Energy and Science
Five-Year Bibliography 1990-1994 Gao ID: RCED-96-7W December 1, 1995GAO's Energy and Science Issue Area examines the activities of a variety of entities, from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Tennessee Valley Authority to the National Science Foundation. This work generally examines the role and continued need for a federal presence in these areas, exposing incidences of waste and mismanagement and promoting a smaller, more efficient, and cost-effective government. Organized into four main sections--"Management and Missions of Energy and Science Agencies," "Consequences and Implications of the Nuclear Age," "Competition and Security in Energy Supplies," and "Federal Role and Investment in Science and Technology"--this five-year bibliography lists GAO documents on science and energy topics issued from 1990 through 1994. The documents are listed chronologically, with the most recent reports first. A subject index is included.