Operations of the Military Services' Senior Scientific Advisory Committees
Gao ID: 122441 September 22, 1983GAO testified on its review of the operations of the three senior scientific advisory committees of the military services: the Army Science Board, the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and the Naval Research Advisory Committee. GAO was asked to determine: (1) whether members of advisory committees have conflicts of interest; (2) whether all relevant points of view are represented in the advisory groups and their panels; (3) the extent to which the same individuals participate in multiple advisory groups or panels within the Department of Defense; and (4) the full cost of the scientific advisory committees. GAO concluded that the services could improve panel independence and objectivity by: (1) documenting potential conflict-of-interest determinations when individuals are selected as panel members; (2) documenting the steps followed in selecting panel members; and (3) announcing all meetings in advance and preparing detailed minutes of all meetings.