land Area Report data system does
not have seven of the nine internal controls we asked Forest Service
officials about, including error correction procedures, verification
of source documents, and system audits. See appendix IV for our
assessment of potential reliability and additional information on the
Forest Service federal land and resource data elements we reviewed and
their associated primary agency data systems.
Reasons Forest Service Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain
Federal Land and Resource Data Elements:
The Forest Service did not collect 37 of the 57 federal land and
resource data elements we examined. Agency officials provided various
explanations why they did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Surface disturbance for coal, oil and gas, and hardrock operations.
According to agency officials, the Forest Service does not collect
information on surface land disturbed by coal mining because it is not
within Forest Service authority to require collection of this
information. Forest Service officials said Interior's Office of
Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement may collect this
information. They added that it is not within the scope of the Forest
Service's authority to require the collection of information on
surfaces disturbed by oil and gas activities, but they thought that
BLM might collect this information.[Footnote 15] Information on
surfaces disturbed by hardrock mining activity is kept in hundreds of
files located in the Forest Service's field offices and collecting
this information would require an extensive effort. The Forest Service
has begun entering this information into its Natural Resource Manager-
INFRA Corporate Database.
* Other information related to coal, oil and gas, and hardrock
minerals on Forest Service land. According to agency officials, the
Forest Service did not collect information on coal, oil and gas
activities, or hardrock minerals on its lands, including the potential
quantity of resources or reserves, acres of land available for leasing
or acres that have been leased, or extent to which these resources
have been produced from leased lands. According to Forest Service
officials it is not within the Forest Service's authority to require
collection of this information for coal and oil and gas activities.
The Forest Service did not collect similar information for hardrock
minerals for a variety of reasons. For example, agency officials said
that they did not collect information on the quantity of hardrock
minerals that have been extracted from Forest Service land because
owners of mining claims are not required to report this information.
See appendix IV, table 30, for the list of federal land and resource
data elements Forest Service did not collect and agency officials'
According to agency officials we surveyed, FWS collected 10 of the 57
federal land and resource data elements we examined, and all of these
data elements were stored in primary agency data systems.
FWS Land And Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Systems
and Their Potential Reliability:
The 10 federal land and resource data elements that FWS stored in
primary agency data systems related to the:
* total surface acres managed and total acres managed within each
* total acres acquired for wildlife refuges, acres acquired for other
purposes, and total acres disposed of through sale or exchange;
* total acres added to the federal estate through the federal
government's eminent domain powers;
* total acres from which timber has been commercially harvested;
* total acres used for livestock grazing; and:
* total acres burned by wildland fires and the costs associated with
these fires.
Table 4 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of FWS
federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency data
Table 4: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 6;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 6.
Primary agency data system: Refuge Annual Performance Plan System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 2;
Number of data elements stored in system: 2.
Primary agency data system: Fire Management Information System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 6;
May be potentially reliable: 2;
Potentially unreliable: 2;
Number of data elements stored in system: 10.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 6 of the 10
federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency data
systems and 2 as potentially unreliable. All six of the data elements
assessed as potentially reliable are contained in the Land Records
System and relate to acres managed, and acquired and disposed of
through sales or exchanges. In contrast, both of the data elements for
acreage on timber and on livestock grazing in the Refuge Annual
Performance Plan System were assessed as potentially unreliable. For
example, we assessed the acreage data element on livestock grazing as
potentially unreliable in part because the (1) data element was based
on estimates made by more than 500 field managers, (2) completeness of
the data element was limited, and (3) accuracy of the data element was
affected by the fact that data are based on acreage estimates versus
actual measurements. See appendix V for our assessment of potential
reliability and additional information on the FWS federal land and
resource data elements we reviewed and their associated primary agency
data systems.
Reasons FWS Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
and Resource Data Elements:
FWS did not collect 47 of the 57 federal land and resource data
elements we examined. Agency officials provided various explanations
why they did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Various aspects of coal, oil and gas, and hardrock operations on FWS
land. According to FWS officials, these activities are very limited on
FWS land because they are inconsistent with the mission of the agency.
[Footnote 16]
* Percentage of the federal mineral estate withdrawn from mineral
entry under various laws. According to FWS officials, the FWS Land
Records System database tracks the total acreage of the federal
mineral estate withdrawn from mineral entry and does not separate this
information into land withdrawn under the laws we asked about.
[Footnote 17]
See appendix V, table 35, for the list of federal land and resource
data elements FWS did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, NPS collected 13 of the 57
federal land and resource data elements that we examined, with 10 of
the 13 stored in primary agency data systems and 3 stored in other
NPS Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency
Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The 10 federal land and resource data elements that NPS stored in
primary agency systems related to the:
* total surface acres managed,
* total acres managed in each state,
* total acres acquired or withdrawn that facilitated the establishment
of buffer areas around military installations,
* total acres acquired for national park units or national recreation
* total acres disposed of through sale or exchange,
* total acres added to the federal estate through eminent domain
powers of the federal government, and:
* total acres burned by wildland fires and the costs associated with
these fires.
Table 5 presents our assessment of potential reliability of NPS
federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency data
Table 5: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Federal Land And
Resource Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 8;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 8.
Primary agency data system: Wildland Fire Management Information
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 8;
May be potentially reliable: 2;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 10.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 8 of the 10
NPS federal land and resource data elements stored in primary agency
data systems and none as potentially unreliable. All eight of the data
elements in the Lands Management Information System/Master Deed List
Database--relating to acres managed, acquired, or withdrawn--were
assessed as potentially reliable. Data elements in the other agency
systems--related to total acres of federal lands burned as a result of
wildfires and costs associated with suppressing wildfires--may be
potentially reliable. See appendix VI for our assessment of potential
reliability and additional information on the NPS federal land and
resource data elements we reviewed and their associated primary agency
data systems.
NPS Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Stored in Other Formats
and Their Potential Reliability:
The three data elements NPS stored in other formats related to the
* Information on (1) acres of land leased for oil and natural gas
development and (2) acres leased for oil and natural gas that are in
producing status. Information for these data elements is kept in
electronic files at NPS headquarters. NPS officials told us that the
NPS General Authorities Act of 1970, the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920,
the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, and individual park-
enabling statutes permit federal mineral leasing in only 3 of the 394
units of the National Park System. No new mineral leasing has occurred
in these three units for over 30 years. We assessed these data
elements as potentially reliable.
* Information on the acres of land leased for hardrock mineral mining
under existing land management plans. This information is kept in a
spreadsheet at NPS headquarters. The spreadsheet was last updated in
2007. NPS officials told us that under the Mining in the Parks Act of
1976 and individual park-enabling statutes, all parks are closed to
new mining claims. The mines tracked in the spreadsheet pre-date this
legislation. We assessed this data element as may be potentially
See appendix VI for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on federal land and resource data elements NPS
collects in other formats.
Reasons NPS Officials Provided For Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
And Resource Data Elements:
NPS did not collect 44 of the 57 land and resource data elements we
examined. Agency officials provided various explanations why they did
not collect these data elements. For example:
* The total acres of federal mineral estate that has been withdrawn
from mineral entry under the General Mining Act of 1872, Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920, Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands or the
Mineral Materials Disposal Act of 1947. According to NPS officials,
the agency does not collect this information as almost all NPS land is
withdrawn from mineral leasing. Therefore, according to these
officials, NPS has no reason to track percentage of land withdrawn by
* Various aspects of coal, oil and gas, and hardrock operations on NPS
land. According to NPS officials, these activities, if they are
allowed at all, are quite limited on NPS land because they are
inconsistent with the mission of the agency. For this reason, NPS does
not collect information on the potential amounts of these resources on
NPS land. These officials also told us that for quantities of oil and
gas extracted from the NPS land, ONRR would collect this information.
See appendix VI, table 40 for the list of federal land and resource
data elements NPS did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, BoR collected 3 of the 57
federal land and resource data elements that we examined, and all 3
were stored in a primary agency data system.
BOR Federal Land And Resource Data Elements Stored In A Primary Agency
System And Their Potential Reliability:
The three land and resource data elements that BoR stored in a primary
agency data system related to the:
* total surface acres managed,
* total acres managed within each state, and:
* total acres that were added to the federal estate through eminent
domain powers of the federal government.
Table 6 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of BoR's
federal land and resource data elements stored in a primary agency
data system.
Table 6: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Federal Land and
Resource Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Primary agency data system: Foundation Information for Real Property
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 3;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 3.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 3;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 3.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed these three federal land and resource
elements stored by BoR in a primary agency data system as may be
potentially reliable. These data elements were stored in the agency's
Foundation Information for Real Property Management data system. See
appendix VII for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on the BoR data elements we reviewed and their
associated primary agency data systems.
Reasons BOR Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
and Resource Data Elements:
BoR did not collect 54 of the 57 federal land and resource data
elements we examined. According to agency officials, the agency
generally did not collect these data because they did not relate to
BoR's mission. The officials noted that while BoR manages land
associated with its mission, other activities do occur on its land
that are incidental to its mission and are generally managed by
another agency. For example, Lake Mead in Nevada and Arizona is a
National Recreation Area located on BoR land and managed by NPS. Thus,
NPS would collect data on the number of acres acquired for national
recreation areas, such as Lake Mead, and not BoR. See appendix VII,
table 45, for the list of federal land and resource data elements BoR
did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land Collected by the Five
Of the 35 revenue data elements we examined at each of the five
federal agencies, BLM collected the most and NPS collected the least,
22 and 6, respectively. BLM, the Forest Service, and FWS collected all
of their revenue data elements in primary agency data systems, but NPS
and BoR did not. In total, we assessed as potentially reliable 17
revenue data elements stored in primary agency data systems: 13 at
BLM, 1 at the Forest Service, and 3 at NPS. Agency officials provided
several reasons for not collecting certain revenue data elements. For
example, they said certain revenue data elements were not collected
because their agency did not have the authority to do so or they
believed another agency, such as ONRR, was responsible for collecting
the data elements. In addition, the agency officials noted collecting
some of the revenue data elements would be inconsistent with their
agency's mission. Table 7 shows, for each agency, the number and
availability of the 35 revenue data elements we examined and our
assessment of the potential reliability of those stored in primary
data systems.
Table 7: Number and Availability of 35 Revenue Data Elements and
Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in Primary Data
Systems, by Agency:
Agency: BLM;
Number of data elements identified: 35;
Number of data elements collected: 22;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 22;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 13;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 13.
Agency: Forest Service;
Number of data elements identified: 35;
Number of data elements collected: 9;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 9;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 1;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 26.
Agency: FWS;
Number of data elements identified: 35;
Number of data elements collected: 10;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 10;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 0;
Number of data elements not collected: 25.
Agency: NPS;
Number of data elements identified: 35;
Number of data elements collected: 6;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 3;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 3;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 3;
Number of data elements not collected: 29.
Agency: BoR;
Number of data elements identified: 35;
Number of data elements collected: 13;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 4;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 9;
Number of data elements not collected: 22.
Source: GAO analysis of information on the revenues generated from
activities on federal land provided by BLM, Forest Service, FWS, NPS,
and BoR officials.
[End of table]
According to agency officials we surveyed, BLM collected 22 of the 35
revenue data elements that we examined, and all 22 were stored in
primary agency data systems.
BLM Revenue Data Elements Stored In Primary Agency Data Systems And
Their Potential Reliability:
The 22 revenue data elements that BLM stored in primary agency systems
included those related to revenues generated from:
* bonus bids and rent for coal, oil and gas, and geothermal
activities;[Footnote 18]
* right-of-way permits for transmission lines and water and wind
* special use permits for camping, day use, filming, and concession
activities; and:
* cost recovery fees associated with hardrock mining, oil and gas
applications to drill, and geothermal activities.
Table 8 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of BLM's
revenue data elements stored in primary agency data systems.
Table 8: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Revenue Data
Elements in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 8;
May be potentially reliable: 6;
Potentially unreliable: 2;
Number of data elements in system: 16.
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 5;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 5.
Primary agency data system: Financial Business Management System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 13;
May be potentially reliable: 7;
Potentially unreliable: 2;
Number of data elements in system: 22.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 13 of the 22
revenue data elements and 2 as potentially unreliable. For example,
among the potentially reliable data elements were eight in the
Collection and Billing System and five in the Legacy Rehost 2000
system. The potentially reliable data elements in the Collection and
Billing System related to revenues generated from geothermal
activities, grazing, various right-of-way and special use permits, oil
and gas applications for permits to drill, and entrance fees. The data
elements in the Legacy Rehost 2000 that were potentially reliable
included revenues generated from right-of-way permits related to
transmission lines and water, wind, and solar development projects. In
contrast, we assessed as potentially unreliable two data elements--
revenues generated by coal bonus bids and coal rents in the Collection
and Billing System--in part because BLM did not provide sufficient
information about the accuracy and completeness of these data elements
in the Collection and Billing System. BLM officials also stated that
BLM only collects initial coal bonus bids and rents; subsequent coal
bonus bids and rents are collected by ONRR, according to BLM
officials. See appendix III for our assessment of potential
reliability and additional information on the BLM revenue data
elements we reviewed and their associated primary agency data systems.
Reasons BLM Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Revenue Data
BLM did not collect 13 of the 35 revenue data elements that we
examined. Agency officials provided various explanations on why they
did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Oil and gas, coal, and geothermal royalties. According to BLM
officials, ONRR is responsible for collecting royalty payments related
to oil and gas, coal, and geothermal activities, so BLM does not.
* Bonus bids, rents, and royalties for other leaseable commodities.
According to BLM officials, ONRR is responsible for collecting this
information, so BLM does not.
* Right-of-way permits for solar projects. As of June 2010, BLM had
not collected this information because it had not approved any solar
development projects. However, some of these projects were in the
permitting process, and BLM expects to collect this information in the
* Recreation and use fees. According to BLM officials, rather than
collect information for these revenue categories, BLM collects revenue
data that are subcategories of recreation and use fees.
See appendix III, table 25, for the list of revenue data elements that
BLM did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
Forest Service:
According to agency officials we surveyed, the Forest Service
collected 9 of the 35 revenue data elements we examined, and these 9
elements were stored in primary agency data systems.
Forest Service Revenue Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data
Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The nine revenue data elements that Forest Service stored in primary
agency data systems related to revenues generated from:
* recreation fees;
* grazing fees; and:
* special use permits for concessions, camping, day use, and filming
activities; transmission lines; and water and wind projects.
Table 9 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of the
Forest Service's revenue data elements stored in primary agency data
Table 9: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Revenue
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 1;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 7;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 7.
Primary agency data system: Foundation Financial Information System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 1;
May be potentially reliable: 8;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 9.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
We assessed one of the nine data elements related to revenues--grazing
fees--as potentially reliable. The Forest Service keeps information on
this data element in its Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Database. We assessed the data on grazing fees to be potentially
reliable in this system starting in 2005, although historical data
exist for prior years. We determined that the other eight revenue data
elements may be potentially reliable. These data elements are housed
in either the Special Uses Data System or Foundation Financial
Information System and include special use permits for various
projects and activities on Forest Service land. See appendix IV for
our assessment of potential reliability and additional information on
the Forest Service revenue data elements we reviewed and their
associated primary agency data systems.
Reasons Forest Service Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain
Revenue Data Elements:
The Forest Service did not collect 26 of the 35 revenue data elements
that we examined. Agency officials provided various explanations on
why they did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Certain cost recovery fees. According to agency officials, the
Forest Service did not collect information on revenues generated from
cost recovery fees for hardrock mining, Environmental Impact Statement
preparation, processing of oil and gas Applications for Permit to
Drill, and geothermal activities. Forest Service officials told us the
agency did not collect this information either because it does not
have the authority to do so or it is not part of the agency's mission
to do so. BLM collects most of this information.
* Bonus bids, rents, and royalties associated with fluid and solid
mineral operations. According to Forest Service officials, the Forest
Service does not have the authority to collect this information. BLM
or ONRR is responsible for collecting information on revenues
generated by bonus bids, rents and royalties related to oil and gas,
coal, geothermal, and other leaseable commodity operations occurring
on Forest Service land.
* Special use permits for solar projects. According to Forest Service
officials, as of June 2010, the Forest Service had not received any
applications for solar projects. One proposal for a solar project on
agency land in California had not progressed to the application phase,
as of that time.
See appendix IV, table 30, for the list of revenue data elements we
reviewed that Forest Service did not collect and agency officials'
According to agency officials we surveyed, FWS collected 10 of the 35
revenue data elements that we examined, and all of these were stored
in a primary agency data system.
FWS Revenue Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System and
Their Potential Reliability:
The 10 FWS revenue data elements stored in a primary data system
related to revenues generated from:
* recreation, entrance, and use fees;
* grazing fees;
* concession receipts;
* special use permits for camping, day use, and filming activities;
* right-of-way permits for transmission lines and water projects.
Table 10 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of the
FWS's revenue data elements stored in a primary agency data system.
Table 10: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Revenue Data
Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 6;
Potentially unreliable: 4;
Number of data elements in system: 10.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 6;
Potentially unreliable: 4;
Number of data elements in system: 10.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
We assessed none of the 10 FWS revenue elements as potentially
reliable. We determined that 6 of these 10 data elements may be
potentially reliable and 4 were potentially unreliable. For example,
we assessed the revenues generated from the right-of-way permits data
element as potentially unreliable, in part because the revenues cannot
be broken down by type of permit, and even if the type of permit were
known, the frequency of revenues generated from these permits is
unknown (e.g., annually or one-time). These 10 revenue data elements
are stored in Interior's Federal Financial System. See appendix V for
our assessment of potential reliability and additional information on
the FWS revenue data elements we reviewed and their associated primary
agency data system.
Reasons FWS Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Revenue Data
FWS did not collect 25 of the 35 revenue data elements we examined.
Agency officials provided various explanations on why they did not
collect these data elements. For example:
* Cost recovery fees for hardrock mining, Environmental Impact
Statement preparation, processing of oil and gas Applications for a
Permit to Drill, and geothermal activities. According to FWS
officials, FWS did not collect information on cost recovery fees for
hardrock mining because most of the agency's land is closed to mining
operations. Regarding cost recovery fees for preparing Environmental
Impact Statements, these costs would be paid by the group or
individual applying for a permit to conduct an activity on FWS land
and would not be subject to cost recovery. FWS did not collect any
revenues for oil and gas Applications for a Permit to Drill because
they said BLM is responsible for these, and it did not collect cost
recovery fees for geothermal activities because none of these
activities were being conducted on FWS lands.
* Bonus bids, rents, and royalties associated with oil and gas
operations. FWS did not collect revenue information on these data
elements, as it is BLM's or ONRR's responsibility to do so. While FWS
does receive some revenues related to oil and gas operations, these
revenues are captured in the FWS's financial reports as "mineral
resources (oil and gas)" and are not broken out into the subcategories
we asked about.
* Right-of-way for solar and wind projects. According to FWS
officials, as of June 2010, FWS did not have any solar or wind
projects on the land it manages and had no plans to allow them.
See appendix V, table 35, for the list of revenue data elements we
reviewed that FWS did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, NPS collected 6 of the 35
revenue data elements that we examined: 3 of the 6 were stored in a
primary agency data system, and 3 were stored in other formats.
NPS Revenue Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System and
Their Potential Reliability:
The three revenue data elements that NPS stored in a primary agency
system were:
* recreation fees,
* use fees, and:
* concession receipts.
Table 11 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of the
NPS's revenue data elements stored in a primary agency data system.
Table 11: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Revenue Data
Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 3;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 3.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 3;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 3.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
We assessed these three data elements as potentially reliable. These
data elements were stored in Interior's Federal Financial System. See
appendix VI for our assessment of potential reliability and additional
information on the NPS revenue data elements we reviewed and their
associated primary agency data system.
NPS Revenue Data Elements Stored In Other Formats And Their Potential
The three revenue data elements NPS collected in other formats related
to revenues generated from:
* right-of-way permits for transmission lines,
* right-of-way permits for water projects, and:
* special use permits generated from filming activities.
NPS officials explained that data elements by the specific categories
of right-of-way and special use permits are kept at the park unit
level. We assessed these three elements as potentially unreliable, in
part because agency officials provided insufficient information on the
accuracy and completeness of the data. See appendix VI for our
assessment of potential reliability and additional information on the
revenue data elements NPS stored in other formats.
Reasons NPS Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Revenue Data
NPS did not collect 29 of the 35 revenue data elements that we
examined. Agency officials provided various explanations on why they
did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Certain cost recovery fees. According to NPS officials, NPS did not
collect information on revenues generated from cost recovery fees for
hardrock mining, Environmental Impact Statement preparation, and
processing of oil and gas Applications for Permits to Drill, because
the agency does not charge such fees. According to NPS officials, the
agency does not collect information on revenues generated from
geothermal activities because these activities are prohibited on NPS
* Certain bonus bids, rents, and royalties. According to NPS
officials, NPS did not collect information on revenues generated by
bonus bids, rents and royalties related to oil and gas, coal,
geothermal, and other leaseable commodities. For oil and gas and
leaseable commodities activities, either BLM or ONRR are responsible
for collecting these revenues. NPS officials told us both geothermal
activity and coal mining are prohibited on NPS land, so no revenues
are generated for these.
* Right-of-way and special use permits for solar or wind projects.
According to NPS officials, as of September 2010, NPS did not collect
this information because it had not authorized any solar or wind
projects and was not considering any such projects.
See appendix VI, table 40, for the list of revenue data elements we
reviewed that NPS did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, BoR collected 13 of the 35
revenue data elements that we examined: 4 of the 13 were stored in a
primary agency data system, and 9 were stored in other formats.
BOR Revenue Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System and
Their Potential Reliability:
The four revenue data elements that BoR stored in a primary agency
system related to revenues generated from:
* recreation fees,
* concession receipts,
* grazing fees, and:
* special use permits generated from filming activities.
We assessed these four revenue data elements as may be potentially
reliable. Interior officials believe information on these four revenue
data elements is reliable. However, we assessed them as may be
potentially reliable because information about the completeness and
accuracy provided moderate assurance of reliability. These four data
elements are stored in Interior's Federal Financial System. See
appendix VII for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on the BoR revenue data elements we reviewed
and their associated primary agency data systems.
BOR Revenue Data Elements Stored in Other Formats and Their Potential
The nine revenue data elements BoR stored in other formats were
related to cost recovery fees for preparing Environmental Impact
Statements and various types of right-of-way and special use permits.
We assessed as potentially unreliable all nine of these revenue data
elements. This was because, in part, while aggregate revenue data on
cost recovery fees are stored in Interior's Federal Financial System,
revenue information specifically related to cost recovery fees for
Environmental Impact Statement preparation is stored in permits or
vouchers at the relevant BoR regional offices. Similarly, aggregate
revenue data on right-of-way and special use permits are in the
Federal Financial System, but data on the revenues generated from
specific types of special use permits or rights-of-way we examined
would be kept in BoR's regional offices. See appendix VII for our
assessment of potential reliability and additional information on the
revenue data elements BoR collected in other formats.
Reasons BOR Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Revenue Data
BoR did not collect 22 of the 35 revenue data elements that we
examined. Agency officials provided various explanations on why they
did not collect these data elements. For example:
* Cost recovery fees for hardrock mining, processing of oil and gas
Applications for Permits to Drill, and geothermal activities.
According to BoR officials, BLM is responsible for administering these
activities, so BoR does not collect these data.
* Bonus bids, rents, and royalties for mineral and geothermal
operations. According to BoR officials, BLM or ONRR is responsible for
collecting information on revenues generated from bonus bids, rents,
and royalties associated with oil and gas, geothermal, and other
leaseable commodities. BoR did not collect information related to
bonus bids, rents, and royalties associated with coal because there
are no coal mines located on the agency's land.
* Right-of-way and special use permits for water projects. According
to BoR officials, BoR does not issue these permits because most of the
water projects it builds are authorized by special legislation and do
not require a permit.
See appendix VII, table 45, for the list of revenue data elements we
reviewed that BoR did not collect and agency officials' explanations.
Availability and Potential Reliability of Data Elements on Federal
Land Use Designation Collected by the Five Agencies:
Some land use designation data elements apply to all five federal land
management agencies, and some are unique to a specific agency. As a
result, the number of land use designations applicable to each agency
varies. Specifically, 26 federal land use designation data elements
applied to BLM, 21 to the Forest Service, 21 to FWS, 30 to NPS, and 17
to BoR. NPS collected the most federal land use designation data
elements and BoR collected the least, 25 and 1, respectively. Agency
officials provided several reasons for not collecting certain federal
land use designation data elements applicable to their agencies. They
often cited that the collection of certain federal land use
designation data elements was the responsibility of other agencies or
organizations. We assessed as potentially reliable 25 land use
designation data elements stored in primary agency data systems: 2 at
Forest Service, 6 at FWS, and 17 at NPS. Table 12 shows for each
agency, the number and the availability of federal land use
designation data elements we examined and our assessment of the
potential reliability for those stored in primary agency data systems.
Table 12: Number and Availability of Federal Land Use Designation Data
Elements and Potential Reliability of the Data Elements Stored in
Primary Data Systems, by Agency:
Agency: BLM;
Number of data elements identified: 26;
Number of data elements collected: 17;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 1;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 16;
Number of data elements not collected: 9.
Agency: Forest Service;
Number of data elements identified: 21;
Number of data elements collected: 15;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 13;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 2;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 2;
Number of data elements not collected: 6.
Agency: FWS;
Number of data elements identified: 21;
Number of data elements collected: 11;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 6;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 6;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 5;
Number of data elements not collected: 10.
Agency: NPS;
Number of data elements identified: 30;
Number of data elements collected: 25;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 18;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 17;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 7;
Number of data elements not collected: 5.
Agency: BoR;
Number of data elements identified: 17;
Number of data elements collected: 1;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system: 0;
Number of data elements stored in a primary agency data system and
potentially reliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in other formats: 1;
Number of data elements not collected: 16.
Source: GAO analysis of information on land use designations provided
by BLM, Forest Service FWS, NPS, and BoR officials.
[End of table]
According to agency officials we surveyed, BLM collected 17 of the 26
land use designation data elements that are applicable to the agency,
with 1 of the 17 stored in a primary agency data system and 16 stored
in other formats.
BLM Federal Land Use Designation Data Element Stored in A Primary
Agency Data System and Its Potential Reliability:
The one data element BLM stored in a primary agency data system--acres
designated as Special Recreation Management Areas--is potentially
unreliable, in part because of limitations with the accuracy of
historic data. This data element is stored in BLM's Recreation
Management Information System. See appendix III for our assessment of
potential reliability and additional information on this BLM land use
designation data element we examined and its associated primary agency
data system.
BLM Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Other Formats
and Their Potential Reliability:
We assessed as potentially reliable 7 of the 16 land use designation
data elements BLM stored in other formats. Information for most of the
potentially reliable data elements was documented in spreadsheets at
BLM headquarters. These data elements included, for example, the
number of cultural and historic resource sites, National Monuments,
and National Historic and National Scenic Trails. In contrast, we
assessed two data elements kept at multiple field offices--the number
of paleontological sites and total acres designated as critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act--as potentially unreliable
because of agency reported limitations with accuracy, completeness,
and overall reliability. See appendix III for our assessment of
potential reliability and additional information on the land use
designation data elements BLM stored in other formats.
Reasons BLM Officials Provided For Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
Use Designation Data Elements:
BLM did not collect 9 of the 26 federal land use designation data
elements that were applicable to the agency. Agency officials provided
a variety of explanations on why they did not collect these data
elements. For example:
* Data elements not routinely collected. According to BLM officials,
the agency does not routinely collect information on total acres
designated as Wildland Fire Use Management Areas because it does not
need this information to manage the fire program. It collects this
information in response to special requests, and the information is
located in field offices from where the fires are managed. To update
this information, which was last done in 2008, 140 BLM field offices
compiled the information and then sent it to the BLM state offices to
be aggregated, which took a few months to complete. The information
would need to be collected during the fall or winter months because
the BLM field office staff would otherwise not have time to do so
during the summer fire season.
* Data elements collected by another organization. According to BLM
officials, the agency does not collect information on the total acres
of land designated as Globally Important Bird Areas. The American Bird
Conservancy designates these areas and, along with the National
Audubon Society, collects information about these sites. BLM is
informed if any designations are on its land but does not track these
areas. Similarly, BLM does not track acres designated under the United
Nations Biosphere Reserve Program.[Footnote 19] Instead, the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
keeps information on biosphere reserve sites.
* Data elements involving land use designations that are not located
on BLM land. According to BLM officials, the agency does not collect
information on total acres designated as Wetlands of International
Importance, as none of these sites are located on BLM-managed land.
See appendix III, table 25, for the list of land use designation data
elements we reviewed that BLM did not collect and agency officials'
Forest Service:
According to agency officials we surveyed, the Forest Service
collected 15 of the 21 land use designation data elements that were
applicable to the agency. Thirteen of the 15 data elements collected
were stored in primary agency data systems, and 2 were stored in other
Forest Service Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored In
Primary Agency Data Systems And Their Potential Reliability:
The 13 federal land use designation data elements that the Forest
Service stored in primary agency systems related to:
* total acres designated as Wilderness Areas, National Forests,
National Grasslands, National Monuments, National Tallgrass Prairie,
Land Utilization Projects, administrative sites, and Research Natural
* total river miles designated as Wild and Scenic Rivers; and:
* number of cultural and historic sites, National Historic and
National Scenic Trails, National Recreational Trails, and
paleontological sites.
Table 13 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of the
Forest Service's federal land use designation data elements stored in
primary agency data systems.
Table 13: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service
Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency
Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 8;
Number of data elements stored in system: 8.
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 1;
Number of data elements stored in system: 2.
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 2;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements stored in system: 3.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 2;
May be potentially reliable: 2;
Potentially unreliable: 9;
Number of data elements stored in system: 13.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, 2 of the 13 Forest Service federal land use
designation data elements stored in primary data systems were assessed
as potentially reliable and 9 of the 13 data elements were assessed as
potentially unreliable. The two potentially reliable data elements--
the number of (1) cultural and historic resource sites listed on the
national register of historic places under the Historic Sites Act of
1935 or the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and (2)
National Historic and National Scenic Trails designated under the
National Trails System Act 1968, as amended--were stored in the
Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate Database. In contrast, the
eight data elements stored in the Land Area Report data system were
potentially unreliable, in part because the data system used few
internal controls for data quality, and the data in the system had not
been audited. See appendix IV for our assessment of potential
reliability and additional information on the Forest Service federal
land use designation data elements we reviewed and their associated
data systems.
Forest Service Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in
Other Formats and Their Potential Reliability:
We assessed the two federal land use designation data elements
collected by the Forest Service in other formats as may be potentially
* Acres within inventoried roadless areas. This data element was
available on a Web site [hyperlink, http://roadless.fs.fed.us] that is
maintained by staff at the Forest Service headquarters office. Staff
in the field offices provided the information to the headquarters
office by converting hand-drawn maps to Geographic Information System
maps, which were then loaded onto the Web site.
* Acres designated as critical habitat under the Endangered Species
Act. Information for this data element was collected in a spreadsheet
kept by the Forest Service's headquarters office, which relied on
field units to report the critical habitat areas in their regions.
See appendix IV for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on the federal land use designation data
elements the Forest Service stored in other formats.
Reasons Forest Service Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain
Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements:
The Forest Service did not collect 6 of the 21 applicable federal land
use designation data elements that were applicable to the agency.
Agency officials provided various explanations on why they did not
collect these data elements. For example:
* According to Forest Service officials, the agency is not required to
track acres of land designated as Wetlands of International Importance
or lands designated as Globally Important Bird Areas. National Forests
have the discretion to recognize these sites and include them in their
land management plans.
* According to Forest Service officials, sites designated as World
Heritage sites or International Historic sites are not located on
agency-managed land.
See appendix IV, table 30, for the list of federal land use
designation data elements we reviewed that Forest Service did not
collect and agency officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, FWS collected 11 of the 21
data elements on federal land use designations that were applicable to
the agency; 6 of the 11 elements were stored in primary agency data
systems, and 5 were stored in other formats.
FWS Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary
Agency Data Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The six federal land use designation data elements that FWS stored in
primary agency data systems included total acres designated as:
* administrative sites,
* National Monuments,
* Wilderness Areas,
* National Wildlife Refuge System,
* National Fish Hatchery System, and:
* Waterfowl Production Areas.
We assessed these six data elements as potentially reliable. These six
data elements were stored in the Land Records System. See appendix V
for our assessment of potential reliability and additional information
on the FWS federal land use designation data elements we reviewed and
their associated primary agency data systems.
FWS Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Other Formats
and Their Potential Reliability:
The five federal land use designation data elements that were
collected in other formats were kept in paper files at the
headquarters, regional, and field or local office level. The five data
elements included:
* total river miles designated as Wild and Scenic Rivers,
* the number of cultural and historic resource sites,
* the number of National Historic and National Scenic Trails,
* the number of National Recreational Trails or Roads, and:
* the number of paleontological sites.
We assessed as potentially reliable four of these data elements and
one--the number of paleontological sites--as potentially unreliable
because the data were newly collected and there is no clear procedure
established for data collection. See appendix V for our assessment of
potential reliability and additional information on the federal land
use designation data elements FWS collects that were stored in other
Reasons FWS Officials Provided For Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
Use Designation Data Elements:
FWS did not collect 10 of the 21 federal land use designation data
elements that were applicable to the agency. Agency officials provided
various explanations on why they did not collect these data elements.
For example:
* Information not routinely collected. According to FWS officials, FWS
does not routinely collect information about acres designated as
Research Natural Areas. Files containing this information are kept at
the field office level. A list of these areas was developed a few
years ago, but there is no process in place to update the list.
Similarly, FWS does not routinely collect information on acres
designated as critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act. About
390 wildlife refuges have endangered species, and the field offices
could estimate the number of acres that fall under this designation.
However, these designations change over time as areas and species are
monitored and evaluated and, sometimes, endangered species' habitats
overlap. As a result, the field offices could only estimate the number
of acres that fall under this designation.
* Information collected by another organization. According to FWS
officials, the United Nations World Heritage program keeps records for
acres designated as World Heritage Sites, and FWS relies on this
entity for information about these sites. Similarly, the United
Nations keeps records for sites designated under the United Nations
Biosphere Reserve Program, and UNESCO keeps records for Wetlands of
International Importance. FWS relies on these entities for information
about these land designations, and these designations do not affect
the agency's management of these areas.
* Information involving sites not on FWS land. According to FWS
officials, they do not use specific designations for Wetlands
Conservation and Coastal Wetlands, so the agency does not collect
information on these sites. Similarly, FWS does not designate lands as
Migratory Bird Habitat Areas. Land for these habitats is purchased
using funds from the sale of "duck stamps" or Federal Migratory Bird
Hunting and Conservation Stamps. Once these lands are purchased, they
are managed in the same manner as other FWS land and are not tracked
See appendix V, table 35, for the list of federal land use designation
data elements we reviewed that FWS did not collect and agency
officials' explanations.
According to agency officials we surveyed, NPS collected 25 of the 30
federal land use designation data elements applicable to the agency:
18 data elements were stored in primary agency data systems, and 7
were stored in other formats.
NPS Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary
Agency Data Systems and Their Potential Reliability:
The 18 NPS federal land use designation data elements stored in
primary agency data systems included the number of acres of land
designated for National Parks, National Monuments, National
Battlefields, National Historic Sites, and the number of
paleontological sites.
Table 14 shows our assessment of the potential reliability of NPS's
federal land use designation data elements stored in primary agency
data systems.
Table 14: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Federal Land Use
Designation Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Primary agency data system: National Register Information System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 1;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Performance Management Data System;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 0;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 1.
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 16;
May be potentially reliable: 0;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 16.
Primary agency data system: Total;
Data elements' potential reliability:
Potentially reliable: 17;
May be potentially reliable: 1;
Potentially unreliable: 0;
Number of data elements in system: 18.
Source: GAO analysis.
[End of table]
As the table shows, we assessed as potentially reliable 17 of the 18
NPS federal land use designation data elements, and we assessed the
remaining data element--the number of paleontological sites--as may be
potentially reliable, in part because the data are reported to be
accurate, however there are some limitations with completeness of the
data. See appendix VI for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on the NPS land use designation data elements
we reviewed and their associated primary agency data systems.
NPS Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Stored in Other Formats
and Their Potential Reliability:
The seven federal land use designation data elements that NPS stored
in other formats were kept in electronic spreadsheets, on Web sites,
or paper files at agency headquarters or in park units. These data
elements included:
* total acres designated as Wilderness Areas,
* total river miles designated as Wild and Scenic Rivers,
* number of National Historic and National Scenic Trails,
* number of National Recreational Trails or Roads,
* total acres designated as Research Natural Areas,
* total acres designated as critical habitat under the Endangered
Species Act, and:
* total acres designated as World Heritage Sites.
Of the seven federal land use designation data elements that NPS
stored in other formats, we assessed two as potentially reliable--
number of National Historic and National Scenic Trails and number of
National Recreational Trails or Roads. We assessed as potentially
unreliable two data elements--total acres designated as Research
Natural Areas and total acres designated as World Heritage Sites. Data
for World Heritage Sites are kept at NPS headquarters in paper files
and data for Research Natural Areas are kept in paper files at 58 park
units. Agency officials noted limitations in the accuracy and
completeness for both of these data elements.
See appendix VI for our assessment of potential reliability and
additional information on the federal land use designation data
elements that NPS collects in other formats.
Reasons NPS Officials Provided For Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
Use Designation Data Elements:
NPS did not collect 5 of the 30 land use designation data elements
applicable to the agency. Agency officials provided various
explanations on why they did not collect these data elements. For
* Data elements not routinely collected. According to NPS officials,
the agency stopped separately tracking information about acres
designated as National Cemeteries in the agency's lands data system
about 20 to 25 years ago. The acreage is included as a part of other
designations, such as national military parks or national battlefield
* Data elements collected by another organization. According to NPS
officials, NPS did not collect information on acres designated under
the United Nations Biosphere Reserve Program because the UNESCO is
responsible for collecting these data. Similarly, NPS did not collect
information on acres designated as Globally Important Bird Areas
because two organizations manage information on these areas--the
American Bird Conservancy and the National Audubon Society.
See appendix VI, table 40, for the list of federal land use
designation data elements we reviewed that NPS did not collect and
agency officials' explanations.
BoR collected 1 of the 17 federal land use designation data elements
applicable to the agency. It was stored in another format, and we
assessed this data element as potentially reliable. This data element
was kept in an electronic file at BoR headquarters, according to
agency officials we surveyed. Through this data element BoR collected
information on the number of cultural and historic resource sites on
its land. See appendix VII for our assessment of potential reliability
and additional information on this data element BoR stores in other
Reasons BOR Officials Provided for Not Collecting Certain Federal Land
Use Designation Data Elements:
BoR did not collect 16 of 17 land use designation data elements that
we examined. Agency officials provided various explanations on why
they did not collect these data, for example:
* Data collection not part of BoR's mission. According to BoR
officials, the agency did not routinely collect information about
acres designated as Wilderness Areas, river miles designated as Wild
and Scenic River, the number of National Historic and National Scenic
Trails, and the number of National Recreational Trails or roads
because collection of this information is not a part of its mission.
* Data collected by another agency. Several of the land use
designations that are applicable to BoR were tracked by other federal
agencies, according to BoR officials. For example, NPS collects
information about acres designated as National Natural Landmarks.
* Data collection not mandated by BoR. Some sites designated for
specific purposes may be on BoR-managed land, but BoR headquarters
does not collect information on these sites, although BoR regional
offices may do so. Some of these sites that may be on BoR land are
World Heritage Sites, Wetlands of International Importance/Ramsar
sites, Globally Important Bird Areas, or International Historic Sites.
See appendix VII, table 45, for the list of land use designation data
elements we reviewed that BoR did not collect and agency officials'
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation:
We provided a draft of this report to Interior and the Forest Service
for their review and comment. The Forest Service generally concurred
with the report's observations. The Forest Service's written comments
are presented in appendix IX. Interior provided technical comments,
which we incorporated into the report, as appropriate.
As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce the contents
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days
from the report date. At that time, we will send copies to the
appropriate congressional committees, the Secretaries of Agriculture
and the Interior, and other interested parties. In addition, the
report will be available at no charge on the GAO Web site at
[hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov].
If you or your staffs have any questions about this report, please
contact me at (202) 512-3841 or mittala@gao.gov. Contact points for
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found
on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made contributions to
this report are listed in appendix X.
Signed by:
Anu K. Mittal:
Director, Natural Resources and Environment:
[End of section]
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology:
This appendix details the methods we used to examine certain federal
land data the five agencies--the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the
Bureau of Reclamation (BoR), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and
the National Park Service (NPS) in the Department of the Interior
(Interior) and the Forest Service in the Department of Agriculture--
collect, and the availability and the potential reliability of these
data. As requested, we examined selected data in the following three
categories for fiscal years 1996 through 2009: (1) federal land and
the resources the five agencies manage, (2) revenues generated from
selected activities on federal land, and (3) federal land subject to
selected land use designations.
To address these objectives, we developed a list of the types of data
the agencies might collect on their federal land and resources,
revenues generated from activities on federal land, and federal land
use designations. Hereafter, we refer to these types of data as "data
elements." We developed a list of data elements by reviewing, among
other things, your request letter, past GAO and Congressional Research
Service reports and interviewing agency officials. For federal land
use designations applicable to each agency, we obtained information on
relevant designations from agency officials. To develop a list of
primary agency data systems that contained the data elements we were
examining, we obtained an initial list of data systems from agency
officials and refined this list as needed. We defined "primary agency
data system" as a centralized, electronic data system maintained at an
agencywide level. To identify knowledgeable agency officials, we
obtained a preliminary list of those responsible for land management
programs and primary agency data systems from the five land management
agencies, which we refined in order to identify knowledgeable agency
officials to respond to the questions about the data elements and
primary agency data systems. Through these efforts, we identified more
than 100 data elements of interest at each of the five agencies for a
total of 575 data elements and 26 primary agency data systems. We did
not identify every data element that the five agencies collect related
to land management, nor did we determine what data elements the
agencies are required to collect.
We developed a Web-based survey to systematically and consistently
obtain and record information about each data element and primary
agency data system. The survey was administered via telephone
interviews, with knowledgeable agency officials at the headquarters
level. We did not contact officials at the regional or field levels to
verify statements provided by headquarters officials who answered
survey questions regarding data elements available at the regional or
field levels. We surveyed more than 100 officials in the five agencies
to gather information on the availability, location, and reliability
of each data element (e.g., completeness and accuracy of data, and
associated limitations) that these agencies collected from 1996
through 2009, as well as the internal controls (e.g., data entry and
access procedures, automated edit checks, error flags, and audits)
used to ensure the quality of data maintained in primary agency data
systems. We considered the data element to be "collected" if it was
tracked in a routine manner, easily accessible, and readily available.
If officials noted that a data element could be gathered or
calculated, this did not fit our definition and was therefore recorded
as "not collected." We also obtained an explanation from agency
officials on why the data element was not collected. If the agency
officials noted one of the agencies in our review--BLM, Forest
Service, FWS, NPS, or BoR--collected this information, we reviewed the
information provided by that agency. However, if agency officials told
us that another agency outside these five agencies, such as the Office
of Natural Resource Revenue (ONRR), collected a data element, we did
not confirm whether that agency collected the information. We also
reviewed readily available relevant information, such as BLM's Public
Lands Statistics, agency financial statements, and previous GAO and
Congressional Research Service reports to corroborate some of the
information agency officials provided.[Footnote 20]
The practical difficulties of conducting any survey may introduce
errors, commonly referred to as nonsampling errors. For example,
differences in how a particular question is interpreted or the
information sources available to respondents can introduce unwanted
variability into the survey results. We took extensive steps in survey
development, data collection, and the editing and analysis of survey
data to minimize nonsampling errors. Specifically, we obtained
comments on the draft of the survey from internal specialists and the
analysis of survey results was reviewed by an independent, internal
specialist. In addition, we pretested the survey with all five
agencies to ensure the (1) questions were clear and unambiguous, (2)
terminology was used correctly, (3) information could feasibly be
obtained, and (4) the survey was comprehensive and unbiased. We made
changes to the content and format of the survey after this process
based on the feedback we received. In particular, we originally
designed the survey to be self-administered. However, as a result of
pretesting, we decided to administer the survey through interviews to
more effectively capture the complexity, accuracy, and depth of
responses needed.
We did not collect the actual data for each data element, and could
not, therefore, electronically test the data for a specific purpose.
Rather, we assessed the "potential reliability" of data elements the
agencies collect, based on information gathered through the survey
process and, where applicable, from relevant reports or audits. One of
three possible levels of "potential reliability" was assigned to each
data system and data element--"potentially reliable," "may be
potentially reliable," and "potentially unreliable." Our assessment of
potential reliability is for a specific time frame, which may be
different for the time frame in which the data are available. For
example, a data element might be available from before 1995; however,
it might only be potentially reliable since 2010. The reliability
assessments and the time frames for the assessments are in appendixes
III through VII. It is also important to note that GAO only assessed
the potential reliability of these data elements and additional
analysis would be needed to determine the reliability of specific data
elements depending on the purpose for which they will be used.
The assessments of primary agency data systems and data elements were
conducted independently, by two reviewers with expertise in data
reliability assessment. Using the criteria for assessing potential
reliability detailed in tables 15, 16, and 17, the reviewers
independently coded each data system and data element, and then
reconciled results to assign a final score. Specifically, we took the
following steps:
* Step 1: Assess primary agency data systems.
We assessed the potential reliability of the 26 primary agency data
systems based on information officials provided about the system's
internal controls, audit and review findings, and limitations. In
making the assessment, we also incorporated relevant findings from
published audits, evaluations, or other reviews provided by agency
* Step 2: Assess data elements collected in a primary agency data
We then assessed the potential reliability of data elements the
agencies collect in primary data systems based on information
officials provided on (1) the specific data element's accuracy and
completeness, and (2) our assessment of the primary data system in
which the data element is stored.
* Step 3: Assess data elements collected in other formats.[Footnote 21]
Finally, we assessed the potential reliability of data elements the
agencies collect, but that were stored in other formats, based on
information officials provided on (1) the specific elements' accuracy
and completeness and (2) other risk factors related to data integrity
and reliability. Because we did not have information about internal
controls on data elements stored in other formats, our assessment of
potential reliability for these data elements was more limited.
In assessing the primary agency data systems and data elements, we
used symbols to indicate the level of "potential reliability" we
assigned. See tables 15, 16, and 17 for the symbol associated with the
three levels of potential reliability and the criteria used to assign
a level for our assessment of primary agency data systems, data
elements stored in a primary agency database, and data elements stored
in other formats. See appendixes III through VII for our potential
reliability assessments and time frames for the data elements and
appendix VIII for our potential reliability assessments of the
individual agency primary data systems at each of the five agencies.
Table 15: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
System controls provide high assurance about the reliability of data
in the system;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
system, and that information indicated that the data system routinely
used most of the necessary internal controls required to reliably
maintain data and (2) had no or only minor limitations related to
maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
System controls provide moderate assurance about the reliability of
data in the system;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data system to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) agency officials reported that the data system (a)
occasionally used most or (b) routinely used only some of the
necessary internal controls required to reliably maintain data;
and/or (3) had some limitations related to maintaining accurate,
complete, and reliable data.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
System controls provide low assurance about the reliability of data in
the system;
Criteria: Agency officials reported that the data system (1) did not
use, or they did not know if it used, many of the necessary internal
controls required to reliably maintain data and/or (2) had significant
limitations related to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 16: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in a Primary Agency Data System:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 17: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
We conducted this performance audit from January 2010 through April
2011 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
[End of section]
Appendix II: Data Elements Examined and the Extent to Which the Five
Agencies Collect Them:
This appendix provides information on the over 100 data elements that
GAO examined at each of the five agencies--BLM, FWS, NPS, and BoR at
Interior, and the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service.
In summary, all five agencies collected data for four of the data
elements that GAO asked them about, which related to total surface
acres they manage, total acres they manage within each state, the
number of special use permits generated for filming activities on
federal land, and the number of cultural and historic sites listed on
the National Registry of Historic Places. In contrast, none of the
five agencies collected information for 33 data elements that GAO
asked them about, such as the percent of total acres under oil, gas,
or coal leases that have surface disturbance or where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed, or information on the potential
quantities of oil, gas, and coal resources on federal land. Agency
officials cited a variety of reasons why the agencies did not collect
certain data elements. See appendixes III through VII for agency
officials' explanations.
Tables 18 and 19 list the data elements we examined for federal land
and resources and for revenues generated from activities on federal
land and indicate which of the five agencies collect them. Table 20
lists the data elements collected for federal land use designations by
those that apply to all agencies and those that apply to each of the
five agencies.
Table 18: Federal Land and Resource Data Elements Collected by the
Five Federal Agencies:
Data element: 1. Total surface acres managed;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes];
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 2. Total subsurface acres managed;
BLM: Yes];
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 3. Total acres managed within each state;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 4. Total acres acquired that facilitated the
establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 5. Total acres withdrawn that facilitated the
establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 6. Total acres acquired for national park units;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 7. Total acres acquired for wilderness areas;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 8. Total acres acquired for battlegrounds;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 9. Total acres acquired for wildlife refuges;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 10. Total acres acquired for national recreation areas;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 11. Total acres acquired for other purposes;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 12. Total acres that were added to the federal estate
through eminent domain powers of the federal government;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 13. Total acres disposed of through sale or exchange;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 14. Potential quantity of coal resources on federal
lands (tonnage);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 15. Potential quantity of coal reserves on federal lands
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 16. Total acres of federal lands available for coal
leasing under existing land management plans;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 17. Total acres of land that have been leased for coal
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 18. Total acres of federal lands leased for coal
development that are in producing status;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 19. Extent to which coal has been produced from leased
lands (tonnage);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 20. Potential quantity of oil and natural gas resources
on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 21. Potential quantity of oil and natural gas reserves
on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 22. Total acres of federal lands available for oil and
natural gas leasing under existing land management plans;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 23. Total acres of federal lands that have been leased
for oil and natural gas development;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 24. Total acres of federal lands leased for oil and
natural gas development that are in producing status;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 25. Extent to which oil and natural gas has been
produced from leased federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 26. Value of bonds held by your agency to ensure
reclamation of oil and gas operations;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 27. Potential acres of federal lands available for
timber sale;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 28. Potential quantity of timber on federal lands
suitable for commercial harvesting (board feet);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 29. Total acres of federal lands that have been approved
for commercial timber harvesting (acres) under existing land
management plans;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 30. Extent to which timber on federal lands has been
commercially harvested (board feet);
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 31. Total acres of federal lands from which timber has
been commercially harvested;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 32. Potential acreage for livestock grazing on federal
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 33. Total acres of federal lands authorized for
livestock grazing use under existing land management plans;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 34. Total acres of federal lands used for livestock
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 35. Potential quantity of hardrock (locatable) minerals
on federal lands;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 36. Total acres of federal lands available for hardrock
(locatable) mineral mining under existing land management plans;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 37. Extent to which hardrock (locatable) minerals have
been extracted from federal lands (tonnage);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 38. Value of bonds held by your agency to ensure
reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral operations;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 39. Total acres of federal lands that were burned as a
result of wildland fires (Forest Service and NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 40. Costs associated with wildland fires (Forest Service
and NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
BLM: Yes];
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 41. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under a coal lease that have surface disturbance;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 42. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under an oil and natural gas lease that have surface disturbance;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 43. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable) operation that have
surface disturbance;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 44. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under a coal lease where the surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 45. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under an oil and natural gas lease where the surface disturbance has
been reclaimed;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 46. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable) operation where the
surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 47. Percentage of total acres of federal lands that are
under a coal lease where surface is undisturbed;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 48. Percentage of the total acres of federal lands that
are under an oil and natural gas lease where surface is undisturbed;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 49. Percentage of the total acres of federal lands that
are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable) operation where
surface is undisturbed;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 50. Total acres of wildlife refuge with energy
development and production currently taking place;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 51. Total acres of wildlife refuge with mineral
development and production currently taking place;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 52. Ownership of the fluid mineral estate being
developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 53. Ownership of the solid mineral estate being
developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 54. Total percentage of federal mineral estate that has
been withdrawn from mineral entry under the General Mining Act of 1872;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 55. Total percentage of federal mineral estate that has
been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral Leasing Act of
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 56. Total percentage of federal mineral estate that has
been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral Leasing Act for
Acquired Lands;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 57. Total percentage of federal mineral estate that has
been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral Materials Disposal
Act of 1947;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 19: Revenue Data Elements Collected by the Five Federal Agencies:
Data element: 1. Oil and gas bonus bids;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 2. Oil and gas rents;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 3. Oil and gas royalties;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 4. Coal bonus bids;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 5. Coal rents;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 6. Coal royalties;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 7. Geothermal bonus bids;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 8. Geothermal rents;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 9. Geothermal royalties;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 10. Other leaseable commodities bonus bids;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 11. Other leaseable commodities rents;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 12. Other leaseable commodities royalties;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 13. Grazing fees;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 14. Claim maintenance fees for hardrock mining;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 15. Location fees for hardrock mining;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 16. Special use permits for transmission lines;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 17. Right-of-way permits for transmission lines;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 18. Special use permits for water projects;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 19. Right-of-way permits for water projects;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 20. Special use permits for solar projects;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 21. Right-of-way permits for solar projects;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 22. Special use permits for wind projects;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 23. Right-of-way permits for wind projects;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 24. Special use permits generated from camping
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 25. Special use permits generated from day use
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 26. Special use permits generated from filming
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 27. Special use permits generated from concession
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 28. Cost recovery fees associated with hardrock mining;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 29. Cost recovery fees related to Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) preparation;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 30. Cost recovery fees for processing oil and gas
Applications to Drill;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 31. Cost recovery fees associated with geothermal
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 32. Recreation fees;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 33. Entrance fees;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 34. Use fees;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 35. Concession receipts;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 20: Federal Land Use Designation Data Elements Collected by the
Five Federal Agencies:
Federal land use designation data elements applicable to all five
Data element: 1. Total acres designated as Wilderness Areas under the
Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent associated legislation;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 2. Total river miles designated as Wild and Scenic River
under all categories of designations under the Wild and Scenic Rivers
Act of 1968, as amended;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 3. Number of cultural and historic resource sites listed
on the national register of historic places under the Historic Sites
Act of 1935 or the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: Yes.
Data element: 4. Number of National Historic and National Scenic
Trails designated under the National Trails System Act of 1968, as
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 5. Number of National Recreational Trails or roads
designated under the National Trails System Act of 1968, as amended;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 6. Number of paleontological sites;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: Yes;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 7. Total acres designated as Research Natural Areas;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 8. Total acres designated as critical habitat under the
Endangered Species Act;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: Yes;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 9. Total acres designated under the United Nations
Biosphere Reserve Program;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 10. Total acres designated as World Heritage Sites;
BLM: Yes;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Data element: 11. Total acres designated as Wetlands of International
Importance/Ramsar sites;
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 12. Total acres designated as Globally Important Bird
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: No;
BoR: No.
Data element: 13. Total acres designated as International Historic
BLM: No;
Forest Service: No;
FWS: No;
NPS: Yes;
BoR: No.
Federal land use designation data elements specific to BLM:
Data element: 1. Total acres designated as National Conservation Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 2. Total acres designated as National Monuments by
public proclamation of the President under the Antiquities Act of
1906, or by the Congress;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 3. Total acres designated as Cooperative Management and
Protection Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 4. Total acres designated as National Recreation Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 5. Total acres designated as Special Recreation
Management Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 6. Total acres designated as Outstanding Natural Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 7. Total acres designated as Forest Reserves;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 8. Total acres inventoried as Wilderness Study Areas
through Section 603(a) of the Federal Land Policy Management Act;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 9. Total acres designated as Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Data element: 10. Total acres designated as administrative sites;
Collected: BLM: No.
Data element: 11. Total acres designated as Visual Resource Management
Collected: BLM: No.
Data element: 12. Total acres designated as Wildland Fire Use
Management Areas;
Collected: BLM: No.
Data element: 13. Total acres designated as Herd Management Areas;
Collected: BLM: Yes.
Federal land use designation data elements specific to the Forest
Data element: 1. Total acres designated as National Forests;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 2. Total acres designated as National Grasslands;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 3. Total acres designated as National Monuments;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 4. Total areas designated as National Tallgrass Prairie;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 5. Total acres designated for Land Utilization Projects;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 6. Total acres designated as administrative sites;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 7. Total acres within inventoried roadless areas;
Collected: Forest Service: Yes.
Data element: 8. Total acres for other land use designations listed in
existing forest plans; No. [Empty];
Federal land use designation data elements specific to FWS:
Data element: 1. Total acres within the National Wildlife Refuge
Collected: FWS: Yes.
Data element: 2. Total acres within the National Fish Hatchery System;
Collected: FWS: Yes.
Data element: 3. Total acres designated as Waterfowl Production Areas;
Collected: FWS: Yes.
Data element: 4. Total acres designated as Coastal Wetlands;
Collected: FWS: No.
Data element: 5. Total acres designated as Wetlands Conservation;
Collected: FWS: No.
Data element: 6. Total acres designated as Migratory Bird Habitat
Collected: FWS: No.
Data element: 7. Total acres managed as administrative sites;
Collected: FWS: Yes.
Data element: 8. Total acres designated as National Monuments;
Collected: FWS: Yes.
Federal land use designation data elements specific to NPS:
Data element: 1. Total acres designated as National Parks;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 2. Total acres designated as National Parkways;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 3. Total acres designated as National Cemeteries;
Collected: NPS: No.
Data element: 4. Total acres designated as National Monuments;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 5. Total acres designated as National Battlefields;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 6. Total acres designated as National Battlefield Parks;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 7. Total acres designated as National Battlefield Sites;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 8. Total acres designated as National Military Parks;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 9. Total acres designated as National Historic Parks;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 10. Total acres designated as National Historic Sites;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 11. Total acres designated as National Lakeshores;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 12. Total acres designated as National Memorials;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 13. Total acres designated as National Preserves;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 14. Total acres designated as National Reserves;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 15. Total acres designated as National Seashores;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 16. Total acres designated as National Recreation Areas;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Data element: 17. Total acres designated as administrative sites;
Collected: NPS: Yes.
Federal land use designation data elements specific to BoR:
Data element: 1. Total acres designated as Wetlands;
Collected: BoR: No.
Data element: 2. Total acres designated as National Monuments;
Collected: BoR: No.
Data element: 3. Total acres designated as National Natural Landmarks;
Collected: BoR: No.
Data element: 4. Total acres designated as administrative sites;
Collected: BoR: No.
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix III: Information on Bureau of Land Management Data Elements:
This appendix presents detailed information on BLM data elements we
identified in our review that the agency collects and does not
collect, where they are stored, and their potential reliability. See
table 23 for data elements BLM collects in primary agency data
systems; table 24 for data elements BLM collects in other formats; and
table 25 for information on data elements BLM does not collect.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data element, we
reviewed agency officials' responses to our survey about the data's
accuracy, completeness, and reliability in order to apply categories
of potential reliability. For data elements stored in primary agency
data systems, we included information about the internal controls on
the systems in which the data are stored as part of the assessment.
However, because similar information was not available for data
elements stored in other formats, the assessment for these data
elements is somewhat less robust than the assessment of data elements
in primary agency data systems. Because the assessments for these two
sets of data elements are not comparable, they are presented
separately with different shading for the three categories of
potential reliability, as we used different criteria to assess the
data elements. The criteria are listed in tables 21 and 22.
Table 21: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability, and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 22: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 23: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of land that have been
leased for coal development;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal mineral estate
that have been leased for oil and natural gas development;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal mineral estate
leased for oil and natural gas production that are in producing status;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of oil and gas operations and other associated
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been contracted for commercial timber harvesting;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Timber Sale Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1997;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Extent to which timber on federal lands
has been commercially harvested (board feet);
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Timber Sale Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1997;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands from which
timber has been commercially harvested;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Timber Sale Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1997;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Potential acreage for livestock grazing
on federal lands;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Rangelands Administration System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands in
allotment for livestock grazing use;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Rangelands Administration System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands actually
used (active allotments) for livestock grazing;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Rangelands Administration System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral operations;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2007;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that were
burned as a result of wildfires;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Wildland Fire Management Information
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Costs associated with wildfires;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Financial and Business Management System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2009.
BLM data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation that have surface disturbance;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation where surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
BLM data elements by category: Oil and Gas Bonus bids;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Oil and gas rents;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Coal bonus bids;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Coal rents;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Geothermal lease sale bonus bids;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Geothermal lease rentals;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Grazing fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Claim maintenance fees for hardrock
(locatable) mining;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Location fees for hardrock (locatable)
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Rent revenue generated from right-of-
way permits for transmission lines;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Rent revenue generated from right-of-
way permits for water projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Rent revenue generated from land use
permits for solar testing projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2008;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Rent revenue generated from right-of-
way permits for wind testing projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2003;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Rent revenue generated from right-of-
way permits for wind development projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
camping activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2002.
BLM data elements by category: Special use permits generated from day
use activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2002.
BLM data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
filming activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
concession activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with non-
energy leaseable mineral mining;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Financial and Business Management System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2009.
BLM data elements by category: Application fees for processing oil and
gas Applications to Drill;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2008;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
geothermal lease administration activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BLM data elements by category: Entrance fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Collection and Billing System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Federal land use designation data elements:
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Special
Recreation Management Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Recreation Management Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BLM officials.
[End of table]
Table 24: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BLM Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Federal land and resource data elements:
BLM data elements by category: Total surface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total subsurface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres managed within each state;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wilderness
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national
recreation areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Alaska state office;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Web site, other files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres disposed of through sale or
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal reserves for
active leases on federal lands (tonnage);
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): AZ, CO, Eastern, MT, NM, UT, and
WY state offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 7;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
Federal land use designation data elements:
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wilderness
Areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent associated
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total river miles designated as Wild
and Scenic River under all categories of designations under the Wild
and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Number of cultural and historic
resource sites listed on the national register of historic places
under the Historic Sites Act of 1935 or the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Number of National Historic and
National Scenic Trails designated under the National Trails System Act
1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Number of paleontological sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Field offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 70;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2005.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Field offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2005.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Conservation Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as national
monuments by Presidential Proclamation under the Antiquities Act or by
an Act of Congress;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Cooperative
Management and Protection Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Recreation Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Alaska state office;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Web site, other files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Outstanding
Natural Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Forest
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet (GIS data);
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2010.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres inventoried as Wilderness
Study Areas through Section 603(a) of the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Areas of
Critical Environmental Concern;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): State offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Varies;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as Herd
Management Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2001.
BLM data elements by category: Total acres designated as World
Heritage Sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BLM officials.
[End of table]
Table 25: Data Elements BLM Does Not Collect and Explanation from BLM
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres acquired
that facilitated the establishment of buffer areas around military
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data, because it is the
responsibility of the Department of Defense to collect and maintain
this information.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres withdrawn
that facilitated the establishment of buffer areas around military
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: These data are not readily available. BLM headquarters has
information for the total acreage withdrawn (around military
installations), but acreage information for buffer zones are not
specifically identified. Information on buffer zones may be available
in BLM's field offices.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres acquired
for national park units;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data because it is the
responsibility of NPS. According to NPS officials, NPS collects this
information in its Lands Management Information System/Master Deed
List Database.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres acquired
for battlegrounds;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect this information. Officials said this
information may be collected by NPS. NPS officials said
"battlegrounds" is not a land use designation that NPS tracks.
Instead, NPS tracks acres acquired for "National Battlefields."
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres acquired
for wildlife refuges;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data because it is the
responsibility of FWS. According to FWS officials, FWS does collect
this information in its Land Records System database.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres acquired
for other purposes;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data because the term "Total
acres acquired for other purposes" is not used by BLM for collecting
any information.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres that were
added to the federal estate through eminent domain powers of the
federal government;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: These data are not routinely collected because BLM officials
stated it is rare for the federal government to use powers of eminent
domain to obtain additional federal lands.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Ownership of the solid
mineral estate being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state,
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected, but the information may be located
in BLM's state offices.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Potential quantity of
coal resources on federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not readily available. There may be some information
regarding coal in BLM's headquarters or state offices that is provided
to the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). USGS is responsible for
aggregating data on coal resources.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of federal
lands available for coal leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available. To collect this
information, Resource Management Plans that cover all BLM district,
field, and state offices (about 150 different locations) would need to
be consulted and information from the plans could be used to calculate
the total acres available.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of federal
lands leased for coal development that are in compliance with diligent
development and continued operations;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available. To collect this
information, production verification records kept in paper format in
15 BLM field offices would need to be reviewed and, using information
from the files, the total acres in compliance could be calculated.
Collecting this information would be very time-consuming.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Extent to which coal
has been produced from leased lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data because it is the
responsibility of ONRR to collect it.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Technically
recoverable undiscovered oil and natural gas resources on federal
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect this information because USGS is
responsible for collecting it. USGS collects this information
according to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 2000
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Potential quantity of
oil and natural gas reserves on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data. Agency officials stated
that USGS or the Energy Information Administration may collect this
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of federal
mineral estate available for oil and natural gas leasing under
existing land management plans;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available, but information
can be found in BLM land use management plans. To collect and compile
this information, numerous plans would need to be reviewed. These
plans are developed at the field office level.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Quantity or volume of
oil and natural gas that has been produced from leased federal lands
(barrels of oil or thousand cubic feet (MCF) of natural gas);
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data because it is the
responsibility of ONRR to collect it.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Potential acres of
federal lands available for commercial harvesting under current land
use management plans;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected, but information is located in land
use plans in BLM's state, district, and field offices (about 100
different locations).
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Potential quantity of
timber on federal lands available for commercial harvesting under
current land use management plans;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected, but information is located in land
use plans in BLM's state, district, and field offices (about 100
different locations).
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Potential quantity of
hardrock (locatable) minerals on federal lands;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data and no other federal agency
currently collects this information. USGS has some information on
mineral inventories but the data are over 30 years old.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of federal
lands available for hardrock (locatable) mineral mining under existing
land management plans;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, this
information is not routinely collected or readily available. BLM
stores this information on plats (detailed paper maps). Efforts to
collect this information by digitizing plats have been unsuccessful.
Collecting and compiling this information would be very time consuming
and resource intensive.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Extent to which
hardrock (locatable) minerals have been extracted from federal lands
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data because it does not use
volume (tonnage) as a unit of measurement for the amount of hardrock
(locatable) minerals that have been extracted. Information is
collected on the number of acres mined.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of total
acres of federal lands that are under a coal lease that have surface
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data because the Office of Surface
Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) and individual state agencies
with primacy for the federal coal leasing program keep this kind of
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of total
acres of federal mineral estate that are under an oil and natural gas
lease that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data in a comprehensive manner.
The agency has plans to collect these data but has no funding to do
so. Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas, according to BLM.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of total
acres of federal lands that are under a coal lease where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data because OSM and individual
state agencies with primacy for the federal coal leasing program keep
this kind of data.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of total
acres of federal mineral estate that are under an oil and natural gas
lease where the surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect these data in a comprehensive manner.
The agency has plans to collect these data but has no funding to do
so. Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas, according to BLM.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of the
total acres of federal lands that are under a coal lease where surface
is undisturbed;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM does not collect the data because it is the
responsibility of OSM to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of the
total acres of federal mineral estate that are under an oil and
natural gas lease where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: BLM officials stated they did not collect these data and had
no plans to do so. Instead of collecting information on undisturbed
acres, BLM quantifies the stages of development for non-producing oil
and gas leases, according to BLM officials.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Percentage of the
total acres of federal lands that are under a notice or plan level
hardrock operation where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available. Collecting
these data would involve--for each ongoing mine operation--reviewing
field inspection reports to determine the total acres disturbed and
obtaining the total acres authorized for disturbance from the Legacy
Rehost 2000 database. The percentage could be calculated using this
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of
wildlife refuge that is available for energy development and total
acres of wildlife refuge that is currently under energy production;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, the data
are not readily available, but there may be some information in BLM's
state offices. Agency officials said they are only concerned with the
oil and gas leases and not with the specific locations of oil and gas
development (e.g., development available within a wildlife refuge).
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of
wildlife refuge with mineral development and production currently
taking place;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected, but information may be available
through BLM's state offices. BLM officials indicated that FWS may
collect this data. According to information provided by FWS officials,
FWS does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. FWS has plans to begin collecting this information. Some of
this information may be available at local FWS offices.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Ownership of the fluid
mineral estate being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state,
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not readily available, but some information may be available
in BLM's state offices. Agency officials said they are only concerned
with the oil and gas leases and not with the specific locations of oil
and gas development.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres of federal
mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the
General Mining Act of 1872;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected, but the information is located in
over 500 Public Land Orders and in master plats (or detailed maps),
some dating back to 1872. Compiling this information would be very
resource intensive because all the land orders and plats would need to
be reviewed and acres of land withdrawn would need to be calculated.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total percentage of
federal mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry
under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available. This
information can be obtained from BLM land use plans. These plans are
developed at the field office level. Collecting and compiling this
information would be resource intensive and require a review of
numerous land use plans.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total percentage of
federal mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry
under the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available. This
information can be obtained from BLM land use plans. These plans are
developed at the field office level. Collecting and compiling this
information would be resource intensive and require a review of
numerous land use plans.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total percentage of
federal mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry
under the Mineral Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Federal land and resource data
elements: According to information provided by BLM officials, these
data are not routinely collected or readily available, but information
is located in pertinent acts of Congress and over 500 Public Land
Orders. Collecting and compiling this information would be very
resource intensive and require months to complete.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Oil and gas royalties;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Coal royalties;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Geothermal royalties;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Other leaseable
commodities bonus bids;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect this
information because it is the responsibility of ONRR to collect it.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Other leaseable
commodities rents;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Other leaseable
commodities royalties;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect this
information because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Special use permits
for transmission lines;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term
"special use permits for transmission lines." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for transmission lines."
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Special use permits
for water projects;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term,
"Special use permits for water projects." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for water projects."
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Rent revenue generated
from right-of-way permits for solar development projects;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: There are no data on "rent
revenues generated from right-of-way permits for solar development
projects" because, as of June 2010, BLM had not approved any permits
for these projects.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Cost recovery fees
related to EIS preparation;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: These data are not readily
available because BLM collects information about all cost recovery
fees in one category. It is impossible to separate the costs for EIS
preparation from other cost recovery fees in Interior's Financial
Business Management System.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Recreation fees;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term
"recreation fees" because this category is too broad. BLM collects
subcategories of fees related to recreation which are recorded in the
Collection and Billing System.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Use fees;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term "use
fees" because this category is too broad. BLM collects subcategories
of fees related to use activities which are recorded in the Collection
and Billing System.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Concession receipts;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term
"concession receipts." The agency collects this information as
"special use permits generated from concession activities."
Federal land use designation data elements:
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Number of National
Recreational Trails or roads designated under the National Trails
System Act 1968, as amended;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of the NPS Rivers and Trails Program
to collect it. According to NPS officials, NPS's headquarters office
keeps this information in paper files.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as Research Natural Areas;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term
"total acres designated as Research Natural Areas." The agency
collects this information as "total acres designated as Areas of
Critical Environmental Concern."
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as administrative sites;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: Originally, we could not
confirm that the agency collected this data, so we coded this data
element as not collected by BLM. Subsequent to the completion of our
analysis, BLM officials told us that BLM keeps this data in the
agency's Facilities Asset Management System and also stated that this
data element is generally unreliable.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as Visual Resource Management Classes;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: According to information
provided by BLM officials, these data are not routinely collected or
readily available. Some of the information can be found in BLM land
use plans. Collecting this information would be resource intensive
because the data are kept in multiple locations and different formats.
BLM is in the process of updating the plans to include more complete
information on visual resource inventories and is developing a
standardized format for this information.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as Wildland Fire Use Management Areas;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: According to information
provided by BLM officials, these data are not routinely collected or
readily available. The information is located in BLM's field offices,
where the fires are managed. Collecting this information from 140
field offices and compiling it would take several months.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
under the United Nations Biosphere Reserve Program;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect this
information because the United Nations designates Biosphere Reserves,
and BLM only keeps track of designations established by Acts of
Congress, Presidential Proclamation, or Secretarial Order. The United
Nations is responsible for collecting this information.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as Wetlands of International Importance/Ramsar sites;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because there are no BLM-managed wetlands designated as International
Importance/Ramsar sites.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as Globally Important Bird Areas;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not collect these data
because it is not a typical BLM land use designation, a congressional
designation, a presidential designation, or a federal designation. The
American Bird Conservancy designates these areas and, along with the
National Audubon Society, collects information about these sites. BLM
is informed if any of these designations are on its land but does not
track these areas.
Data elements BLM does not collect by category: Total acres designated
as International Historic Sites;
Explanation from BLM agency officials: BLM does not use the term
"total acres designated as International Historic Sites." The agency
collects this information as "total acres designated as World Heritage
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BLM officials.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix IV: Information on Forest Service Data Elements:
This appendix presents detailed information on Forest Service data
elements we identified in our review that the agency collects and does
not collect, where they are stored, and their potential reliability.
See table 28 for data elements the Forest Service collects in primary
agency data systems; table 29 for data elements the Forest Service
collects in other formats; and table 30 for information on data
elements Forest Service does not collect.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data element, we
reviewed agency officials' responses to our survey about the data's
accuracy, completeness, and reliability in order to apply categories
of potential reliability. For data elements kept in primary agency
data systems, we included information about the internal controls on
the systems in which the data are stored as part of the assessment.
However, because similar information was not available for data
elements stored in other formats the assessment for these data
elements is somewhat less robust than the assessment of data elements
in primary agency data systems. Because the assessments for these two
sets of data elements are not comparable, they are presented
separately with different shading for the three categories of
potential reliability, as we used different criteria to assess the
data elements. The criteria are listed in tables 26 and 27.
Table 26: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 27: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 28: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Data
Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and
Resources, Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and
Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Total surface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total subsurface acres
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2006;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres managed within
each state;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
wilderness areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
wildlife refuges;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
national recreation areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
other purposes;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres that were added
to the federal estate through eminent domain powers of the federal
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres disposed of
through sale or exchange;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
that have been contracted for commercial timber harvesting;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: NRM-Timber Information Manager;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Extent to which timber on
federal lands has been commercially harvested (board feet);
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Timber Sale Accounting;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
from which timber has been commercially harvested;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: NRM - Forest Service Activity Tracking
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
in allotment for livestock grazing use;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
actually used (active allotments) for livestock grazing;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
that were burned as a result of wildland fires (Forest Service and
NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Fire Statistics System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Costs associated with
wildland fires (Forest Service and NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Foundation Financial Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total percentage of federal
mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the
General Mining Act of 1872;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total percentage of federal
mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total percentage of federal
mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the
Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total percentage of federal
mineral estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the
Mineral Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Grazing fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits for
transmission lines;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits for
water projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits for wind
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2009;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits
generated from camping activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits
generated from day use activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits
generated from filming activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits
generated from concession activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Special Uses Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2002;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Recreation fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Foundation Financial Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Federal land use designation data elements:
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
Wilderness Areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent
associated legislation;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total river miles designated
as Wild and Scenic River under all categories of designations under
the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Number of cultural and
historic resource sites listed on the national register of historic
places under the Historic Sites Act of 1935 or the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Number of National Historic
and National Scenic Trails designated under the National Trails System
Act 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Number of National
Recreational Trails or roads designated under the National Trails
System Act 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2010.
Forest Service data elements by category: Number of paleontological
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2006;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
Research Natural Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Automated Lands Program;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2006;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
National Forests;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
National Grasslands;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
National Monuments;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
National Tallgrass Prairie;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated for
Land Utilization Projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
administrative sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Area Report;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by Forest Service
[End of table]
Table 29: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Forest Service Data
Elements Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Federal land use designation data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres within
inventoried roadless areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: GIS Web site;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2000.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by Forest Service
[End of table]
Table 30: Data Elements Forest Service Does Not Collect and
Explanation from Forest Service Officials, by Federal Land and
Resources, Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and
Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired that
facilitated the establishment of buffer areas around military
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because the Forest Service has not
specifically purchased land near military bases to serve as buffer
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres withdrawn that
facilitated the establishment of buffer areas around military
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: This data element is
not tracked by the Forest Service because BLM is responsible for
creating any withdrawal areas. According to information provided by
BLM officials, these data are not readily available from BLM. BLM
headquarters has information for the total acreage withdrawn (around
military installations), but acreage information for buffer zones are
not specifically identified. Information on buffer zones may be
available in BLM's field offices.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
national park units;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is the responsibility of NPS.
According to NPS officials, NPS collects this information in its Lands
Management Information System/Master Deed List Database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres acquired for
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it should be the responsibility
of NPS. NPS officials said "battlegrounds" is not a land use
designation that NPS tracks. Instead, NPS tracks acres acquired for
"National Battlefields.".
Forest Service data elements by category: Ownership of the solid
mineral estate being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state,
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is the responsibility of
agencies in Interior to do so. According to information provided by
BLM, BoR, FWS, and NPS officials, their agencies did not routinely
collect this information, although BLM and FWS local offices may have
some information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal
resources on federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought USGS or the
Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration may collect
the data.
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal
reserves on federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. BLM officials said they collected this
information which is stored in paper files located in seven BLM state
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
available for coal leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because forest plans do not typically
make such determinations.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of land that
have been leased for coal development;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials said BLM may
collect this information. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
leased for coal development that are in producing status;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought BLM may
collect these data. BLM does not routinely collect this information
and it is not readily available. To collect this information,
production verification records kept in paper format in 15 BLM field
offices would need to be reviewed and, using information from the
files, the total acres in compliance could be calculated. Collecting
this information would be very time-consuming.
Forest Service data elements by category: Extent to which coal has
been produced from leased lands (tonnage);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought the ONRR
might collect it.
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil
and natural gas resources on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. BLM officials stated that USGS collects this
information according to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of
2000 requirements.
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil
and natural gas reserves on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials said ONRR might
collect this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
available for oil and natural gas leasing under existing land
management plans;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because forest plans do not typically
make such determinations.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
that have been leased for oil and natural gas development;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
leased for oil and natural gas production that are in producing status;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Extent to which oil and
natural gas has been produced from leased federal lands (barrels/cubic
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials ONRR collects
this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your
agency to ensure reclamation of oil and gas operations;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information. BLM has the authority to issue oil and
gas reclamation bonds and is responsible for these. According to BLM
officials, BLM collects this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential acres of federal
lands suitable for timber harvest;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect these data and it is not readily available.
To obtain the information, 120 land management plans would need to be
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential acres of timber on
federal lands suitable for timber production;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect these data and it is not readily available.
To obtain the information, 120 land management plans would need to be
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential acreage for
livestock grazing on federal lands;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect these data and the information is not
readily available. Some information on "opportunities for grazing"
does exist in the national forest plans, but even if one collected and
compiled this information, it would not be complete or accurate.
Forest Service data elements by category: Potential quantity of
hardrock (locatable) minerals on federal lands;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: The Forest Service
does not collect this information, and does not have the authority to
track it. Forest Service officials said USGS may collect these data.
BLM officials said no federal agency currently collects these data and
pointed out that USGS has some information on mineral inventories, but
the data are over 30 years old.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands
available for hardrock (locatable) mineral mining under existing land
management plans;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information. The information could be
calculated by subtracting the number of acres of land withdrawn from
mineral entry, which is contained in the Forest Service Automated
Lands Program Database, from the total acres managed by the agency.
Forest Service data elements by category: Extent to which hardrock
(locatable) minerals have been extracted from federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information, and has no plans to collect it in the
future. Forest Service does not have the authority to collect the
information. Owners of mining claims are not required to report the
amount of hardrock minerals extracted from Forest Service lands. In
addition, the claim owners are not required to pay royalties on the
amount of hardrock minerals extracted.
Forest Service data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your
agency to ensure reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. The information is in hundreds of files kept at the forest
and/or district level offices and would require an extensive effort to
collect. Forest Service is beginning to enter the data into its
Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate Database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under a coal lease that have surface
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials said OSM may
collect these data.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease that have
surface disturbance;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought BLM may
collect these data;
however, BLM officials said they do not collect this data in a
comprehensive manner. Currently, some data may be collected on a
project basis in some areas, according to BLM. BLM does have plans to
collect these data but there is no funding to do so.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock
(locatable) operation that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. The information is in hundreds of files kept at the forest
and/or district level offices and would require an extensive effort to
collect. Forest Service is beginning to enter the data into its
Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate Database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under a coal lease where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials said OSM may
collect these data.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where the
surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought BLM may
collect these data, but BLM officials said they do not collect this
data in a comprehensive manner. Currently, some data may be collected
on a project basis in some areas. BLM plans to collect this
information but has no funding to do so, according to BLM officials.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of
federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock
(locatable) operation where surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. The information is in hundreds of files kept at the forest
and/or district level offices and would require an extensive effort to
collect. Forest Service is beginning to enter the data into its
Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate Database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of the total
acres of federal lands that are under a coal lease where surface is
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials said OSM may
collect these data.
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of the total
acres of federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease
where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. Forest Service officials thought BLM may
collect these data;
however, BLM does not and has no plans to do so, according to BLM
Forest Service data elements by category: Percentage of the total
acres of federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock
(locatable) operation where surface is undisturbed d;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. The information is in hundreds of files kept at the forest
and/or district level offices and would require an extensive effort to
collect. Forest Service is beginning to enter the data into its
Natural Resource Manager-INFRA Corporate Database.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife
refuge with energy development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service
officials said the agency does not collect this information and they
thought it might be the responsibility of FWS to do so. According to
information provided by FWS officials, FWS does not routinely collect
this information and it is not readily available. Some of this
information may be available at local FWS offices.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife
refuge with mineral development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service
officials said the agency does not collect this information and they
thought it might be the responsibility of FWS to do so. According to
information provided by FWS officials, FWS does not routinely collect
this information and it is not readily available. Some of this
information may be available at local FWS offices.
Forest Service data elements by category: Ownership of the fluid
mineral estate being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state,
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service
officials said the agency does not collect this information and they
thought it might be the responsibility of FWS to do so. According to
information provided by FWS, FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some of this information
may be available at local FWS offices.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Oil and gas bonus bids;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Collection and Billing System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Oil and gas rents;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects the
first year's rent on a lease in its Collection and Billing System and
then ONRR is responsible for collecting the rent revenues for
subsequent years.
Forest Service data elements by category: Oil and gas royalties;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, it is the
responsibility of ONRR to collect this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Coal bonus bids;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Collection and Billing System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Coal rents;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects the
first year's rent on a lease in its Collection and Billing System and
then ONRR is responsible for collecting the rent revenues for
subsequent years.
Forest Service data elements by category: Coal royalties;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, ONRR is
responsible for collecting this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Geothermal bonus bids;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
this information in its Collection and Billing System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Geothermal rents;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects the
first year's rent on a lease in its Collection and Billing System and
then ONRR is responsible for collecting the rent revenues for
subsequent years.
Forest Service data elements by category: Geothermal royalties;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, it is the
responsibility of ONRR to collect this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities
bonus bids;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, ONRR is
responsible for collecting this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, ONRR is
responsible for collecting this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, ONRR is
responsible for collecting this information.
Forest Service data elements by category: Claim maintenance fees for
hardrock mining;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it does not have the authority to
do so. BLM has the authority to collect claim maintenance fees for
hardrock mining.
Forest Service data elements by category: Location fees for hardrock
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it does not have the authority to
do so. BLM has the authority to collect location fees for hardrock
Forest Service data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for
transmission lines;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the term "right-of-way permits for transmission lines." The
agency collects this information as "special use permits for
transmission lines."
Forest Service data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for
water projects;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the term "right-of-way permits for water projects." The agency
collects this information as "special use permits for water projects."
Forest Service data elements by category: Special use permits for
solar projects;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect data on "special use permits for solar projects" because,
as of June 2010, the agency had not approved any permits for these
Forest Service data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for
solar projects;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the term "right-of-way permits for solar projects." The agency
collects this information as "special use permits for solar projects."
Forest Service data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for
wind projects;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the term "right-of-way permits for wind projects." The agency
collects this information as "special use permits for wind projects."
Forest Service data elements by category: Cost recovery fees
associated with hardrock mining;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it does not have the authority to
do so. BLM has the authority to collect cost recovery fees associated
with hardrock mining. BLM collects this information in aggregate form
in the Financial and Business Management System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Cost recovery fees related
to EIS preparation;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it does not have the authority to
collect it. BLM has the authority to collect cost recovery fees
related to EIS preparation. According to information provided by BLM,
these specific data are not readily available because BLM collects
information about all cost recovery fees in one category. It is
impossible to separate the costs for EIS preparation from other cost
recovery fees in the Financial Business Management System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Cost recovery fees for
processing oil and gas Applications to Drill;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because it is not within Forest Service
authority to require the collection of this information, according to
Forest Service officials. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
these data in its Collection and Billing System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Cost recovery fees
associated with geothermal activities;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because doing so is not a part of the
agency's mission. According to BLM officials, BLM collects this
information in its Collection and Billing System.
Forest Service data elements by category: Entrance fees;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because the agency is prohibited from
charging entrance fees under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement
Forest Service data elements by category: Use fees;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the revenue category "use fees." The agency collects this
information in the category "recreation fees."
Forest Service data elements by category: Concession receipts;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not use the revenue category "concession receipts." The agency
collects this information as "special use permits generated from
concession activities."
Federal land use designation data elements:
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres for other land
use designations listed in existing forest plans;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect information on the category "other land use designations"
because it is too broad. There are other individual land use
designations that are collected by the Forest Service, and these are
located in multiple databases.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated under
the United Nations Biosphere Reserve Program;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Although the Forest
Service has one of these sites, according to a Forest Service
official, he did not know if the Forest Service collected acreage data
for this site.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
World Heritage Sites;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because none of these sites are on the
agency's land.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
Wetlands of International Importance/Ramsar sites;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information. Each National Forest, at
its discretion, might mention the existence of these sites in its land
management plan, but this is not a national requirement and Forest
Service does not monitor these sites nationally.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
Globally Important Bird Areas;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: According to
information provided by Forest Service officials, the Forest Service
does not routinely collect this information. Each National Forest, at
their discretion, might mention the existence of these sites in their
land management plan, but this is not a national requirement and
Forest Service does not monitor these sites nationally.
Forest Service data elements by category: Total acres designated as
International Historic Sites;
Explanation from Forest Service agency officials: Forest Service does
not collect this information because none of these sites are on the
agency's land.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by Forest Service
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix V: Information on Fish and Wildlife Service Data Elements:
This appendix presents detailed information on FWS data elements we
identified in our review that the agency collects and does not
collect, where they are stored, and their potential reliability. See
table 33 for data elements FWS collects in primary agency data
systems; table 34 for data elements FWS collects in other formats; and
table 35 for information on data elements FWS does not collect.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data element, we
reviewed agency officials' survey responses about the data's accuracy,
completeness, and reliability in order to apply categories of
potential reliability. For data elements stored in primary agency data
systems, we included information about the internal controls on the
systems in which the data are stored as part of the assessment.
However, because similar information was not available for data
elements stored in other formats, the assessment for these data
elements is somewhat less robust than the assessment of data elements
in primary agency data systems. Because the assessments for these two
sets of data elements are not comparable, they are presented
separately with different shading for the three categories of
potential reliability, as we used different criteria to assess the
data elements. These criteria are listed in tables 31 and 32.
Table 31: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 32: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 33: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Total surface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres managed within each state;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wildlife
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for other purposes;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres that were added to the
federal estate through eminent domain powers of the federal government;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres disposed of through sale or
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands from which
timber has been commercially harvested;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Refuge Annual Performance Plan System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands used for
livestock grazing;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Refuge Annual Performance Plan System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2005;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that were
burned as a result of wildland fires (Forest Service and
NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Fire Management Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Costs associated with wildland fires
(Forest Service and NPS)/wildfires (BLM);
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Grazing fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for transmission
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for water projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
camping activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from day
use activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
filming activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Recreation fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Entrance fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Use fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Concession receipts;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Federal land use designation data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wilderness
Areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent associated
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres within the National
Wildlife Refuge System;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres within the National Fish
Hatchery System;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Waterfowl
Production Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as
administrative sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Land Records System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by FWS officials.
[End of table]
Table 34: Assessment of Potential Reliability of FWS Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Federal land use designation data elements:
FWS data element by category: Total river miles designated as Wild and
Scenic River under all categories of designations under the Wild and
Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters and field offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 12;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
FWS data element by category: Number of cultural and historic resource
sites listed on the national register of historic places under the
Historic Sites Act of 1935 or the National Historic Preservation Act
of 1966;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 100;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 1995.
FWS data element by category: Number of National Historic and National
Scenic Trails designated under the National Trails System Act 1968, as
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): National, regional, and local
Number of locations the data are kept: 60;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
FWS data element by category: Number of National Recreational Trails
or roads designated under the National Trails System Act 1968, as
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): National, regional, and local
Number of locations the data are kept: 60;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
FWS data element by category: Number of paleontological sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): National, regional, and local
Number of locations the data are kept: 10;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2007.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by FWS officials.
[End of table]
Table 35: Data Elements FWS Does Not Collect and Explanation from FWS
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Total subsurface acres managed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for administering all federal
subsurface acres. According to BLM officials, this information is kept
in BLM state offices in various formats.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not track these data
because the agency does not have buffer areas around military
FWS data elements by category: Total acres withdrawn that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not track these data
because the agency does not have buffer areas around military
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national park
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information; NPS has responsibility for national park units. According
to NPS officials, NPS collects this information in its Lands
Management Information System/Master Deed List Database.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wilderness
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not establish
wilderness areas; only Congress does this. Furthermore, FWS does not
acquire lands for the purpose of expanding wilderness areas; the
agency only acquires land for the benefit of wildlife. Wilderness
areas are, however, tracked by FWS.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for battlegrounds;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because NPS has responsibility for battlegrounds. NPS
officials said "battlegrounds" is not a land use designation that NPS
tracks. Instead, NPS tracks acres acquired for "National Battlefields."
FWS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national
recreation areas;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information. According to officials from the five land management
agencies, BLM, NPS, and Forest Service collect this information. BLM
has one of these sites in its Alaska state office and maintains this
information on a website and in other files kept in the state office.
Forest Service collects this information in the Land Area Report
database and NPS collects the information in its Lands Management
Information System/Master Deed List Database.
FWS data elements by category: Ownership of the solid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to the information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some information may be
available at local FWS offices.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal resources on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal reserves on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for coal leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of land that have been
leased for coal development;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
coal development that are in producing status;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Extent to which coal has been produced
from leased lands (tonnage);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing subsurface
minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that occurs on
the surface of the land. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas resources on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing subsurface
minerals on federal land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. BLM
officials said they do not collect this information because USGS
collects this information according to the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act of 2000 requirements.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas reserves on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing subsurface
minerals on federal land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. BLM
officials said they do not collect these data; they stated that USGS
or the Energy Information Administration may collect it.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for oil and natural gas leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing subsurface
minerals on federal land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. According
to the information provided by BLM officials, these data are not
routinely collected by BLM or readily available, but information can
be found in BLM land use management plans. To collect and compile this
information, numerous plans would need to be reviewed. These plans are
developed at the BLM field office level.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been leased for oil and natural gas development;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing subsurface
minerals on federal land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. According
to BLM officials, BLM collects this information in its Legacy Rehost
2000 database.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
oil and natural gas production that are in producing status;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for administering oil and gas
leases on FWS land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. According to BLM
officials, BLM does collect this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000
FWS data elements by category: Extent to which oil and natural gas has
been produced from leased federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for administering oil and gas
leases on FWS land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission. According to BLM
officials ONRR collects this information.
FWS data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of oil and gas operations;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for administering oil and gas
leases on FWS land. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land.
According to BLM officials, BLM does collect this information in its
Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
FWS data elements by category: Potential acres of federal lands
available for timber sale;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of timber on federal
lands suitable for commercial harvesting (board feet);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been approved for commercial timber harvesting (acres) under existing
land management plans;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Extent to which timber on federal lands
has been commercially harvested (board feet);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Potential acreage for livestock grazing
on federal lands;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands authorized
for livestock grazing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because this activity is often inconsistent with the
mission of the FWS. Also, this activity is allowed on a limited basis
only when it contributes to national wildlife refuge purposes and
achieving the Refuge System mission.
FWS data elements by category: Potential quantity of hardrock
(locatable) minerals on federal lands;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing and tracking
subsurface minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that
occurs on the surface of the land. Mining is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for hardrock (locatable) mineral mining under existing land management
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing and tracking
subsurface minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that
occurs on the surface of the land. Mining is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Extent to which hardrock (locatable)
minerals have been extracted from federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it is not responsible for managing and tracking
subsurface minerals. The agency is only concerned with activity that
occurs on the surface of the land. Mining is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral operations;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information. Some information may be available at local FWS offices.
Mining is inconsistent with FWS's mission and, as a result, most of
the agency's land is closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease that have surface
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Oil and gas production is quite limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information. Some information may be available at local FWS offices.
Mining is inconsistent with FWS's mission and, as a result, most of
the agency's land is closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease where the surface disturbance has
been reclaimed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Oil and gas production is quite limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation where surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some information may be
available at local FWS offices. Mining is inconsistent with FWS's
mission and, as a result, most of the agency's land is closed to
mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a coal lease where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Coal production is quite limited on FWS land
because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where
surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Local FWS offices may
have some information. Oil and gas production is quite limited on FWS
land because it is inconsistent with the agency's mission.
FWS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock
(locatable) operation where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information. Some information may be available at local FWS offices.
Mining is inconsistent with FWS's mission and, as a result, most of
the agency's land is closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
energy development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some of this information
may be available at local FWS offices.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
mineral development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some of this information
may be available at local FWS offices.
FWS data elements by category: Ownership of the fluid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some of this information
may be available at local FWS offices.
FWS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the General
Mining Act of 1872;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect
information on percentage of land withdrawn by statute, but does
collect total acreage withdrawn. Information on lands withdrawn under
specific statutes is in Public Land Orders. Collecting and compiling
this information would be very resource intensive.
FWS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect
information on percentage of land withdrawn by statute, but does
collect total acreage withdrawn. Information on lands withdrawn under
specific statutes is in Public Land Orders. Collecting and compiling
this information would be very resource intensive.
FWS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect
information on percentage of land withdrawn by statute, but does
collect total acreage withdrawn. Information on lands withdrawn under
specific statutes is in Public Land Orders. Collecting and compiling
this information would be very resource intensive.
FWS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect
information on percentage of land withdrawn by statute, but does
collect total acreage withdrawn. Information on lands withdrawn under
specific statutes is in Public Land Orders. Collecting and compiling
this information would be very resource intensive.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Oil and gas bonus bids;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing oil and gas leases
on FWS land. While FWS does receive some revenues related to oil and
gas operations, these revenues are captured in the agency's financial
reports as "mineral resources (oil and gas)" and are not broken out
into subcategories. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land.
According to BLM officials, BLM collects this information in its
Collection and Billing System.
FWS data elements by category: Oil and gas rents;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for managing oil and gas leases
on FWS land. While FWS does receive some revenues related to oil and
gas operations, these revenues are captured in the agency's financial
reports as "mineral resources (oil and gas)" and are not broken out
into subcategories. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land.
According to BLM officials, BLM collects the first year's rent on a
lease in its Collection and Billing System and then ONRR is
responsible for collecting the rent revenues for subsequent years.
FWS data elements by category: Oil and gas royalties;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information. While FWS does receive some revenues related to oil and
gas operations, these revenues are captured in the agency's financial
reports as "mineral resources (oil and gas)" and are not broken out
into subcategories. Oil and gas activity is very limited on FWS land.
According to BLM officials, it is the responsibility of ONRR to
collect this information.
FWS data elements by category: Coal bonus bids;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from coal bonus bids. Coal mining is inconsistent with the
agency's mission and is very limited on FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Coal rents;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from coal rents. Coal mining is inconsistent with the
agency's mission and is very limited on FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Coal royalties;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from coal royalties. Coal mining is inconsistent with the
agency's mission and is very limited on FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Geothermal bonus bids;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because no geothermal activities are being conducted on
FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Geothermal rents;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because no geothermal activities are being conducted on
FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Geothermal royalties;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because no geothermal activities are being conducted on
FWS land.
FWS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities bonus bids;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from bonus bids for other leaseable commodities. According to
BLM officials, ONRR is responsible for collecting this information.
FWS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities rents;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from rents for other leaseable commodities. According to BLM
officials, ONRR is responsible for collecting this information.
FWS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities royalties;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues from royalties for other leaseable commodities. According to
BLM officials, ONRR is responsible for collecting this information.
FWS data elements by category: Claim maintenance fees for hardrock
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues for claim maintenance fees for hardrock mining. Most of FWS
land is closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Location fees for hardrock mining;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect any
revenues for location fees for hardrock mining. Most of FWS land is
closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits for transmission
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not use the term
"special use permits for transmission lines." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for transmission lines."
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits for water projects;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not use the term
"special use permits for water projects." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for water projects."
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits for solar projects;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not use the term
"special use permits for solar projects." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for solar projects."
FWS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for solar projects;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect data on
"right-of-way permits for solar projects" because, as of June 2010,
there were no such projects on FWS land and no plans to allow them.
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits for wind projects;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not use the term
"special use permits for wind projects." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for wind projects."
FWS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for wind projects;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect data on
"right-of-way permits for wind projects" because, as of June 2010,
there were no such projects on FWS land and no plans to allow them.
FWS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
concession activities;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not use the term
"special use permits generated from concession activities." The agency
collects this information as "concession receipts."
FWS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
hardrock mining;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because mining is inconsistent with FWS's mission and, as
a result, most of the agency's land is closed to mining operations.
FWS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees related to EIS
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information. The party applying for permission to conduct an activity
on FWS land bears the burden of paying for an EIS.
FWS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees for processing oil
and gas Applications to Drill;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because BLM is responsible for processing oil and gas
Applications to Drill. According to BLM officials, BLM collects these
data in its Collection and Billing System.
FWS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
geothermal activities;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because no geothermal activities are being conducted on
FWS land.
Federal land use designation data elements:
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Research
Natural Areas;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect
information on acres designated as Research Natural Areas. Files
containing this information are kept at about 100 field office
locations. A list of these sites was developed a few years ago, but
there is no process in place to update this list.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. This information is
maintained at the local level and about 390 wildlife refuges have
endangered species. Because the boundaries of the habitats sometimes
overlap, any acreage data would be an estimate.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Coastal
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS officials did not use this
land designation and did not collect any information about it.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wetlands
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS officials did not use this
land designation and did not collect any information about it.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Migratory
Bird Habitat Areas;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect this
information because it does not designate lands as Migratory Bird
Habitat Areas. Land for these habitats is purchased using funds from
the sale of "duck stamps," or Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and
Conservation Stamps. Once these lands are purchased, they are managed
in the same manner as other FWS land and are not tracked separately.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated under the United
Nations Biosphere Reserve Program;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: The United Nations Biosphere
Reserve program maintains the records for these designations and FWS
is reliant on this entity for these records. This designation does not
affect FWS's management of these areas.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as World
Heritage Sites;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: The United Nations World
Heritage program maintains the records for these designations and FWS
is reliant on this entity for these records. This designation does not
affect FWS's management of these areas.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wetlands of
International Importance/Ramsar sites;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: The Ramsar organization, which
specializes in wetlands, maintains the records for these designations
and FWS is reliant on this entity for these records. This designation
does not affect FWS's management of these areas.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Globally
Important Bird Areas;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS officials were unfamiliar
with the land use designation "Globally Important Bird Area" and do
not collect any information about this designation. They were familiar
with the "Important Bird Areas" that are designated by the Audubon
Society. The local FWS offices would know about these designations and
can direct bird watchers to these areas.
FWS data elements by category: Total acres designated as International
Historic Sites;
Explanation from FWS agency officials: FWS does not collect
information on this land use designation because it is the
responsibility of NPS to do so. NPS officials indicated this
information is collected in its Lands Management Information System/
Master Deed List Database.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by FWS officials.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix VI: Information on National Park Service Data Elements:
This appendix presents detailed information on NPS data elements we
identified in our review that the agency collects and does not
collect, where they are stored, and their potential reliability. See
table 38 for data elements NPS collects in primary agency data
systems; table 39 for data elements NPS collects in other formats; and
table 40 for information on data elements NPS does not collect.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data element, we
reviewed agency officials' survey responses about the data's accuracy,
completeness, and reliability in order to apply categories of
potential reliability. For data elements stored in primary agency data
systems, we included information about the internal controls on the
systems in which the data are stored as part of the assessment.
However, because similar information was not available for data
elements stored in other formats, the assessment for these data
elements is somewhat less robust than the assessment of elements in
primary agency data systems. Because the assessments for these two
sets of data elements are not comparable, they are presented
separately with different shading for the three categories of
potential reliability, as we used different criteria to assess the
data elements. The criteria are listed in tables 36 and 37.
Table 36: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 37: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 38: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Total surface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres managed within each state;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres withdrawn that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Assessment of potential reliability: [Empty];
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national park
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national
recreation areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres that were added to the
federal estate through eminent domain powers of the federal government;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres disposed of through sale or
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that were
burned as a result of wildfires;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Wildland Fire Management Information
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2005.
NPS data elements by category: Costs associated with suppressing
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2004.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Recreation fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1997;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2004.
NPS data elements by category: Use fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1997;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): 2004.
NPS data elements by category: Concession receipts;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 1999;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Federal land use designation data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Number of cultural and historic
resource properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places
under the Historic Sites Act of 1935 or the National Historic
Preservation act of 1966;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: National Register Information System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Number of paleontological localities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Performance Management Data System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2003;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Battlefield Parks;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Battlefield Sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Military Parks;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Historical Parks;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Historic Sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Seashores;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Recreation Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as International
Historic Sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Lands Management Information System/Master
Deed List Database;
Earliest year data are available in the system: Before 1995;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by NPS officials.
[End of table]
Table 39: Assessment of Potential Reliability of NPS Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Federal land and resource data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been leased for oil and natural gas development;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Table;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2009.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
oil and natural gas production that are in producing status;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Table;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2009.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for hardrock (locatable) mineral mining under existing land management
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for transmission
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Park units;
Number of locations the data are kept: 394;
Data format: Unknown;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
NPS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for water projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Park units;
Number of locations the data are kept: Unknown;
Data format: Unknown;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
filming activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Park units;
Number of locations the data are kept: Unknown;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2005.
Federal land use designation data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wilderness
Areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent associated
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 2;
Data format: Spreadsheet;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Total river miles designated as Wild
and Scenic River under all categories of designations under the Wild
and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Interagency;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Web site;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Number of National Historic and
National Scenic Trails established under the National Trails System
Act of 1968, as amended;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Web site;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Number of National Recreational Trails
or roads designated under the National Trails System Act of 1968, as
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Research
Natural Areas;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Park units;
Number of locations the data are kept: 58;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Interagency;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Web site;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as World
Heritage Sites;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: Paper files;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Before 1995.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by NPS officials.
[End of table]
Table 40: Data Elements NPS Does Not Collect and Explanation from NPS
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Total subsurface acres managed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
it is BLM's responsibility to manage subsurface federal acres.
According to BLM officials, this information is kept in BLM state
offices in various formats.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wilderness
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS headquarters collects
general information about land it acquires but it does not
specifically track wilderness areas. If wilderness land is acquired,
this information would be maintained by the individual park units.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for battlegrounds;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS officials said
"battlegrounds" is not a land use designation that NPS tracks.
Instead, NPS tracks acres acquired for "National Battlefields."
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wildlife
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of FWS to manage and collect data on
wildlife refuges. According to FWS officials, FWS does collect this
information in its Land Records System database.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres acquired for other purposes;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect data under
the category "total acres acquired for other purposes."
NPS data elements by category: Ownership of the solid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of FWS to manage and collect data on
wildlife refuges. Based on information provided by officials from the
four other land management agencies--BLM, BoR, FWS, and Forest Service-
-their agencies do not routinely collect this information, although
BLM and FWS local offices may have some information.
NPS data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal resources on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal reserves on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for coal leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of land that have been
leased for coal development;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
coal development that are in producing status;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Extent to which coal has been produced
from leased lands (tonnage);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas resources on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited on NPS
land and no leasing has occurred for over 30 years.
NPS data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas reserves on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited on NPS
land and no leasing has occurred for over 30 years.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for oil and natural gas leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited on
NPS land and no leasing has occurred for over 30 years.
NPS data elements by category: Extent to which oil and natural gas has
been produced from leased federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so. Oil and gas leasing
and production are very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of oil and gas operations;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not routinely collect
these data because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited
on NPS land and no leasing has occurred for over 30 years. NPS
officials said BLM may have this data. According to BLM officials, BLM
does collect this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
NPS data elements by category: Potential acres of federal lands
available for timber sale;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect
information pertaining to timber management because it is not a part
of the agency's mission.
NPS data elements by category: Potential quantity of timber on federal
lands suitable for commercial harvesting (board feet);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect
information pertaining to timber management because it is not a part
of the agency's mission.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been approved for commercial timber harvesting (acres) under existing
land management plans;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect
information pertaining to timber management, because it is not a part
of the agency's mission.
NPS data elements by category: Extent to which timber on federal lands
has been commercially harvested (board feet);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect
information pertaining to timber management, because it is not a part
of the agency's mission.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands from which
timber has been commercially harvested;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect
information pertaining to timber management, because it is not a part
of the agency's mission.
NPS data elements by category: Potential acreage for livestock grazing
on federal lands;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data because this activity is inconsistent with the agency's mission
and, as a result, grazing is very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands authorized
for livestock grazing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data because this activity is inconsistent with the agency's mission
and, as a result, grazing is very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands used for
livestock grazing;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, NPS does not routinely collect these data
because this activity is inconsistent with the agency's mission and,
as a result, grazing is very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Data on number of mining claims located
under 1872 mining law that still exists within park boundaries;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because it is not in keeping with the agency's mission.
Under the Mining in the Parks Act of 1976 and other park enabling
statutes, NPS land is closed to new mining claims and there are few
mining claims that predate these statutes.
NPS data elements by category: Extent to which hardrock (locatable)
minerals have been extracted from federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because there is no active mining on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral operations;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because there is no active mining on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease that have surface
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not routinely collect
these data because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited
on NPS land and there have been no active leases for over 30 years.
NPS officials thought BLM may collect the data. According to BLM
officials, BLM does not collect these data in a comprehensive manner.
Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas, according to BLM. BLM has plans to collect this information but
there is no funding to do so.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because there is no mining activity taking place on NPS
land. No notices or plan level of operations are approved at this time.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease where the surface disturbance has
been reclaimed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing is prohibited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not routinely collect
these data because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited
on NPS land and no leasing has occurred for over 30 years. NPS
officials thought BLM may collect these data, but BLM officials said
they do not collect this information in a comprehensive manner.
Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas. BLM plans to collect this information but has no funding to do
so, according to BLM officials.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation where surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because there is no mining activity taking place on NPS
land. No notices or plan level of operations are approved at this time.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a coal lease where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing is prohibited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where
surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data because oil and gas leasing and production are very limited on
NPS land. NPS officials thought BLM may collect these data;
however, BLM does not and has no plans to do so, according to BLM
NPS data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock operation
where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because there is no mining activity taking place on NPS
land. No notices or plan level of operations are approved at this time.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
energy development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of FWS to manage and collect data on
wildlife refuges. According to information provided by FWS officials,
FWS does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. Some of this information may be available at local FWS
NPS data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
mineral development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of FWS to manage and collect data on
wildlife refuges. According to information provided by FWS officials,
FWS does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. Some of this information may be available at local FWS
NPS data elements by category: Ownership of the fluid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of FWS to manage and collect data on
wildlife refuges. According to information provided by FWS officials,
FWS does not routinely collect this information and it is not readily
available. Some of this information may be available at local FWS
NPS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the General
Mining Act of 1872;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information. All NPS land is withdrawn from mineral leasing except
some percentage of land in 3 of its 394 park units. NPS has no reason
to track percentage of land withdrawn by this statute.
NPS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information. All NPS land is withdrawn from mineral leasing except
some percentage of land in 3 of its 394 park units. NPS has no reason
to track percentage of land withdrawn by this statute.
NPS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
leasing Act for Acquired Lands;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information. All NPS land is withdrawn from mineral leasing except
some percentage of land in 3 of its 394 park units. NPS has no reason
to track percentage of land withdrawn by this statute.
NPS data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information. All NPS land is withdrawn from mineral leasing except
some percentage of land in 3 of its 394 park units. NPS has no reason
to track percentage of land withdrawn by this statute.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Oil and gas bonus bids;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of BLM to do so. Oil and gas leasing
and production are very limited on NPS land. According to BLM
officials, BLM collects this information in its Collection and Billing
NPS data elements by category: Oil and gas rents;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of BLM and ONRR to do so. Oil and gas
leasing and production are very limited on NPS land. According to BLM
officials, BLM collects the first year's rent on a lease in its
Collection and Billing System and then ONRR is responsible for
collecting the rent revenues for subsequent years.
NPS data elements by category: Oil and gas royalties;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so. Oil and gas leasing
and production are very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Coal bonus bids;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal leasing and mining are not allowed on NPS
NPS data elements by category: Coal rents;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal mining is not allowed on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Coal royalties;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because coal mining is not allowed on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Geothermal bonus bids;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because geothermal activities are not allowed on NPS lands.
NPS data elements by category: Geothermal rents;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because geothermal activities are not allowed on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Geothermal royalties;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because geothermal activities are not allowed on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities bonus bids;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so. Mineral leasing and
production are very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities rents;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so. Mineral leasing and
production are very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities royalties;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is the responsibility of ONRR to do so. Mineral leasing and
production are very limited on NPS land.
NPS data elements by category: Grazing fees;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data. To collect this information, deposit slips kept by individual
park units would have to be reviewed.
NPS data elements by category: Claim maintenance fees for hardrock
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because it is BLM's responsibility to do so. According to BLM
officials, BLM collects these data in its Collection and Billing
NPS data elements by category: Location fees for hardrock mining;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information and NPS officials said BLM would be responsible for
collecting it. There have been no new hardrock mining claims on NPS
land, and thus no location fees, since 1976.
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits for transmission
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not use the term
"special use permits for transmission lines." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for transmission lines."
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits for water projects;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not use the term
"special use permits for water projects." The agency collects this
information as "right-of-way permits for water projects."
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits for solar projects;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not have any data on
solar projects because, as of September 2010, it had not authorized
any solar projects and had no plans to do so.
NPS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for solar projects;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not have any data on
solar projects because, as of September 2010, it had not authorized
any solar projects and had no plans to do so.
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits for wind projects;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not have any data on
wind projects because, as of September 2010, it had not authorized any
wind projects and had no plans to do so.
NPS data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for wind projects;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not have any data on
wind projects because, as of September 2010, it had not authorized any
wind projects and had no plans to do so.
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
camping activities;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS includes revenues generated
from "special use permits for camping activities" in the broader
revenue category "recreation fees."
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from day
use activities;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS includes revenues generated
from "special use permits for generated from day use activities" in
the broader revenue category "recreation fees."
NPS data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
concession activities;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not routinely collect
these data because the agency only issues a handful of these permits
each year. Only a small amount of revenue is generated from these
NPS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
hardrock mining;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because the agency does not have cost recovery fees associated with
hardrock mining.
NPS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees related to EIS
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because the agency does not have cost recovery fees for EIS
NPS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees for processing oil
and gas Applications to Drill;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect these data
because the agency does not have cost recovery fees associated with
oil and gas Applications to Drill. NPS officials said BLM would
collect this information. BLM officials said this information is in
the Collection and Billing System.
NPS data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
geothermal activities;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect this
information because geothermal activities are not allowed on NPS lands.
NPS data elements by category: Entrance fees;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS collects revenues generated
from "entrance fees" under the broader revenue category "recreation
Federal land use designation data elements:
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not track National
Cemeteries as a separate designation. The acreage would be included as
a part of other designations, such as National Military Parks or
National Battlefield Parks, and could be manually calculated.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as
administrative sites;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: NPS does not collect acreage
data on the category "administrative sites" because it is too broad.
The agency does collect data on 30 different types of constructed
assets and different units of measurement are used for these, such as
square footage or miles.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated under UNESCO Man
and Biosphere Program (Biosphere Reserves);
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data and the information is not readily accessible. UNESCO manages
this program and is responsible for tracking these data. Some of these
sites are located on NPS lands and the acreage could be calculated
using information from the UNESCO Web site.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wetlands of
International Importance/Ramsar sites;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data and the information is not readily available. There are three of
these sites on NPS lands and the acreage could be calculated using
various means, including Geographical Information System analysis of
site boundaries.
NPS data elements by category: Total acres designated as Globally
Important Bird Areas;
Explanation from NPS agency officials: According to information
provided by NPS officials, the NPS does not routinely collect these
data. The American Bird Conservancy and the National Audubon Society
are responsible for making these designations and manage data related
to these sites.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by NPS officials.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix VII: Information on Bureau of Reclamation Data Elements:
This appendix presents detailed information on BoR data elements we
identified in our review that the agency collects and does not
collect, where they are stored, and their potential reliability. See
table 43 for data elements BoR collects in primary agency data
systems; table 44 for data elements BoR collects in other formats; and
table 45 for information on data elements BoR does not collect.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data element, we
reviewed agency officials' survey responses about the data's accuracy,
completeness, and reliability in order to apply categories of
potential reliability. For data elements stored in primary agency data
systems, we included information about the internal controls on the
systems in which the data are stored as part of the assessment.
However, because similar information was not available for data
elements stored in other formats, the assessment for these data
elements is somewhat less robust than the assessment of data elements
in primary agency data systems. Because the assessments for these two
sets of data elements are not comparable, they are presented
separately with different shading for the three categories of
potential reliability, as we used different criteria to assess the
data elements. The criteria are listed in tables 41 and 42.
Table 41: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and the agency data system in which it was contained, and that
information indicated there were robust internal controls for data
quality and few or no limitations on the data's completeness,
accuracy, and reliability and (2) the data are available within a
single data system.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element;
and/or (3) obtaining the information would require accessing multiple
data systems to gather historic data, and the primary agency data
system was not assessed as potentially unreliable.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element and/or (2) the host data
system was assessed as "potentially unreliable" (i.e., there were weak
internal controls for data quality or significant limitations related
to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 42: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Data Elements Stored in Other Formats:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides high
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
element and that information indicated there were few or no
limitations on the data's completeness, accuracy, and reliability, and
(2) the data were fairly centralized (i.e., fewer than 5 locations).
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides moderate
assurance of reliability;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data element to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) the information we did have suggested some limitations on
the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data element.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
Information about the completeness and accuracy provides low assurance
of reliability;
Criteria: (1) There were significant limitations on the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data element; and/or (2) agency
officials did not provide information about the completeness,
accuracy, or reliability of the data; and/or (3) the data were widely
dispersed (i.e., more than 15 locations).
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 43: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Data Elements
Stored in Primary Agency Data Systems, by Federal Land and Resources,
Revenues Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land
Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
BoR data elements by category: Total surface acres managed;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Foundation Information for Real Property
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BoR data elements by category: Total acres managed within each state;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Foundation Information for Real Property
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BoR data elements by category: Total acres that were added to the
federal estate through eminent domain powers of the federal government;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Foundation Information for Real Property
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2010;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
Revenues generated from activities on federal land:
BoR data elements by category: Grazing fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
filming activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BoR data elements by category: Recreation fees;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
BoR data elements by category: Concession receipts;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable;
Primary agency data system: Federal Financial System;
Earliest year data are available in the system: 2000;
Earliest year data in the system are, or may be, potentially reliable
(if later than year available): [Empty].
[End of table]
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BoR officials.
Table 44: Assessment of Potential Reliability of BoR Data Elements
Stored in Other Formats, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues
Generated from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use
Revenues generated from activities on federal land data elements:
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits for transmission
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for transmission
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits for solar projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for solar projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits for wind projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for wind projects;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
camping activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits generated from day
use activities;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
BoR data elements by category: Cost recovery fees related to EIS
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Regional offices;
Number of locations the data are kept: 5;
Data format: Permits, vouchers;
Earliest year in which the data are available: Don't know.
Federal land use designation data elements:
BoR data elements by category: Number of cultural and historic
resource sites listed on the national register of historic places
under the Historic Sites Act of 1935 or the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable;
Location of data (most centralized): Headquarters;
Number of locations the data are kept: 1;
Data format: MS Word file;
Earliest year in which the data are available: 2006.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BoR officials.
Note: According to Interior officials, while information on these data
elements is entered into the Federal Financial System, there are no
revenue source codes established to extract this information from the
system. Therefore, information on these data elements would have to be
obtained from regional offices.
[End of table]
Table 45: Data Elements BoR Does Not Collect and Explanation from BoR
Agency Officials, by Federal Land and Resources, Revenues Generated
from Activities on Federal Land, and Federal Land Use Designations:
Federal land and resource data elements:
BoR data elements by category: Total subsurface acres managed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect
information on subsurface acres. BoR does not lease lands for oil and
gas development, mineral development, etc. BLM is responsible for
those types of activities. According to information provided by BoR
officials, the BoR does not routinely collect information on whether
the land it has acquired includes mineral rights, so, to determine
this, every single deed of land managed by BOR would need to be
examined. BLM officials collect this information in various formats,
including digital files and plats or maps, and keeps this information
in BLM state offices.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. The only land that BoR manages is land
associated with its water or power projects.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres withdrawn that facilitated
the establishment of buffer areas around military installations;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because doing so is not part of BoR's mission, which is to
deliver water and power to its customers.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national park
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation because NPS is responsible
for doing so. According to NPS officials, NPS collects this
information in its Lands Management Information System/Master Deed
List Database.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wilderness
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for battlegrounds;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation because NPS is responsible
for doing so. NPS officials said "battlegrounds" is not a land use
designation that NPS tracks. Instead, NPS tracks acres acquired for
"National Battlefields."
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for wildlife
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect of this
information because it is not part of BoR's mission to do so. FWS is
responsible for managing wildlife refuges located on BoR land.
According to FWS officials, FWS does collect this information in its
Land Records System database.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for national
recreation areas;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so. Other federal agencies manage National Recreation Areas that are
located on BoR land. BoR may build a project and Congress subsequently
calls it a National Recreation Area, and then it becomes the
responsibility of another agency to manage.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres acquired for other purposes;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: This data element does not
apply to BoR because all land acquired by BoR is for the purpose of
its projects. There are no "other" purposes. Total lands acquired for
BoR project purposes would be the same as the total surface acres
managed by BoR.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres disposed of through sale or
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters only recently
began collecting information on disposed land but cannot differentiate
as to how the land was disposed. BoR regional offices may collect some
of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Ownership of the solid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because it is not part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR is
not responsible for managing wildlife refuges located on its land
because FWS is responsible for these. According to information
provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this
information and it is not readily available. Some of this information
may be available at local FWS offices.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal resources on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. The only land that BoR manages is land
associated with its water or power projects.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of coal reserves on
federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. The only land that BoR manages is land
associated with its water or power projects.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for coal leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because doing so is not part of BoR's mission, which is to
deliver water and power to its customers.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of land that have been
leased for coal development;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
there are no coal mines on BoR land. According to BoR officials, BLM
is responsible for all coal leasing on BoR land and would coordinate
with BoR regarding permission for coal exploration and mining.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
coal development that are in producing status;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
there are no coal mines on BoR land. According to BoR officials, BLM
is responsible for all coal leasing on BoR land and would coordinate
with BoR regarding permission for coal exploration and mining.
BoR data elements by category: Extent to which coal has been produced
from leased lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
there are no coal mines on BoR land. According to BoR officials, BLM
is responsible for all coal leasing on BoR land and would coordinate
with BoR regarding permission for coal exploration and mining.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas resources on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BLM does coordinate with BoR regarding
permission for oil and natural gas leasing and exploration on BoR
land. BLM officials said they do not collect this information because
USGS collects this information according to the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act of 2000 requirements.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of oil and natural
gas reserves on federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BLM does coordinate with BoR regarding
permission for oil and natural gas leasing and exploration on BoR
land. BLM officials said they do not collect these data;
they stated that USGS or the Energy Information Administration may
collect this information.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for oil and natural gas leasing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BLM does coordinate with BoR regarding
permission for oil and natural gas leasing and exploration on BoR
land. According to information provided by BLM officials, these data
are not routinely collected by BLM or readily available, but
information can be found in BLM land use management plans. To collect
and compile this information, numerous plans would need to be
reviewed. These plans are developed at the BLM field office level.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been leased for oil and natural gas development;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because it is BLM's responsibility to do so. BLM does
coordinate with BoR regarding permission for oil and natural gas
leasing and exploration on BoR land. Any oil and natural gas leases
issued on BoR land must be compatible with the mandated use of the
land. According to BLM officials, BLM does collect this information in
its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands leased for
oil and natural gas production that are in producing status;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because it is BLM's responsibility to do so. BLM does
coordinate with BoR regarding permission for oil and natural gas
leasing and exploration on BoR land. According to BLM officials, BLM
does collect this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Extent to which oil and natural gas has
been produced from leased federal lands (barrels/cubic feet);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BLM does coordinate with BoR regarding
permission for oil and natural gas leasing and exploration on BoR
land. BLM officials said they do not collect these data because it is
the responsibility of ONRR to collect this information.
BoR data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of oil and gas operations;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because it is BLM's responsibility to do so. BLM does
coordinate with BoR regarding permission for oil and natural gas
leasing and exploration on BoR land. According to BLM officials, BLM
does collect this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Potential acres of federal lands
available for timber sale;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so. Any timber activity on BoR land would be
coordinated with the Forest Service. BoR regional offices may collect
some of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of timber on federal
lands suitable for commercial harvesting (board feet);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so. If there is any timber activity on BoR
land, BoR can coordinate with the Forest Service. BoR regional offices
may collect some of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that have
been approved for commercial timber harvesting (acres) under existing
land management plans;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so. If there is any timber activity on BoR
land, BoR can coordinate with the Forest Service. BoR regional offices
may collect some of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Extent to which timber on federal lands
has been commercially harvested (board feet);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so. If there is any timber activity on BoR
land, BoR can coordinate with the Forest Service. BoR regional offices
may collect some of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands from which
timber has been commercially harvested;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so. If there is any timber activity on BoR
land, BoR can coordinate with the Forest Service. BoR regional offices
may collect some of these data.
BoR data elements by category: Potential acreage for livestock grazing
on federal lands;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of its
mission to do so. When agricultural leasing occurs on BoR land, it is
handled by the BoR regional offices and is generally managed in
cooperation with another federal agency (for example, BLM or Forest
Service). Any information on grazing would be available in the BoR
regional offices.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands authorized
for livestock grazing under existing land management plans;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of its
mission to do so. When agricultural leasing occurs on BoR land, it is
handled by the BoR regional offices and is generally managed in
cooperation with another federal agency (for example, BLM or Forest
Service). There is no reporting requirement for grazing leases. Any
information on grazing would be available in the BoR regional offices,
depending on where the grazing takes place.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands used for
livestock grazing;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of its
mission to do so. When agricultural leasing occurs on BoR land, it is
handled by the BoR regional offices and is generally managed in
cooperation with another federal agency (for example, BLM or Forest
Service). Any information on grazing would be available in the BoR
regional offices.
BoR data elements by category: Potential quantity of hardrock
(locatable) minerals on federal lands;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not track these data
because BLM is responsible for administering hardrock operations on
BoR land. According to BLM officials, BLM does not collect these data
and no other federal agency currently collects it. USGS has some
information on mineral inventories but the data are over 30 years old.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands available
for hardrock (locatable) mineral mining under existing land management
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not track these data
because BLM is responsible for administering hardrock operations on
BoR land. Based on information provided by BLM officials, BLM does not
collect this information routinely and it is not readily available.
BLM stores this information on plats (detailed paper maps). Efforts by
BLM to collect this information by digitizing plats have been
unsuccessful. Collecting and compiling this information would be very
time consuming and resource intensive.
BoR data elements by category: Extent to which hardrock (locatable)
minerals have been extracted from federal lands (tonnage);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information related to hardrock operations on BoR land
would be BLM's responsibility. According to BLM officials, BLM does
not collect these data because they do not use volume (tonnage) as a
unit of measurement for the amount of hardrock (locatable) minerals
that have been extracted. BLM collects data on the number of acres
BoR data elements by category: Value of bonds held by your agency to
ensure reclamation of hardrock (locatable) mineral operations;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information related to hardrock operations on BoR land
would be BLM's responsibility. According to BLM officials, BLM
collects this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of federal lands that were
burned as a result of wildland fires or wildfires;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect these data. BoR just entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding in 2010 to join the interagency fire management center.
BoR regional offices will be given an opportunity to participate in
the Memorandum of Understanding, but this will not be mandated.
Interagency fire data are kept in the Wildfire Management Information
System. BoR regional offices may collect some of the data.
BoR data elements by category: Costs associated with wildland fires or
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect these data. BoR just entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding in 2010 to join the interagency fire management center.
BoR regional offices will be given an opportunity to participate in
the Memorandum of Understanding, but this will not be mandated.
Interagency fire data are kept in the Wildfire Management Information
System. BoR regional offices may collect some of the data.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease that have surface
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information on surface disturbance related to oil and gas
operations on BoR land would be BLM's responsibility. According to BLM
officials, BLM does not collect these data in a comprehensive manner.
Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas, according to BLM. BLM has plans to collect this information but
there is no funding to do so.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation that have surface disturbance;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect this information because it is not part of the
agency's mission to do so and any information on surface disturbance
related to hardrock operations on BoR land would be BLM's
responsibility. BoR regional offices may collect some of these data.
BLM officials said they collect this information in the agency's
Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a coal lease where the surface disturbance has
been reclaimed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where the surface
disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information on surface disturbance related to oil and gas
operations on BoR land would be BLM's responsibility. According to BLM
officials, BLM does not collect these data in a comprehensive manner.
Currently, some data may be collected on a project basis in some
areas, according to BLM. BLM has plans to collect this information but
has no funding to do so.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of total acres of federal
lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock (locatable)
operation where surface disturbance has been reclaimed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information on surface disturbance related to hardrock
operations on BoR land would be BLM's responsibility. BLM collects
this information in its Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a coal lease where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under an oil and natural gas lease where
surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information on surface disturbance related to oil and gas
operations on BoR land would be BLM's responsibility. BLM officials
stated they did not collect these data and had no plans to do so.
BoR data elements by category: Percentage of the total acres of
federal lands that are under a notice or plan level hardrock
(locatable) operation where surface is undisturbed;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
this information because it is not part of the agency's mission to do
so and any information on surface disturbance related to hardrock
operations on BoR land would be BLM's responsibility. BLM does not
routinely collect these data and they are not readily available.
According to BLM officials, collecting these data would involve--for
each ongoing mine operation--reviewing field inspection reports to
determine the total acres disturbed and obtaining the total acres
authorized for disturbance from the BLM's Legacy Rehost 2000 database.
The percentage could be calculated using this information.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
energy development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect of this
information because it is not part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR
officials said FWS is responsible for managing wildlife refuges
located on BoR land. According to information provided by FWS
officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this information and it
is not readily available. Some of this information may be available at
local FWS offices.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres of wildlife refuge with
mineral development and production currently taking place;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect of this
information because it is not part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR
officials said FWS is responsible for managing wildlife refuges
located on BoR land. According to information provided by FWS
officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this information and it
is not readily available. Some of this information may be available at
local FWS offices.
BoR data elements by category: Ownership of the fluid mineral estate
being developed on wildlife refuge (federal, state, private);
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect of this
information because it is not part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR
officials said FWS is responsible for managing wildlife refuges
located on BoR land. According to information provided by FWS
officials, the FWS does not routinely collect this information and it
is not readily available. Some of this information may be available at
local FWS offices.
BoR data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the General
Mining Act of 1872;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BoR officials said BLM may have
information on the types of withdrawals on BoR land. According to
information provided by BLM officials, BLM does not routinely collect
this information and it is not readily available. The information is
located in over 500 Public Land Orders and in master plats (or
detailed maps), some dating back to 1872. Compiling this information
would be very resource intensive because all the land orders and plats
would need to be reviewed and acres of land withdrawn would need to be
BoR data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BoR officials said BLM may have
information on the types of withdrawals on BoR land. According to
information provided by BLM officials, BLM does not routinely collect
these data and the data are not readily available. This information
can be obtained from BLM land use plans. These plans are developed at
the BLM field office level. Collecting and compiling this information
would be resource intensive and require a review of numerous land use
BoR data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BoR officials said BLM may have
information on the types of withdrawals on BoR land. According to
information provided by BLM officials, BLM does not routinely collect
this information and it is not readily available. The information can
be obtained from BLM land use plans. These plans are developed at the
BLM field office level. Collecting and compiling this information
would be resource intensive and require a review of numerous land use
BoR data elements by category: Total percentage of federal mineral
estate that has been withdrawn from mineral entry under the Mineral
Materials Disposal Act of 1947;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: The collection of this
information is not part of BoR's mission, which is to deliver water
and power to its customers. BoR officials said BLM may have
information on the types of withdrawals on BoR land. According to
information provided by BLM officials, BLM does not routinely collect
these data and they are not readily available, but information is
located in pertinent Acts of Congress and over 500 Public Land Orders.
Collecting and compiling this information would be very resource
intensive and require months to complete.
Revenues generated from activities on federal land:
BoR data elements by category: Oil and gas bonus bids;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into oil and gas bonus bids.
BoR data elements by category: Oil and gas rents;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into oil and gas rents.
BoR data elements by category: Oil and gas royalties;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into revenues from oil and gas
BoR data elements by category: Coal bonus bids;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Coal rents;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Coal royalties;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information; there are no coal mines on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Geothermal bonus bids;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into geothermal bonus bids.
BoR data elements by category: Geothermal rents;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into geothermal rents.
BoR data elements by category: Geothermal royalties;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into geothermal royalties.
BoR data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities bonus bids;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into bonus bids from other leaseable
BoR data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities rents;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into other leaseable commodities
BoR data elements by category: Other leaseable commodities royalties;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect this
information because BLM or ONRR is responsible for collecting it.
While BoR does receive a lump sum interagency payment from BLM or ONRR
for these revenues, BoR is not responsible for collecting them. The
interagency payments are captured in the Federal Financial System in
aggregate and are not broken out into royalties from other leaseable
BoR data elements by category: Claim maintenance fees for hardrock
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not track incidental
revenues from claim maintenance fees for hardrock mining. BoR
officials did not know whether hardrock mining is allowed on the
agency's land. If it is allowed, BLM would be responsible for
administering hardrock operations on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Location fees for hardrock mining;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not track incidental
revenues from location fees for hardrock mining because BLM is
responsible for administering hardrock operations on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits for water projects;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not issue these
permits because most of the water projects it builds are authorized by
special legislation and do not require a permit.
BoR data elements by category: Right-of-way permits for water projects;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not issue these
permits because most of the water projects it builds are authorized by
special legislation and do not require a permit.
BoR data elements by category: Special use permits generated from
concession activities;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR collects revenues generated
from "special use permits generated from concession activities" under
the revenue category "concession receipts." According to BoR
officials, they collect revenues generated from concession contracts
at concession areas.
BoR data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
hardrock mining;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect or receive
cost recovery fees associated with hardrock mining because, according
to BoR officials, BLM is responsible for administering all hardrock
mining activities on federal land.
BoR data elements by category: Cost recovery fees for processing oil
and gas Applications to Drill;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect or receive
cost recovery fees associated with oil and gas Applications to Drill
because, according to BoR officials, BLM is responsible for
administering all oil and gas Applications to Drill for oil and gas
operations on federal land. According to BLM officials, BLM collects
these data in its Collection and Billing System data system.
BoR data elements by category: Cost recovery fees associated with
geothermal activities;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect or receive
cost recovery fees associated with geothermal activities because,
according to BoR officials, BLM is responsible for administering all
geothermal activities on federal land.
BoR data elements by category: Entrance fees;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: According to BoR officials, BoR
is prohibited from charging entrance fees by the Federal Lands
Recreation Act.
BoR data elements by category: Use fees;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR collects revenues generated
from "use fees" under the broader revenue category "recreation fees."
Federal land use designation data elements:
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wilderness
Areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964 and subsequent associated
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect information about this land use designation because
it is not a part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR is not responsible for
managing wilderness lands. The BoR regional offices may collect some
BoR data elements by category: Total river miles designated as Wild
and Scenic River under all categories of designations under the Wild
and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect information about this land use designation because
it is not a part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR is not responsible for
managing Wild and Scenic Rivers. The BoR regional offices may collect
some data.
BoR data elements by category: Number of National Historic and
National Scenic Trails designated under the National Trails System Act
1968, as amended;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect information about this land use designation because
it is not a part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR is not responsible for
managing National Historic and National Scenic Trails. The BoR
regional offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Number of National Recreational Trails
or roads designated under the National Trails System Act 1968, as
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
routinely collect information about this land use designation because
it is not a part of BoR's mission to do so. BoR is not responsible for
managing National Recreational Trails or roads. The BoR regional
offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Number of paleontological localities;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR is establishing procedures
for collecting this information. The Omnibus Public Land Management
Act of 2009, Pub. L. No. 111-11 �� 6301-6312, 123 Stat 991, 1172-1177
requires the development of plans for inventorying and monitoring
these sites. Before this legislation passed, BoR did not have an
active paleontological program. BoR is participating in a department
wide effort to prepare rules addressing paleontology.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as Research
Natural Areas;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation and BoR is not aware of
any of these sites on BoR land.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation because FWS and the
National Marine Fisheries Service are responsible for doing so.
According to information provided by FWS officials, the FWS does not
routinely collect this information and the information is not readily
available from this agency. This information is maintained at the
local level and about 390 wildlife refuges have endangered species.
Because the boundaries of the habitats sometimes overlap, any acreage
data would be an estimate.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wetlands;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect these data
because, according to BoR officials, FWS is responsible for
maintaining data on wetlands.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation. According to BoR
officials, these sites are managed by other federal agencies, such as
BLM and NPS.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as National
Natural Landmarks;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not routinely collect
information about this land use designation because, according to BoR
officials, NPS is responsible for doing so.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as
administrative sites;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR does not collect
information about this land use designation. BOR land is referred to
as project areas not administrative sites. So there is no separate
designation for administrative sites.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated under the United
Nations Biosphere Reserve Program;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
collect information about this land use designation. The BoR regional
offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as World
Heritage Sites;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
collect information about this land use designation. BoR headquarters
officials were not aware of any of these sites on BoR land. The BoR
regional offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as Wetlands of
International Importance/Ramsar sites;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
collect information about this land use designation. BoR headquarters
officials were not aware of any of these sites on BoR land. The BoR
regional offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as Globally
Important Bird Areas;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
collect information about this land use designation. BoR headquarters
officials were not aware of any of these sites on BoR land. The BoR
regional offices may collect some data.
BoR data elements by category: Total acres designated as International
Historic Sites;
Explanation from BoR agency officials: BoR headquarters does not
collect information about this land use designation. BoR headquarters
officials were not aware of any of these sites on BoR land. The BoR
regional offices may have some information.
Source: GAO analysis of information provided by BoR officials.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix VIII: Information on Primary Agency Data Systems:
This appendix presents information on primary data systems at the five
agencies--BLM, Forest Service, FWS, NPS, and BoR--we identified in our
review. In assessing the potential reliability of each data system, we
applied categories of potential reliability, as defined in table 46.
In assessing the potential reliability of each data system, we
reviewed officials' survey responses about the system's internal
controls related to data accuracy, completeness, and reliability in
order to apply categories of potential reliability. We also reviewed
the findings of any audits, evaluations, and formal reviews the
agencies provided that were related to the reliability of the data
systems. See table 47 for our assessments of the primary agency data
Table 46: Levels of Potential Reliability and Criteria for Assessing
Primary Agency Data Systems:
Symbol: dark circle;
Level: "Potentially reliable";
System controls provide high assurance about the reliability of data
in the system;
Criteria: (1) We had sufficient information on the quality of the data
system, and that information indicated that the data system routinely
used most of the necessary internal controls required to reliably
maintain data and (2) had no or only minor limitations related to
maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable data.
Symbol: half dark/half light circle;
Level: "May be potentially reliable";
System controls provide moderate assurance about the reliability of
data in the system;
Criteria: (1) We did not have sufficient information on the quality of
the data system to unequivocally assess it as potentially reliable;
and/or (2) agency officials reported that the data system (a)
occasionally used most, or (b) routinely used only some of the
necessary internal controls required to reliably maintain data;
and/or (3) had some limitations related to maintaining accurate,
complete, and reliable data.
Symbol: light circle;
Level: "Potentially unreliable";
System controls provide low assurance about the reliability of data in
the system;
Criteria: Agency officials reported that the data system (1) did not
use, or they did not know if it used, many of the necessary internal
controls required to reliably maintain data and/or (2) had significant
limitations related to maintaining accurate, complete, and reliable
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
Table 47: Assessment of Potential Reliability of Primary Agency Data
Systems, by Agency:
Primary data system, by agency: Collection and Billing System;
Database abbreviation: CBS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Financial and Business Management
Database abbreviation: FBMS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Legacy Rehost 2000;
Database abbreviation: LR2000;
Type of data in the system: Acres, resources, land use designations,
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Rangelands Administration System;
Database abbreviation: RAS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, resources, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Recreation Management Information
Database abbreviation: RMIS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations, revenues;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Timber Sale Information System;
Database abbreviation: TSIS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, resources, land use designations,
revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Forest Service:
Primary data system, by agency: Automated Lands Program;
Database abbreviation: ALP;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations,
international designations, revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Automated Timber Sale Accounting;
Database abbreviation: ATSA;
Type of data in the system: Resources, revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Natural Resource Manager-Forest
Service Activity Tracking System;
Database abbreviation: FACTS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Foundation Financial Information
Database abbreviation: FFIS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Fire Statistics System;
Database abbreviation: FIRESTAT;
Type of data in the system: Acres, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Land Area Report;
Database abbreviation: LAR;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations,
international designations, revenues;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially unreliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Natural Resource Manager-INFRA
Corporate Database;
Database abbreviation: NRM-INFRA;
Type of data in the system: Resources, revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Special Uses Data System;
Database abbreviation: SUDS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, resources, land use designations,
revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Natural Resource Manager-Timber
Information Manager;
Database abbreviation: TIM;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Federal Financial System;
Database abbreviation: FFS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Fire Management Information System;
Database abbreviation: FMIS;
Type of data in the system: Other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Land Records System;
Database abbreviation: LRS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Refuge Annual Performance Plan System;
Database abbreviation: RAPP;
Type of data in the system: Other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Federal Financial System;
Database abbreviation: FFS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Lands Management Information System/
Master Deed List Database;
Database abbreviation: MIS/MDL;
Type of data in the system: Acres, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: National Register Information System;
Database abbreviation: NRIS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Performance Management Data System;
Database abbreviation: PMDS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, resources, land use designations,
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Wildland Fire Management Information
Database abbreviation: WFMIS;
Type of data in the system: Acres, land use designations, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Federal Financial System;
Database abbreviation: FFS;
Type of data in the system: Revenues;
Assessment of potential reliability: May be potentially reliable.
Primary data system, by agency: Foundation Information for Real
Property Management;
Database abbreviation: FIRM;
Type of data in the system: Acres, other;
Assessment of potential reliability: Potentially reliable.
Source: GAO.
[End of table]
[End of section]
Appendix IX: Comments from the Forest Service:
United States Department of Agriculture:
Forest Service:
Washington Office:
1400 Independence Avenue, SW:
Washington, DC 20250:
File Code: 1420:
Date: April 12, 2011:
Ms. Anu K. Mittal:
Director of Natural Resources:
Government Accountability Office:
441 G Street, NW:
Washington, DC 20548:
Dear Ms. Mittal:
Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide comment on the
draft U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report on "Federal
Land Management: Availability and Potential Reliability of Selected
Data Elements at Five Agencies." The Forest Service has reviewed the
report and generally concurs with the report's observations.
If you have any questions, please contact Donna M. Carmical, Chief
Financial Officer at 202-205-1321or dcannical@fs.fed.us.
Signed by:
Thomas L. Tidwell:
[End of section]
Appendix X: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments:
GAO Contact:
Anu K. Mittal, 202-512-3841 or mittala@gao.gov.
Staff Acknowledgments:
In addition to the contact person named above, Andrea Brown (Assistant
Director), Antoinette Capaccio, Carolynn Cavanaugh, Kevin Dooley,
Grant Mallie, Rebecca Shea, Carol Herrnstadt Shulman, Sheena Smith,
Benjamin Thomas, Lisa Turner, and Elizabeth Wood made key
contributions to this report.
[End of section]
[1] The other 4 percent of federal land is managed by other federal
agencies, including the Department of Defense and the Department of
[2] See, for example, GAO, Western National Forests: A Cohesive
Strategy Is Needed to Address Catastrophic Wildfire Threats,
[hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO/RCED-99-65] (Washington,
D.C.: Apr. 2, 1999); GAO, Oil and Gas Development: Increased
Permitting Activity Has Lessened BLM's Ability to Meet Its
Environmental Protection Responsibilities, [hyperlink,
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-418] (Washington, D.C.: June 17,
2005); GAO, Renewable Energy: Increased Geothermal Development Will
Depend on Overcoming Many Challenges, [hyperlink,
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-06-629] (Washington, D.C.: May 24,
2006); Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General,
Western Region, Verification Review of Seven Recommendations
Considered Implemented From Our February 2004 report "Audit of Oil and
Gas Permitting Process, Bureau of Land Management (Report No. W-IN-BLM-
009-2003)," Report No. WR-VS-BLM-0001-2008 (Sacramento, Calif., May
30, 2008); Congressional Research Service, Issues Regarding a National
Land Parcel Database, CRS R40717 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 23, 2010).
[3] The five agencies may collect other data related to land
management that were not included in this review.
[4] We considered a data element to be "collected" if it is tracked in
a routine manner, easily accessible, and readily available.
[5] Because we did not have information about internal controls on
data elements stored outside one of the primary agency data systems,
our assessment of potential reliability for these elements was more
[6] GAO, Oil and Gas Development: Increased Permitting Activity Has
Lessened BLM's Ability to Meet Its Environmental Protection
Responsibilities, [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-418]
(Washington, D.C.: June 17, 2005); GAO, Hardrock Mining: Information
on State Royalties and Trends in Mineral Imports and Exports,
[hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-08-849R] (Washington,
D.C.: July 21, 2008); and GAO, Livestock Grazing: Federal Expenditures
and Receipts Vary, Depending on the Agency and the Purpose of the Fee
Charged, [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-869]
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 30, 2005); BLM, Public Land Statistics 2009,
Volume 194, BLM/OC/ST-10/001+1165 (Washington, D.C., May 2010); and
Congressional Research Service, Federal Land Management Agencies:
Background on Land and Resources Management, CRS R40225 (Washington,
D.C., Feb. 9, 2009).
[7] Other formats include paper files, spreadsheets, Web sites, or
other agency files or documents, such as permits.
[8] The term critical habitat means both specific areas occupied by
species protected under the Endangered Species Act on which are found
physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the
species which may require special management considerations or
protection and specific areas that may not be occupied by the species
at the time it is listed under the Endangered Species Act but which
are essential for the conservation of the species.
[9] BLM also collected data elements related to the value of bonds it
held to ensure reclamation of lands affected by oil and gas operations.
[10] Historically, a chain had 100 links, which was about 66 feet
long. One mile was equal to 80 chains. An acre is the total of 10
square chains, according to BLM officials.
[11] BLM manages approximately 700 million acres of federal subsurface
minerals, also known as federal mineral estate.
[12] General Mining Act of 1872, ch 152, 17 Stat. 91 (codified as
amended, 30 U.S.C. �� 21-54 (2006)); Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, ch
85, 41 Stat. 437 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 30
U.S.C.); Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, ch 513, 61 Stat. 913
(1946) (codified as amended at 30 U.S.C. �� 351-360 (2006)); Mineral
Materials Disposal Act of 1947, ch. 406, 61 Stat. 681 (codified as
amended at 30 U.S.C. �� 601-604 (2006)).
[13] Public Land Orders implement the authority granted to the
Secretary of the Interior by the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 to make, modify, extend, or revoke land withdrawals. A
withdrawal removes an area of federal land from settlement, sale,
location, or entry under some or all of the general land laws, for the
purpose of limiting activities under those laws to maintain other
public values in the area or reserving the area for a particular
public purpose or program. Withdrawals are also used to transfer
jurisdiction over an area of federal land from one department, bureau,
or agency to another.
[14] If agency officials at BLM, the Forest Service, FWS, NPS, or BoR
told us that another agency outside of the five we reviewed, such as
ONRR, collected a data element, we did not confirm this information.
[15] BLM officials stated they would like to collect information on
acres disturbed by oil and gas activities, but funding is not
available to do so.
[16] The federal government owns almost all of the surface lands in
the wildlife refuge system, but in many cases it does not own the
subsurface mineral rights. Subject to some restrictions, owners of
subsurface mineral rights have the legal authority to explore for
mineral resources such as oil and gas and to extract resources that
are found. See GAO, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Opportunities
Remain to Improve Oversight and Management of Oil and Gas Activities
on National Wildlife Refuges, [hyperlink,
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-07-829R] (Washington, D.C.: June 29,
[17] Specifically, we asked about lands withdrawn under the General
Mining Act of 1872, the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the Mineral
Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, and the Mineral Materials Disposal Act
of 1947. Information related to the specific laws is in Public Land
[18] A bonus bid is the cash consideration paid to the United States
by the successful bidder for a mineral lease, such payment being made
in addition to the rent and royalty obligations specified in the
lease. Rent is the amount paid periodically (usually annually) by the
holder of a lease or right-of-way grant for the right to use land or
resources for the purposes set out in the lease or grant.
[19] According to UNESCO, biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial
and coastal ecosystems promoting solutions to reconcile the
conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use.
[20] BLM, Public Land Statistics 2009, BLM/OC/ST-10/001+1165,
(Washington, D.C.: May 2010, Volume 194); GAO, Oil and Gas
Development: Increased Permitting Activity Has Lessened BLM's Ability
to Meet Its Environmental Protection Responsibilities, [hyperlink,
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-418] (Washington, D.C.: June 17,
2005); GAO, Hardrock Mining: Information on State Royalties and Trends
in Mineral Imports and Exports, [hyperlink,
http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-08-849R] (Washington, D.C.: July 21,
2008); GAO, Livestock Grazing: Federal Expenditures and Receipts Vary,
Depending on the Agency and the Purpose of the Fee Charged,
[hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-869] (Washington, D.C.:
Sept. 30, 2005); Congressional Research Service, Federal Land
Management Agencies: Background on Land and Resources Management, CRS
R40225 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 9, 2009).
[21] Other formats include paper files, spreadsheets, Web sites, or
other agency files or documents, such as permits.
[End of section]
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