Appropriated Fund Support for Nonappropriated Fund and Related Activities of the Department of Defense

Gao ID: 103734 September 27, 1977

Military departmental regulations on providing appropriated fund support for morale, welfare, and recreation activities (MWR) are not consistent among the services or with Department of Defense guidelines. Historically MWR operations such as exchanges have been considered not to be funded activities, legally, but have been funded anyway. Military personnel have been used too much, even though regulations generally limit the number allowed and specify the use of civilian personnel. Congress has been inconsistent in its attitude towards funding these activities. The major justification for MWR activities is the monetary savings that they offer their patrons. The true costs of the operations should be identified, giving Congress the opportunity to decide how much money will be appropriated for this function. Two alternative funding guidelines are: (1) appropriated funds should be provided at all locations, but only for the operation of community-type activities on the same basis as they are provided in the nearest urbanized area; and (2) appropriated fund support of MWR should be eliminated at installations in or adjacent to urban areas in the United States when adequate community facilities exist. Congress should continue appropriated fund support for common base services whose MWR costs are not feasible to identify, and prohibit the use of funds for military staffing of MWR programs unless civilian employees are not available.

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