Department of Defense Reports for May 1972
- B-125037 - Marine Corps' Internal Control System (1972-05-01)
- 092374 - Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Cascade (1972-05-02)
- B-174211 - Review of the Management of Natural Resources Programs (1972-05-02)
- 092372 - Accounting for Accrued Expenditures at Warner Robbins Air Materiel Area (1972-05-05)
- B-146896 - Need for Improvement in Readiness of Strategic Army Forces (1972-05-08)
- 094504 - GAO Review of the Management of Nonappropriated Funds in DOD (1972-05-10)
- 094505 - Direct and Indirect Expenditures by Federal Agencies for Prescription Drugs (1972-05-10)
- B-160683 - Opportunities To Consolidate Support Functions in the Pacific To Reduce Military Costs (1972-05-11)
- B-175715 - Consideration of the Potential of Savings in Major Construction Contracts by Adopting the Contractor's Method of Using Relocatable Buildings for Onsite Office Space (1972-05-15)
- 093337 - Review of Contract Pricing Philco-Ford Corporation Aeronutronic Division (1972-05-15)
- 093338 - Westover AFB, Audit of Accounts for the Period July 1, 1970, Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-15)
- B-167023 - Air Force's Program for Acquisition of Ground Support Equipment for the TF-4l-Al Engine for the A-7D Aircraft Weapon System (1972-05-16)
- 093335 - Letter to General Manager, Westclox (1972-05-17)
- 093336 - Review of Negotiated Contracts Awarded to Westclox, Division of General Time Corporation (1972-05-17)
- B-146828 - Observations on Financial Inventory Accounting--What It Is and What It Could Be (1972-05-17)
- 093334 - Ellsworth AFB, Audit of Accounts for the Period July 1, 1970, Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-18)
- B-170186 - Improvements Needed in Federal Efforts To Implement the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (1972-05-18)
- 093332 - Examination of Disbursing Transactions U.S.S. New (1972-05-18)
- 093333 - Ent AFB Audit of Accounts (1972-05-18)
- 093331 - Plattsburgh AFB Audit of Accounts (1972-05-19)
- B-163074 - Development and Procurement of the Navy AN/UYK-7(V) Computer System (1972-05-22)
- 093329 - APO New York 09109, Audit of Accounts for the Period July 1, 1970, Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-23)
- B-161330 - Dredging Activities and Problems, Corps of Engineers (1972-05-23)
- B-175773 - Instituting Separate Training Capabilities in the Air Force Instead of Continuing To Use Existing Courses of Other Military Services (1972-05-23)
- 093328 - Maxwell AFB, Audit of Accounts for the Period July 1, 1970, Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-23)
- 093330 - APO New York 09633, Audit of Accounts for the July 1, 1970, Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-23)
- 094501 - Improvements Needed in Federal Efforts To Implement the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (1972-05-24)
- B-132923 - Progress Payments Made by the Department of the Army During Performance of Contracts for Military Helicopters (1972-05-24)
- B-173370 - Need for Better Management and Control Over Government Transportation Requests in the Department of Defense (1972-05-24)
- 093325 - McCoy AFB, Audit of Accounts for the Period July 1, 1970 Through March 31, 1971 (1972-05-25)
- 088954 - Acquisition of Mineral Rights at Water Resources Projects by the Corps of Engineers (1972-05-25)
- B-164031(2) - Whole-Body Irradiation Program at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and DOD's Policy on the Use of Human Subjects for Medical Research (1972-05-26)
- B-163074 - Review of the System Engineering Study of the Army's Tactical Operations System Operable Segment (1972-05-30)
- B-162578 - Audit of Payments From Special Bank Account to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation for the C-5 Aircraft Program During the Quarter Ended March 31, 1972 (1972-05-30)
- B-172707 - Army's Program To Modernize Ammunition Plants (1972-05-31)
- B-100063 - Cloud-Seeding Activities Carried Out in the United States Under Programs Supported by the Federal Agencies (1972-05-31)