Department of Defense Reports for May 1980
- FPCD-80-45 - Problems in Administering the Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Program in the Ready Reserve (1980-05-01)
- FGMSD-80-58 - Improvements Needed in Accounting for Foreign Student Participation in Defense Training Programs (1980-05-07)
- LCD-80-54 - Consolidation of American Forces Radio and Television Service--Washington and Los Angeles Broadcasting Facilities (1980-05-09)
- LCD-80-59 - Does DOD Need a Dedicated System of High Altitude Satellites To Meet Its Strategic Communications Requirements for the Next Decade? (1980-05-09)
- PSAD-80-40 - Is the Joint Air Force/Navy Alternate Engine Program Workable? GAO Thinks Not as Presently Structured (1980-05-09)
- PSAD-80-37 - 'SARs'--Defense Department Reports That Should Provide More Information to the Congress (1980-05-09)
- LCD-80-58 - Replacement and Usage Plans for Switching Locomotives Should Be Reevaluated (1980-05-12)
- CED-80-54 - Federal Land Acquisitions by Condemnation--Opportunities To Reduce Delays and Costs (1980-05-14)
- LCD-80-53 - Reduced Communications Costs Through Centralized Management of Multiplex Systems (1980-05-14)
- B-194765 - Changes Made to Contract (1980-05-15)
- ID-80-30 - Implementing the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977--Good Planning but Many Issues Remain (1980-05-15)
- LCD-80-64 - The Army Can Save Millions Annually by Properly Considering Serviceable Returns in Its Requirements Computations (1980-05-15)
- CED-80-78 - Contracts To Provide Space in Federal Reservoirs for Future Water Supplies Should Be More Flexible (1980-05-16)
- LCD-80-45 - Reserves' Reported Facilities Backlog Now Exceeds $2 Billion; Acquisition Planning Questioned (1980-05-19)
- LCD-80-60 - Air Force Watercraft Program Needs Increased Management Attention (1980-05-19)
- 112392 - Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Program (1980-05-20)
- LCD-80-55 - The Direct Commissary Support System Should Be Expanded To Include More Army Commissaries in Europe (1980-05-20)
- B-198343(MRV) - Army Regulations Governing Holiday Premimum Pay for Part-Time Civilian Employees (1980-05-21)
- B-198472(MRV) - Payment of Holiday Pay to Part-Time Employees (1980-05-21)
- PSAD-80-51 - Analysis and Comparison of Costs and Benefits Associated With Dividing Operations at Arnold Engineering Development Center (1980-05-22)
- B-198413 - Claim for Arrearages of Military Retired Pay (1980-05-28)
- OGC-80-12 - Rescissions of Budget Authority in President's Seventh Special Message for FY 1980 (1980-05-30)