Department of Commerce Reports for December 1978
- GGD-79-5 - Collection and Publication of Statistics on Nation's Hispanic Population (1978-12-07)
- FGMSD-79-4 - Development of a National Productivity Clearinghouse (1978-12-12)
- FGMSD-79-5 - Additional Large-Scale Computer System Not Needed by the Bureau of the Census (1978-12-13)
- CED-79-28 - Proposed Changes in Meat and Poultry Net Weight Labeling Regulations Based on Insufficient Data (1978-12-20)
- ID-78-53 - Adjustment Assistance to Firms Under the Trade Act of 1974--Income Maintenance or Successful Adjustment? (1978-12-21)
- OGC-79-4 - Impoundment Reports to Congress (1978-12-21)
- B-78395 - Response to a Request To Review the Bureau of the Census Advisory Committees (1978-12-22)