Water Quality

A Catalog of Related Federal Programs Gao ID: RCED-96-173 June 19, 1996

This catalog provides information on federal programs and initiatives to help states, municipalities, and individuals protect and improve surface and groundwater threatened by pollution. GAO identifies 72 federal programs and initiatives that either directly or indirectly support water quality protection and enhancement. According to agency estimates, at least $4.6 billion was spent on these programs in fiscal year 1995.

GAO found that: (1) there are 72 federal programs that provide assistance for improving water quality; (2) the Department of Agriculture has expanded its traditional programs and added new programs to address water quality concerns directly; (3) these programs primarily provide payments, direct loans, loan guarantees, and grants to states and localities to protect water resources; and (4) several other federal agencies conduct studies and provide research, technical, and engineering support for water quality projects as well as financial assistance.

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