The Army's AH-64 Helicopter and HELLFIRE Missile Retain Risks as They Enter Production

Gao ID: C-MASAD-83-9 January 26, 1983

GAO reviewed the risks still facing the AH-64 advanced attack helicopter and the Hellfire missile upon entering production, and the progress the Department of Defense (DOD) has made in addressing these risks. The programs' affordability will continue to meet congressional questioning as future production increments are considered for funding.

GAO found that there are no indications at this time that either the AH-64 or Hellfire programs should not continue on their present schedules. However, some aspects of both programs bear watching if they are to continue the progress they have made in the past year. GAO pointed out that the government must complete testing and evaluation to verify the success of modifications made to certain critical components which earlier had exhibited some performance problems. DOD officials have closely managed the production aspects of both programs, and many uncertainties have become better understood. Projected costs for building the AH-64 and the Hellfire have escalated the original procurement cost figures and, the Army has reduced significantly the number of helicopters to be procured. GAO stated that the actual affordability of the programs cannot be adequately determined until the production stage has begun and several areas of uncertainty are clarified.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Henry W. Connor Team: General Accounting Office: National Security and International Affairs Division Phone: (202) 275-4141

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