The British Sting Ray Torpedo
Information Should Be Obtained To Determine Potential Benefits to U.S. Antisubmarine Warfare Programs Gao ID: MASAD-81-43 September 14, 1981GAO examined the issues surrounding the Navy's consideration of the British Sting Ray Torpedo as a possible alternative to the Advanced Lightweight Torpedo (ALWT). GAO also addressed the application of Sting Ray or its technology to ALWT, the MK-46 Mod 5 (NEARTIP) lightweight torpedo, and the antisubmarine warfare/standoff weapon (ASW/SOW) programs.
During discussions with both British and U.S. officials, GAO observed apparent misconceptions about each system. Of primary concern to GAO was whether the lack of a complete technical information exchange on the lightweight torpedoes had resulted in a lack of understanding by the Navy of the Sting Ray's potential capabilities. GAO was also concerned about the possible use of the Sting Ray or its technology as an alternative to ALWT and the other ASW weapons. At the time of the GAO review, the Navy did not have adequate information and technical documentation to make a thorough evaluation of Sting Ray's application to ALWT, NEARTIP, and ASW/SOW. GAO observed that, in recent months, progress has been made to alleviate this problem, but continued high level involvement appears critical if additional progress is to be made.