Information Management Gao ID: IMTEC-93-21R February 26, 1993GAO reviewed information resources management (IRM) at the Department of Commerce, focusing on the operations of the Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM). GAO found that: (1) various bureaus within Commerce are responsible for IRM; (2) in general, Commerce staff believed OIRM has helped improve the acquisition of information resources; (3) OIRM did not oversee IRM systems after their implementation, or keep track of problems that occurred; (4) OIRM did not promote a centralized approach to meeting information systems requirements or improving technology; (5) OIRM did not have a monitoring system for assessing the progress and impact of information technology plans, requirements initiatives, and acquisitions; and (6) Commerce has an informal process linking information technology planning with budget decisions, but plans are often not approved prior to budget approval.