Department of Commerce Reports for February 1999
- GGD-99-32R - Scheduling of the 2000 Decennial Census (1999-02-01)
- NSIAD-99-37 - Acquisition Reform (1999-02-09)
NASA's Internet Service Improves Access to Contracting Information - T-AIMD/GGD-99-97 - Department of Commerce (1999-02-24)
National Weather Service Modernization and NOAA Fleet Issues - GGD/AIMD-99-69 - Agency Performance Plans (1999-02-26)
Examples of Practices That Can Improve Usefulness to Decisionmakers - HEHS-99-69 - Formula Grants (1999-02-26)
Effects of Adjusted Population Counts on Federal Funding to States - RCED-99-45 - Water Quality (1999-02-26)
Federal Role in Addressing and Contributing to Nonpoint Source Pollution