Department of Defense Reports for June 1977
- 102630 - Department of Defense Minority Business Enterprise Program (1977-06-01)
- LCD-76-345 - Improving Military Solid Waste Management (1977-06-02)
Economic and Environmental Benefits - B-183134 - Construction of Space Shuttle Facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base (1977-06-02)
- PSAD-77-115 - Accountability and Control of Warheads in the Custody of the Department of Defense and the Energy Research and Development Administration (1977-06-02)
- LCD-77-402 - Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Thailand (1977-06-03)
Ways to Improve Future Withdrawal Operations - LCD-76-233 - Unauthorized and Questionable Use of Appropriated Funds to Pay Transportation Costs of Non-Appropriated-Fund Activities (1977-06-03)
- CED-77-85 - Actions Needed to Increase the Safety of Dams Built by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps of Engineers (1977-06-03)
- ID-76-84 - Two Coproduction Programs (1977-06-06)
F-5E Aircraft in Taiwan and M-16 Rifle in the Philippines (Unclassified Digest) - FPCD-76-48 - Military Jury System Needs Safeguards Found in Civilian Federal Courts (1977-06-06)
- ID-77-11 - An Evaluation of the U.S. Early Warning System in the Sinai (1977-06-06)
- 102485 - Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account (1977-06-07)
- LCD-76-237 - Submarine Supply Support Costs Can Be Greatly Reduced without Impairing Readiness (1977-06-07)
- 089004 - Letter Report on Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account (1977-06-07)
- 102486 - Review of Military Travel Vouchers (1977-06-07)
- 089003 - Letter Report on Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account (1977-06-07)
- LCD-77-202 - Air Force Continues to Repair Parts When Serviceable Parts Are Available (1977-06-07)
- LCD-77-320 - Planning Federal Assistance to Communities Affected by the Trident Submarine Base, Washington State (1977-06-08)
- LCD-77-216 - Military Services Should Uniformly Adopt Improved Packaging Techniques (1977-06-08)
- HRD-77-93 - Analysis of Variations in Claims Processing Costs of Fiscal Agents for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (1977-06-08)
- LCD-76-457 - Another Look at the Readiness of Strategic Army Forces (Unclassified Digest) (1977-06-09)
- LCD-77-424 - Public Relations Personnel Costs in 20 Federal Agencies and Various Other Costs (1977-06-10)
- PSAD-77-58 - Landsat's Role in an Earth Resources Information System (1977-06-10)
- LCD-77-426 - Centralized Direction Needed for Calibration Program (1977-06-13)
- 102540 - Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act (1977-06-14)
- 089002 - Review of Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act (1977-06-14)
- ID-77-8 - The United States and Japan Should Seek a More Equitable Defense Cost-Sharing Arrangement (1977-06-15)
- FPCD-77-44 - The Federal Role in Merchant Marine Officer Education (1977-06-15)
- LCD-76-425 - The Air Force Can Reduce Inventories by Eliminating Unneeded Stock Levels (1977-06-17)
- FPCD-77-57 - Potential for Contracting Selected Operations at the Air Force Academy Cadet Dining Hall (1977-06-20)
- GGD-77-28 - Crime in Federal Recreation Areas (1977-06-21)
A Serious Problem Needing Congressional and Agency Attention - LCD-77-217 - Costs of Repairing Government Vehicles Damaged in Accidents (1977-06-21)
- LCD-77-350 - Review of the Navy's Fiscal Year 1978 Appropriation Request for Trident Support Facilities Construction Program (1977-06-22)
- 094498 - Procurement Research in GAO (1977-06-23)
Determining What To Procure - LCD-77-309 - Proposed Moves of Certain Agencies in the National Capital Region (1977-06-27)
- CED-77-74 - Dredging America's Waterways and Harbors (1977-06-28)
More Information on Environmental and Economic Issues - CED-77-94 - Slow Progress in Developing and Implementing a National Dam Safety Program (1977-06-29)
- LCD-77-211 - Need to Improve Management of Shelf-Life Items at Storage Activities (1977-06-29)
- 102515 - Actions Needed to Increase the Safety of Dams (1977-06-30)