Department of Commerce Reports for May 1980
- CED-80-73 - Developing Markets for Fish Not Traditionally Harvested by the United States (1980-05-07)
The Problems and the Federal Role - FGMSD-80-40 - Feasibility of Automating the Search Process at the Patent and Trademark Office (1980-05-09)
- ID-80-37 - Need for State Department To Implement Section 121 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (1980-05-13)
- LCD-80-53 - Reduced Communications Costs Through Centralized Management of Multiplex Systems (1980-05-14)
- EMD-80-45 - Industrial Wastes (1980-05-15)
An Unexplored Source of Valuable Minerals - ID-80-38 - International Trade and Export Policies in the Ferrous Scrap Market (1980-05-20)
- EMD-80-39 - Emergency Allocation Rules Fail To Recognize Needs of Petrochemical Industry (1980-05-21)
- 112394 - H.R. 5424 To Provide for Improved Administration in Public Printing Services and Distribution of Documents (1980-05-21)
- PSAD-80-47 - Staffing Implications of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System and Remote Sensing Activities (1980-05-28)
- OGC-80-12 - Rescissions of Budget Authority in President's Seventh Special Message for FY 1980 (1980-05-30)