Alleged Destruction of Jet Fuel at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho
Gao ID: LCD-80-15 October 29, 1979In response to a request from a Congressman, GAO looked into alleged destruction of overstocked jet fuel at Mountain Home Air Force Base. Also, the Air Force response to this query was evaluated.
No evidence was found of jet fuel destruction due to overstocking. Base inventory records indicated that jet fuel was never in an overstocked position, nor was jet fuel destroyed to avoid an overstocked position. However, both contaminated and uncontaminated jet fuel have been destroyed as part of an authorized firefighting program. The firefighting program could have used more marginally contaminated jet fuel. Base personnel said that an innefficient pumping system had been inhibiting greater use of marginally contaminated fuel supplies. This pumping system was being replaced, and future use of this fuel would be greater. More heavily contaminated fuel supplies were being stored for disposal to a contractor. It was suggested that base officials study the feasability and cost-benefits of using the heavily contaminated fuel to reduce the need for good fuel. No reason was found for disagreeing with the Air Force response to this inquiry.