DOD Initiatives Regarding Mobilization Facilities Planning
Gao ID: PLRD-83-40 February 17, 1983GAO conducted a survey of the Department of Defense's (DOD) policies and procedures for identifying and scheduling facilities that will be needed in the event of a partial or full mobilization in the United States.
GAO found that DOD has not determined the type and quantity of facilities needed for mobilization and thus has no estimate of the additional facilities needed or plans to acquire such facilities. The stated reasons for not having determined the facilities needed varied among the services but generally related to the assumption that a war would be so short that, for the most part, only existing resources would be used with little or no time available to mobilize. DOD has initiated a number of actions designed to identify and, if necessary, schedule for acquisition facilities needed for mobilization. GAO believes that the apparent intent to consolidate and emphasize all mobilization planning should facilitate the identification and scheduling of facilities that will be needed in the event of mobilization.