Department of Defense Reports for June 1976
- ID-76-51 - Foreign Military Sales--A Growing Concern (1976-06-01)
- PAD-77-5 - Federal Program Evaluations (1976-06-01)
- OPA-76-23 - Federal Information Sources & Systems (1976-06-01)
- ID-76-63 - Evacuation and Temporary Care Afforded Indochinese Refugees--Operation New Life (1976-06-01)
- LCD-76-123 - NSA Methods of Acquiring Automatic Data Processing Equipment (1976-06-02)
- LCD-76-432 - Observations for Improving Depot-Level Maintenance Construction in the Department of Defense (1976-06-07)
- 094278 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Garrison, Okinawa, Japan (1976-06-07)
- 094277 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Research and Development Command (1976-06-07)
- 094279 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Finance and Accounting Center, Indianapolis, Indiana (1976-06-07)
- PSAD-76-148 - Information on the Requirement for Strategic Airlift (1976-06-08)
- 094653 - Major Weapons System Acquisitions (1976-06-08)
- 094276 - Pricing of Selected Contracts at Bell Helicopter Textron (1976-06-08)
- LCD-75-309 - Improvements Needed To Prevent Unnecessary Construction of Reserve Forces Facilities (1976-06-11)
- LCD-76-440 - Opportunities for the Navy To Reduce Its Requirements for Avionics Testing Stations (1976-06-14)
- HRD-76-140 - Federal Costs Involved in Training Physicians Through the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (1976-06-15)
- LCD-75-101 - Problems in Developing the Advanced Logistics System (1976-06-17)
- FOD-76-14 - Electrical and Hospital Rates Charged by the Panama Canal Company and the Canal Zone Government (1976-06-17)
- ID-76-28 - Progress and Outlook for U.S. Security Assistance to the Republic of Korea (1976-06-18)
- LCD-75-451 - Flying-Hour Programs of the Military Services (1976-06-18)
Opportunities for Improved Management - LCD-76-312 - Improvements Needed in Operating and Maintaining Waste Water Treatment Plants (1976-06-18)
- LCD-76-209 - Navy Should Reconsider Planned Acquisition of Two Multimission Ships (1976-06-21)
- 094662 - Comments on Protest Against an Army Contract (1976-06-22)
- 089544 - Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowances Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements (1976-06-24)
- 093993 - Survey of the Pricing of Negotiated Contract (1976-06-24)
- PSAD-76-113 - Critical Considerations in the Acquisition of a New Main Battle Tank (1976-06-24)
- LCD-76-327 - Savings Possible Through Better Management Of Quarters For Enlisted Personnel (1976-06-28)
- 093992 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon, Georgia (1976-06-29)
- 093990 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arizona (1976-06-29)
- 093991 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Communications Command Fort Huachuca, Arizona (1976-06-29)
- 093989 - Audit of Accounts at the U.S. Army Terminal Command, Europe (1976-06-29)
- LCD-76-125 - Utilization at Aberdeen Proving Ground's ADP Installation (1976-06-30)