Commercial versus Government Facilities for Storing Military Household Goods
Gao ID: LCD-76-245-249 October 6, 1976An update to a report was done relative to comments by the San Antonio Movers' and Warehousemen's Association and A & W Transfer and Storage Company. The report had cited potential savings in using government-owned facilities at Kelly Air Force Base instead of commercial facilities to store military personnel's household goods. The Department of Defense (DOD) response to the report estimated one-time savings of over $14 million and annual savings of over $700,000 by using the space for other purposes.
GAO has no objections to DOD proposals for economical use of the space, but clarification was deemed necessary. The government opertion would require the same number of employees for staffing the same use of storage containers, and some facility improvement costs. While the concept of making use of available government space is valid, more avantageous utilization is desirable. A follow-up on the proposed use is planned.