Department of Commerce Reports for January 1979
- FGMSD-78-62 - Legislation Needed To Establish Specific Loan Guarantee Limits for the Economic Development Administration (1979-01-05)
- CED-79-23 - Progress and Problems of Fisheries Management Under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act (1979-01-09)
- PSAD-79-14 - Financial Status of Major Federal Acquisitions, September 30, 1978 (1979-01-11)
- EMD-78-77 - U.S. Refining Capacity (1979-01-15)
How Much Is Enough? - CED-79-9 - Minority Firms on Local Public Works Projects--Mixed Results (1979-01-16)
- OGC-79-6 - Deferrals Transmitted to the Congress Pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (1979-01-16)
- ID-78-43 - Considerations for Adjustment Assistance Under the 1974 Trade Act (1979-01-18)
A Summary of Techniques Used in Other Countries. [Volume I] - ID-78-43 - Profiles of Adjustment Programs in Eight Countries (1979-01-18)
- OIM-79-02 - Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on the Operations of Civil Departments and Agencies (1979-01-22)
- LCD-78-123 - Automated Systems Security--Federal Agencies Should Strengthen Safeguards Over Personal and Other Sensitive Data (1979-01-23)
- PSAD-79-13 - Congress Needs Reliable Cost Estimates and Established Priorities for Allocating Funds for Water Resources Projects (1979-01-29)
- CED-79-26 - Federal Response to the 1976-77 Drought (1979-01-31)
What Should Be Done Next?