Mission Area Analyses Conducted by the Army Training and Doctrine Command
Gao ID: MASAD-83-20 April 7, 1983GAO has been reviewing the Department of Defense's use of mission area analyses to assess the current or projected capabilities of the armed services to perform their assigned missions. This work led to an examination of the Army's mission area analysis process that has been established for Army-wide application by the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
GAO found that TRADOC has the responsibility for determining deficiencies in 12 mission areas and proposing potential solutions to those deficiencies. These solutions could include changes to doctrine, training, organization, or acquisition of new items of equipment. Most of the mission area analyses and mission area development plans have been completed and TRADOC plans to update the analyses and prepare a battlefield development plan annually. GAO found that the long-range plans required by a Chief of Staff regulation exist only for the research, development, and acquisition plan. No such plans are contemplated for doctrine or organization; however, a plan for training will be developed in the near future. GAO believes that the TRADOC mission area analysis program will improve the Army's requirements determination process and the credibility of the Army statements of need. Therefore, GAO hopes that the mission analysis concept as designed by TRADOC will be supported. GAO also supports the requirements of the Chief of Staff regulation, believes that it should be fully implemented, and encourages the Army to expedite the development of long-range plans for doctrine, training, and organization.