Department of Commerce Reports for September 1983
- NSIAD-83-52 - Administration Knowledge of Economic Costs of Foreign Policy Export Controls (1983-09-02)
- IMTEC-83-4 - How the Content of the Agricultural and Economic Censuses Is Determined and Used (1983-09-02)
- NSIAD-83-51 - International Restraints to Competitiveness of the U.S. Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry (1983-09-14)
- 122466 - Department of Commerce Export Promotion Activities (1983-09-27)
- 122444 - International Reaction to the Proposed Commercialization of Landsat (1983-09-28)
- NSIAD-83-28 - Controlling Exports of Dual-Use Nuclear-Related Equipment (1983-09-29)
- PAD-83-54 - Estimates of Job Generation in the Travel and Tourism Industry (1983-09-30)