Results of Survey of Current and Former VA Physicians and Dentists
Gao ID: HRD-77-15 November 8, 1976Questionnaires were sent to Veterans Administration (VA) Department of Medicine and Surgery (DM&S) physicians and dentists concerning employee satisfaction and job intentions and to former DM&S physicians and dentists asking why they left.
Of the nonresident physicians and dentists employed in 11 VA hospitals who received questionnaires, about 80 percent indicated satisfaction with their present salary, and about 68 percent indicated that they intended to remain with the VA. About 48 percent indicated they would have remained without special pay and about 34 percent would have left without special pay. Only the travel aspect of VA employment had a less than 70 percent satisfaction rate. Resident VA physicians and dentists indicated satisfaction with the majority of aspects of a medical career in VA. Less than 50 percent of the respondents were satisfied with administrative and employment system aspects of a VA career. The reasons most frequently cited for leaving DM&S were: job characteristics, salary and benefits, job locations, and better opportunities elswehere. Salary and benefits were the most important factors cited in decisions to leave DM&S. A large number of physicians and dentists declined VA employment, primarily because of inadequate salary.