Department of Defense Reports for November 1976
- FGMSD-75-52 - Reimbursements to Appropriations (1976-11-01)
Legislative Suggestions for Improved Congressional Control - LCD-76-444 - Survey of Contractor-Operated Parts Store (COPARS) (1976-11-02)
A Support System for Commercial Items - LCD-76-129 - Consolidation of Computer-Output-Microfilm Facilities in Hawaii (1976-11-04)
- FGMSD-76-74 - Serious Breakdown in the Army's Financial Management Systems (1976-11-05)
- HRD-77-15 - Results of Survey of Current and Former VA Physicians and Dentists (1976-11-08)
- HRD-77-13 - Results of Survey of Current and Former PHS Physicians and Dentists (1976-11-08)
- HRD-77-14 - Results of Survey of Current and Former DOD Physicians and Dentists (1976-11-08)
- 089040 - Review of Military Disbursing Officer's Account (1976-11-10)
- LCD-76-443 - Management Action Needed in the Department of Defense To Realize Benefits From a New System of Aircraft Maintenance (1976-11-10)
- LCD-77-103 - National Security Agency's Compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (1976-11-11)
- 089039 - Review of the Corps of Engineers' Procedures and Practices for Establishing Flood Control Operating Criteria at Federal Multipurpose Water Resource Projects (1976-11-11)
- LCD-76-465 - Evaluation of the Department of the Army's Personnel and Cost Estimates for an Electronics Research and Development Command (1976-11-12)
- PAD-77-8 - Alternatives in Controlling Department of Defense Manpower Costs (1976-11-12)
- CED-76-159 - Improvements Needed in Review of Public Land Withdrawals (1976-11-16)
Land Set Aside for Special Purposes - B-185135-O.M. - Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc., Loss and Damage Claim (1976-11-16)
- FPCD-76-93 - Need for Improved Headquarters Personnel Accounting, Navy Pacific Fleet (1976-11-17)
- B-160096 - Department of Defense's Efforts to Develop and Implement New Military Service Guidelines for Assembling and Reporting Statistical Data on Enlisted Retention (1976-11-17)
- HRD-77-5 - Congressional Policy Guidance Should Improve Military Hospital Planning (1976-11-18)
- PSAD-77-52 - Improving Cash Management by Using 'Checks Paid' Method to Reimburse Army Ammunition Plant Contractors (1976-11-24)
- OGC-77-7 - GAO Comments on President's Fourth Special Message for FY 1977 re Impoundments (1976-11-24)
- FGMSD-76-48 - Navy Needs To Insure That Improper Cost Transfers Stop (1976-11-29)
- PSAD-77-12 - Congressman Quie's Request for Comments on Constituent's Proposal for Improving Labor Cost Estimates (1976-11-30)
- ID-77-2 - American Personnel Working on Military or Military-Related Projects in Saudi Arabia (1976-11-30)