Export Controls
Commerce's Assessment of the Foreign Availability of Controlled Items Can Be More Effective Gao ID: NSIAD-88-71 February 9, 1988GAO evaluated the Department of Commerce's procedures for conducting foreign availability assessments to determine whether militarily significant commercial products are freely available to the Soviet bloc from other countries.
GAO found that Commerce: (1) averaged 16 months to complete foreign availability cases, although the Export Administration Act of 1979 had envisioned a 90-day processing period; (2) had incomplete cases that were in process for up to 47 months; (3) had difficulty in obtaining necessary evidence; (4) was reluctant to publish a determination without Department of Defense (DOD) concurrence; (5) needs to improve its information-sharing procedures with DOD and other agencies; and (6) should update its regulations specifying what information it uses in determining foreign availability. GAO also found that Commerce: (1) disagreed with DOD on information-sharing procedures; and (2) has started notifying other agencies of initiated assessments and requesting relevant information.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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