Utilization at Aberdeen Proving Ground's ADP Installation
Gao ID: LCD-76-125 June 30, 1976GAO surveyed data processing activities at the Aberdeen Proving Ground to assess the overall management effectiveness in using the computer to support the mission.
The Aberdeen Proving Ground operates an IBM model 360/65 computer which was installed in 1970. It is used for business, scientific, and engineering applications and serves as a central computer for several remote activities through telecommunications. Although GAO believes that the management of the data processing facility at Aberdeen has been effective in satisfying user needs and meeting reporting requirements, the central processing unit was in use during fewer than 30 percent of the available hours in fiscal year 1975. While future planned activities might increase the computer workload, GAO believes that excess capacity will exist and, therefore, suggests that actual impact be determined. If sharable capacity remains, GAO believes that the automated data processing (ADP) management within the Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM) should identify other potential business and scientific users in DARCOM, the Department of Defense, or other government agencies. GAO also believes that DARCOM should reexamine its business oriented computer needs before leasing or purchasing replacement or additional ADP equipment and make greater and more efficient use of the Aberdeen facility.