Department of Commerce Reports for April 2010
- GAO-10-333 - American Samoa and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (2010-04-08)
Wages, Employment, Employer Actions, Earnings, and Worker Views Since Minimum Wage Increases Began - GAO-10-423 - Intellectual Property (2010-04-12)
Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods - GAO-10-324 - 2010 Census (2010-04-23)
Plans for Census Coverage Measurement Are on Track, but Additional Steps Will Improve Its Usefulness - GAO-10-456 - Environmental Satellites (2010-04-27)
Strategy Needed to Sustain Critical Climate and Space Weather Measurements - GAO-10-490 - U.S. Tsunami Preparedness (2010-04-28)
NOAA Has Expanded Its Tsunami Programs, but Improved Planning Could Enhance Effectiveness - GAO-10-665T - 2010 Census (2010-04-30)
Cooperation with Enumerators Is Critical to a Successful Headcount