Department of Defense Reports for July 1978
- PSAD-78-124 - Alleged Contractor Deficiencies in Modifying Minuteman Missile System (1978-07-07)
- FPCD-78-48 - Disability Provisions of Federal and District of Columbia Employee Retirement Systems Need Reform (1978-07-10)
- PSAD-78-112 - Managing Weapon System Software (1978-07-10)
Progress and Problems (Unclassified Digest of a Classified Report) - CED-78-123 - Improved Project Authorizations and Agency Practices Can Increase Congressional Control of Water Resources Projects (1978-07-11)
- FPCD-78-27 - Need To Better Inform Military Personnel of Compensation Changes (1978-07-12)
- LCD-78-406 - Aircraft Depot Maintenance (1978-07-12)
A Single Manager Is Needed to Stop Waste - LCD-78-423 - Planning for Coast Guard Mobilization Under Navy Command in Wartime (1978-07-13)
- LCD-78-424 - Planning for Coast Guard Mobilization under Navy Command in Wartime (1978-07-13)
- 108555 - Proceedings of a Symposium on Analysis for Weapons Decisions in Relation to NATO Standardization, Budgeting, and Management (1978-07-14)
- FGMSD-78-43 - Army Commissary Accounting for Gains and Losses Needs Improvement (1978-07-17)
- LCD-78-121 - Development of Department of Defense's Tri-Service Medical Information Systems (1978-07-19)
- LCD-78-214 - The Department of Defense Could Save Several Millions Dollars Annually Through Improved Management and Control of Reusable Containers (1978-07-19)
- PSAD-78-127 - Forward Pricing Rate Agreements in Initial Contract Pricing (1978-07-20)
- 107243 - Trends in A/E Contracting (1978-07-21)
- FGMSD-78-46 - Use of Discount Airline Fares and Teleticketing Would Help Save on Government Travel Expenses (1978-07-21)
- ID-78-37 - Coordination of International Exchange and Training Programs (1978-07-24)
Opportunities and Limitations - FPCD-78-63 - OMB Needs To Intensify Its Work Measurement Effort (1978-07-24)
- PSAD-78-131 - Operational Testing of Foreign Built Weapons Systems (1978-07-25)
- FGMSD-78-47 - Inadequate Methods Still Used To Account for and Recover Personnel Costs of the Foreign Military Sales Program (1978-07-25)
- 106567 - H.R. 8588, a Bill To Establish an Office of Inspector General in Various Federal Departments and Agencies (1978-07-25)
- LCD-78-120 - Government Field Offices Should Better Implement the Freedom of Information Act (1978-07-25)
- FGMSD-78-44 - Full Potential To Achieve Savings by Investing in Fast Payback Productivity Enhancing Capital Equipment Not Realized (1978-07-25)
- LCD-78-421 - Essentiality of Air Force War Reserve Items (1978-07-25)
- PSAD-78-136 - Proposed Relocation of the National Parachute Test Range (1978-07-27)
- PSAD-78-121 - Strategic Need and Cost Effectiveness of the C-141 Stretch Program (1978-07-27)
- LCD-78-320 - Proposal To Convert Base Support Functions From In-house to Contract Operations (1978-07-27)
- PSAD-78-125 - Possibility of Misusing Certified Mail To Circumvent Late Bid Procedures (1978-07-27)
- PAD-78-72 - Budget Authority for Foreign Military Sales Is Substantially Understated (1978-07-27)
- FPCD-78-51 - Defense's Response to the Issues in the Defense Manpower Commission Report (1978-07-28)
- LCD-78-336 - Improvement Needed in Management of Protection and Maintenance Funding (1978-07-31)