Department of Commerce Reports for June 1978
- CED-78-93 - Benefits Derived from the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program Are Questionable (1978-06-01)
- OGC-78-10 - President's Eighth Special Message to the Congress concerning Impoundments (1978-06-06)
- CED-78-116 - Cargo Preference Programs for Government-Financed Ocean Shipments Could Be Improved (1978-06-08)
- CED-78-132 - Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland (1978-06-12)
Much Concern, Little Data - CED-78-125 - Need for Improving Management of U.S. Oceanographic Assets (1978-06-16)
- PSAD-78-76 - Need for Full Cost Reporting and Participating Agreement on SEASAT-A Project (1978-06-19)
- PSAD-78-123 - Planning and Management Activities of the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration (1978-06-21)
- OGC-78-11 - President's Special Message pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1978-06-22)
- FGMSD-78-41 - Inadequacies in Data Processing Planning in the Department of the Interior (1978-06-23)
- PSAD-77-127 - Deep Ocean Mining (1978-06-28)
Actions Needed To Make It Happen