Changes Needed in Operating Military Clubs and Alcohol Package Stores
Volume II Gao ID: FPCD-79-9A April 23, 1979The military club system is having considerable financial difficulties. In addition to management problems, many clubs are experiencing low patronage by eligible personnel because of the inability of the club system to adequately meet their needs. A survey questionnaire was developed and used to obtain information on the perceptions of active-duty military personnel about their club system and related alcohol package stores. Statistical results of the survey are presented and summarized.
The survey results indicated that: (1) although 56 percent of the military population uses the club at least once a month, 44 percent never uses it or uses it infrequently; (2) oveseas clubs are used more often than clubs in the United States although they are liked less; (3) if negative aspects were improved or eliminated, 45 percent of the population would increase their patronage; and (4) military personnel are generally satisfied with their package stores. The attitudes of military personnel toward their clubs should be continually monitored to identify and attempt to solve problems. The club management officials should try to more effectively satisfy the morale, welfare, and recreational needs of active duty personnel. Where all else has failed, consolidation of club services should be considered as an alternative to continuing to operate several unsuccessful club facilities on a military installation.